Tour of California - Lance Armstrong Smackdown Interview

Hormone replacement is one thing. Doping is another. Just because one has survived cancer doesn't give them carte blanche to do as they please.

I am in no way saying Lance Armstrong has doped.

But it is related. Lance took some cancer fighting medicine that could be later tested as if he doped. In face isn't that what the French cycling association did by retesting Lance's urine from several years back after he won his 7th tour?

Sorry but it's not as cut and dry as you make it.
haha...I'm laughing at the asses that stole LA's time trial they will ever ever be able to sell that bike. Idiots. Talk about stealing on of the most popular bikes of this season...

looks like more and more rain for California huh? Should be an interesting next few stages.

Landis pipped to be one of the favorites...awesome!

Love this race!
It was great to see the race yesterday on roads that I have ridden many times, but not under those conditions!

Lance is in 4th! :eek:

What a fantastic comeback so far.
Whoo hoo! They come to my tiny small town of ~70,000 people tomorrow! They're going to do an autograph session, then ride from downtown in a mass mob through town to the city limits where the race will REALL begin. I'll post up pics in the evening if my prof isn't a d!ck about it.
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Levi was quick to assume fault today for going down...... I think I would have passed the buck to Armstrong.

I watched it several times and it sure seemed that Armstrong stood when everyone remained seated and although he did so smoothly you can see that Levi's front wheel contacted Armstrong's left shoe - then while trying to recover from that he struck the rear wheel of Armstrong with the resultant fall.

Did anyone see it as I did??

Good thing no one was injured.

Police recover Armstrong's $10,000 stolen bike
The Associated Press
Updated: 02/18/2009 04:12:29 PM PST

SACRAMENTO - Lance Armstrong's time-trial bike that disappeared from the Team Astana truck after he used it before Stage 1 of the Tour of California has been found.
Officers said a local resident brought the custom bike, worth about $10,000, to police headquarters Wednesday morning.

The Trek Livestrong 1274 was taken after Armstrong used it during Saturday's time trial. Two other bikes belonging to Armstrong's teammates were also taken, but there was no immediate word from police about whether they were still missing.

Officers wouldn't discuss how the resident came into possession of Armstrong's bicycle, citing an ongoing investigation.

More than 900 people had enlisted in a search for the bike through a Facebook group "1 Million Citizens Looking for Lance Armstrong's Stolen Bike." The search was set up by Rob Quigley, who works in Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's communications office. Schwarzenegger's office was not involved.

Sacramento Police Sgt. Norm Leong on Tuesday denied an Internet report that said the theft was caught on tape.

The fourth annual Tour of California continued Wednesday with a 115.4-mile road race from Merced to Clovis. Armstrong, a seven-time Tour de France winner, entered the day in fourth place.
Levi was quick to assume fault today for going down...... I think I would have passed the buck to Armstrong.

I watched it several times and it sure seemed that Armstrong stood when everyone remained seated and although he did so smoothly you can see that Levi's front wheel contacted Armstrong's left shoe - then while trying to recover from that he struck the rear wheel of Armstrong with the resultant fall.

Did anyone see it as I did??

Good thing no one was injured.


I've watched it a number of times, and again with your insight. I see Lance off his saddle well before Levi went down. IMO, it was Levi just having a lapse of concentration. It happens.
I've watched it a number of times, and again with your insight. I see Lance off his saddle well before Levi went down. IMO, it was Levi just having a lapse of concentration. It happens.

Armstrong tried to take Levi (?) out again today while he was returning his bottle to the cage... talk about a lapse.
Armstrong must just be out for preseason riding and if he was really attempting to be competitive it would be obvious to us all.

Armstrong frustrates me in that when he races the Tour he does so with so much tactic / assistance from Bruyneel that he doesn't work for the stage win..doing just what he needs to obtain / keep the jersey.
Watching the events leading up to the Tour is going to aggravate me because I think he will be doing the same old thing - just doing what he needs to and nothing more.

Armstrong's legacy is going to be for the most Tour wins - and I think he will win in July, - but not the greatest Tour rider. Not by far....and I just don't know why he doesn't want to be regarded as one of the greatest tour riders.
Why he doesn't ride with panache aka Merckx?
and I just don't know why he doesn't want to be regarded as one of the greatest tour riders.
Why he doesn't ride with panache aka Merckx?

It's a gift that can't be trained for, even Merckx' own son doesn't ride with the flair Eddy displayed every time he threw a leg over.
Armstrong tried to take Levi (?) out again today while he was returning his bottle to the cage... talk about a lapse.

That wasn't Levi, it was Popovich.

The Tour De France is a tactical race, not just a race of power. It has, in the last 20 or so years, become a team race as well. Armstrong wins what he must and saves himself when he can. You'll notice that it takes a team to bring the sprinters to the finish line, but the sprinters never contest the mountains. Armstrong can't contest the sprints, but he can attack in the time trials (like Lemond did) and he can attack in the mountains. In an interview yesterday (?) he said that his training is right on track, maybe even ahead of schedule, for where he should be for July. But for this race he knows that Levi is the stronger rider and the most likely to win overall. IMO, he is being quite honest in his stated dedication to being a team player and bringing Levi to the podium in the end of this tour.
Ah man, got up way too early. Stayed out way too late. Going to bed NOW way too late. I'm bushed. Here's a sneak peak at ONE of the pictures. This Canon is FAST, 6.5fps. I managed to shoot over 400 shots of the race from one spot. 400 of the shots occurred from the first car infront to the last car behind them. Very cool. Anyhow I got another surprise pop quiz for the TRUE SLR professional to identify a certain lens I happened to get a peek at in someone's car. All that to come later on. I'm too damn tired. Here's one small shrunk down pic for now. Guess who's to the far right.

Enjoy, I have over 400 more images lol. Even though you might only see like a few pics of the riders going by, I've got a good 100+ images of them in the short few seconds that they went through. Let me know if you're looking for something specific.






























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Images are up. Enjoy.

If you're gonna turn a buck on any of em, let me know, we can split it lol.

Oh and GUESS THAT LENS! :) And why it is so special

Critiques are definitely welcome since I am new at this Digital SLR bit and this was my first REAL opportunity to shoot at HIGH frame rate.
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What awesome shots. You can see the determination and concentration in the riders' faces. I used to have a roommate who rode on the US cycling team. Those pics remind me of those days.
Koolaid you rock! Great photos and I'm surprised none of the riders went down in that puddle. If you look closely at one of the shots a rider is going thru it directly! His shorts must have needed changing after that ballsy move...
Who is the other famous cycling "Voice". He was driving and talking on the mic in the metalic brown Volvo station wagon with the speakers on top. It's not Phil Ligget. It's a younger guy, round face. He stopped and made annoucements and got the crowd pumped up everytime there was a crowd of people on the sides.
I don't have any photography skills.......and my limited photos from the TDF 2003 are proof. There are a lot of colorful blurs.
Although it would have been nice to come away with some great pictures of the tour riders, I really wish I would have had someone take a picture of me climbing Tourmalet when I passed by Didi - the red devil guy...he shouted at me shaking the pitch fork.. it was great.
The tour riders come by so fast that every time I was attempting to take a picture it left me with a feeling that I was missing out on something by not being able to see the entire field.

Check out the photos of "lance's comeback" and "cycling" under the index on Elizabeth Kreutz's website.

Liz is a good friend of ours. Very cool person!! Always has good stories.
Who is the other famous cycling "Voice". He was driving and talking on the mic in the metalic brown Volvo station wagon with the speakers on top. It's not Phil Ligget. It's a younger guy, round face. He stopped and made annoucements and got the crowd pumped up everytime there was a crowd of people on the sides.

It's probably Bob Roll, former Tour (de France) competitor. Funny guy, and a pretty good poet too.

BTW, AWESOME time trial stage!!! :eek::eek::eek: I guess we know why Lance is dedicated to teamwork to bring Levi home on the podium. Levi is, simply put, the strongest rider on the Tour.
Nice shots!! What is the lens?


It's just the kit lens that came with my Canon 40d. It's a 17-85 ef-s f/4-5.6 IS USM.

I've only had it now for ~1 month and have taken just over 2000 pictures with it. I'm barely at the point where now I start to have a tough time deciding what to show/post. So I'm progressively getting better. Good thing it has a 100,000 shutter life! lol The cameras and lenses are expensive and a tough choice to let go of the money and buy, but worth it once it's in your hands and you're snapping off frames.

What's crazy is there is ANOTHER, well two,semi high profile race coming through town just a few days after this one. Lance came through on the 16th, and there is one TODAY going through a neighboring hill town, and our downtown criterium TOMORROW.

Snelling Road Race
Merced Criterium

Which reminds me, get my ass outta bed NOW! Time to go shoot some more pictures!
It's probably Bob Roll, former Tour (de France) competitor. Funny guy, and a pretty good poet too.

BTW, AWESOME time trial stage!!! :eek::eek::eek: I guess we know why Lance is dedicated to teamwork to bring Levi home on the podium. Levi is, simply put, the strongest rider on the Tour.

Bob Roll! Oh yeah! That's the familiar name I was hearing all morning long.

Yeah, lance is definitely a strong team captain. The team is EXTREMELY awesome, with Columbia nipping at them pretty good.
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