Tow hook cover mod

Okay you guys have spurred me on to attaching my cover as well.
Mine is a stainless steel washer bent at 90 degrees, covered in JB Weld, and attached with stainless steel picture hanging wire
LOL you got sick of reading this thread and said screw it Im gonna get this off my bucket list. LOL

now the first time it does pop off and its hanging there when you walk out to your car it instantly paid off being the best cheapest mod you can do
Yeah I agree with warrenw on this one - check your alignment, because those things under the car are NOT for towing the car; they are for securing the car on the flatbed with chains.
The only thing you should use for towing the car in the tow-hook right upfront at the bumper.

The idea of the tow hook is a place to grab so one can pull the car up onto the bed. The four tie downs are made for "t" hooks and these can be used to pull the car onto the bed and doing so will not affect the suspension geometry.

I have seen NSX's that have been reassembled incorrectly for instance a 2002 "upgrade" that had no tow hook at all (non oem bumpers) and then even putting the "t" hook brackets on in the wrong place or UPSIDE DOWN! Bad news that these offenses were sometime not the worse mistakes on the cars and the owners usually never know.

Missing hooks can make safely loading the car a challenge but a knowledgeable experienced pro should be able to do it with out causing damage. I've put many NSX's on flatbeds and never lost a tow hook cover but it DOES happen. I've had a few wrecked cars arrive and they were MIA. Why they don't put them in the car when they take them off is beyond me.

Here's hoping your car never has to go on a flatbed because of a breakdown or damage.:smile:
(PS. Been towing for 45 years.:redface:)
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Someone needs to make these in CF and sell them at the OEM part price.

Why? Coz Carbon Fiber! :D

I lost mine too; when, I don't know. I just recently made note that it was gone...

(I had mine tethered with a wire-tie, basically a skinner/wimpier zip-tie... :o)
there are some thread about mods that are usefull we need to keep them up front for new members to read istead of creating new threads for the same thing that happens and happens and happens again.

carry on folks