torn window seal

9 July 2006
Does anyone know the best way to fix this without replacing it.

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Yes. I do it all the time.

Get some urethane adhesive, the kind used to install windshields as shown below.

Clean the mating halves with alcohol and glue them using a small bit of black urethane.

You can use a small acid brush(pictured) and spread it over the joint.

Use sparingly and let it dry overnight unmolested and out of service.

I strongly suggest wearing a pair of latex gloves because this stuff is murder trying to get off your skin or clothes.

This happened to me last year and I repaired it using windshield urethane as well and it has worked very well! Mine tore because the rubber attachment tabs had popped out of place in that corner and the window actually stretched it to the point of tearing while being rolled up. Make sure after your repair, that you check this and see if it needs to be pushed/tucked back in all the way so it's snug or else next time you roll up your window, it just going to tear again! Don't ask me how I know this.