Top Gear: C6 Corvette video (drag race with NSX)


Ay Ooop Chuck = Hello Mate

Ee by gum = My Word (exclamation of surprise)

seethee :D

Anyway - drifted off topic, but certainly friendlier. :cool:

I have heard Jeremy rant about bland boring Japanese Cars, at the motorshow some years back he launched into a tirade of abuse aimed at the Nissan Sunny ....... I was driving a 100NX (Sunny based coupe) at the time, but still laughed my socks off. He is an entertainer. Tongue in cheek almost cartoon. Don't take it seriously.

Still, great to see the NSX do so well, many TV viewers over here are also daft enough to believe that entertainment shows are more factual than they are so it won't have harmed my colleagues' views of my car of choice! :cool:
Top Gear Videos link here

You'll have to use a program called "Azureus" to download it, but there's a link there to install it (and it has NO spyware). It will take over an hour to download the 200MB files using the peer-to-peer network on Azureus... but the shows are worth it... they're a hoot, and they LOVE to flog cars on the track!

Download the 12/28/03 show which has an NSX-R going round the track (43 minutes into the hour-long show). These guys loved the car, but hated it too (it's not British or a 911). Good track footage of the NSX on the wet track, though...
kevintari said:
Sounds like a bunch of pompous British twits, if you ask me.
Well thought out and educated opinion. ;)

docrings, thanks for the additional footage - I have a CD somewhere with lots of NSX magazine articles scanned in, I should make my next NSX library addition a DVD with all the NSX TV show coverage!
Hey guys, as you notice my one post number, I am hear to read what NSX'ers have to say about the episode because it was indeed strange. I was just over at viper forums arguing that if the new Viper does poorly at the TG track, its a poor car and not the Stig purposfully ruining it cuz they are biased.
But for the C6 drag race, I have to admit, I was surprised along with everyone else.
I do find it hard to believe, but dont doubt it. Primarily because, and I know this might sound crazy but bear with me, I believe Top Gear and Clarkson are generally honest.

I have seen EVERY video about cars Clarkson has every made from 1995 to present. I have read ALOT of his articles. I've seen him driving a jeep in iceland in a volcano in 1995 and watched him drive a viper rt/10 in detroit. I've watched every top gear and every power lap video. He definetly knows his cars and has more experience than prolly 99% if not all the people on this forum including myself.

YES, he loves british cars. But its based more being proud of his country and pride of what it makes. But make no mistake, he ripped the DB7 a new a**hole and said it was 'hopeless', the one he had caught fire. He admitted the Range Rover has been 'matched technically' by the land cruiser.
He is very honest and gives credit where credit is due and criticism where it due as well. Believe me, as a proud porsche driver, i dont like hearing 'engine in the wrong place', 'knobs like boiled sweets', but it is the truth and I'll be the first to admit and not let my ego sway judgement. He hates the 911 i'd say equally with the vette. Yet the new 996TT he said was the 'BEST car in the WORLD' in 2001 and he made a whole video about that. He said it was better than a Ferrari 355-which he said was the best ferrari ever and he says, 'ferrari is a scaled down version of god'. He said the GT3 had the best chassis EVER is a car! some pretty strong words!

So my point is by getting to know him over the past 15 years through his videos by what he says about cars, I can honesty says he is forthright and candid in his opinions.

Now I see 'most' of this forum agrees that the C6 race wasnt 'realistic'. And for that reason I respect it(the forum). Its true the viper and corvette guys now hate top gear cuz they think they 'faked' it.

But I believe those were the actual results (most likely they averaged a few runs) and here is my objective explanation.
I think those awesome figures in magazines for the C6 are from beating the sh*t out of the clutch and tranny's.
I would bet, that richard granny shifted the C6 and that accounts for it not running the NSX down as it normally would. Now granny shifting in the NSX was mostly likely done as well, but the NSX rows through the gears so easily anyway that shifting any harder wouldnt make it go faster. I figured this since him and clarkson complained about the effort. I assume they are used to racing with one finger on the stick.
Couple that with the wheelspin that may even have been eliminated by a lucky launch from Motortrend- if you launch a hard-to-launch-car 100 times in a day, chances are just once you are gonna get a perfect launch once and then record that figure.
Now i am not an NSX fan at all. To be honest I liked it 13 years ago. Its way over due for a redesign. But i think its ancient now and by todays standards doesnt hold up as well as it used to. When the next gen comes around, I'm def gonna take another look.
And I dont like the vette either. The plastic on the inside and plastic on the outside really get to me too. I also prefer technology, rather than pushrods and 2-valve heads. Just trying to be impartial and not meaning to start any wars. just my 2 cents from someone who knows clarkson well.

p.s. in clarkson's review of the C6:
"'s an extremely likeable car....The only thing that would stop me from buying one is my wife. But since you aren't married to her, I'd go right ahead."
Autostream said:
Now i am not an NSX fan at all. To be honest I liked it 13 years ago. Its way over due for a redesign. But i think its ancient now and by todays standards doesnt hold up as well as it used to. When the next gen comes around, I'm def gonna take another look.
A Porsche fan calling the NSX styling ancient and due for a redesign....
:D :confused:
hlweyl said:
A Porsche fan calling the NSX styling ancient and due for a redesign....
:D :confused:
why so confused? In the past 14 years since the NSX, the porsche has gone through 3 redesigns, from 964 to 993 (40% new parts) to 996 (99% new parts) to 997 (85% new parts) where the NSX has gone through none!
ok, i've worked out a hypothesis, but I need your help.

I'd say the C6 lost lost because they granny shift cars normally. And the C6 gear change would be especially slow considering how notchy it was when he changed up at 54:35 during the drag race in the aug 1 show. It took him exactly 0.6 second to switch gears as it got stuck in neutral for half that time. The NSX's box by contrast is much smoother and therefore, faster.
0.6 seconds is an eternity for a shift in a drag race. If for example the NSX could shift in 0.3 seconds, that could be a whole second the vette would lose in a drag race. I dont know what the NSX shifting times are and I dont know what gear the Vette traps in.
But now the test is starting to look realistic.
And if the a/c was on in the vette, it was on in the other cars as well, they're not stupid.
There was smoke from the tires on the vette and porsche which means tires were spinning. Leading one to believe the trac computers were all disabled.
The NSX is the easiest to launch of that group. A fact that has never been disputed. It's mid engine, and low torque figures are optimal for launches. And you can see in the video, it jumped everything and clearly was a full car length ahead of the C6 and the TVR at 2 seconds into the race.

Does anyone have normal (not records) shift times?
A vid or something where I could count the frames?

I know Car&Driver beats the piss out of tranny's to get those amazing low figures which are then adjusted for things like atmosphere since the cars never race at the same time.
It's nice to see a 'real world' race with a real road and identical weather and normal drivers who arent out to break tranny's and clutches just to get amazing numbers.
Autostream said:
why so confused? In the past 14 years since the NSX, the porsche has gone through 3 redesigns, from 964 to 993 (40% new parts) to 996 (99% new parts) to 997 (85% new parts) where the NSX has gone through none!

i think he's probably referring to the fact that to the average person on the street, the porsche look hasn't changed all that much in 14 years, regardless of the engineering. on a side note, there have been a fair number of changes to the nsx, but i'm sure you're probably aware of that.

year by year changes here:
buddy I think you're reaching a little...what should the C6 guy been doing? Powershifting? Double Clutching? Clutchless? I can't see any of these being faster...likely being slower. Regardless the shift lever has to move from point a to point b to get there so what are you trying to say about how fast it takes to put the car in gear?
satan_srv said:
buddy I think you're reaching a little...what should the C6 guy been doing? Powershifting? Double Clutching? Clutchless? I can't see any of these being faster...likely being slower.....

my point exactly, I dont think it could have been shifted faster unless you beat it on it. buddy

I have to agree with you about Jeremy Clarkson and the Top Gear team. I think they really do tell it like it is!

Questions I have for everyone are.....

1. How can the NSX Styling be called "Ancient" when the 911 shape is 35 years old?

2. Why must Honda bring out a completely new model to replace the NSX? Was the original design that flawed that they must start all over again?

3. Is the fact that the NSX is NOT European the reason people EXPECT a total redesign... And the reason that the Porsche has NOT replaced the 911 is the fact that it IS European and therefore should NOT change? (I refer to Porsche trying to kill off the 911 in the late 80's and the buying public not letting them as the customer wanted a "recognisable Porsche")

So let me propose this and let's see what the NSX buying public want????

I would like to see the NSX maintain the current basic shape and just slowly refine the design as Porsche have done with the 911.

For example:

1.larger capacity engine and more horsepower... Look at the Porsche 911 2.2L, then 2.4L, then 2.7L, then 3.0L, then 3.2L, then 3.6L and now 3.8L. Honda started at 3.0L then 3.2, then nothing :confused:

2. Brakes upgrade. Honda started at 282mm then 300mm... keep the upgrades coming.. how about 330mm guys and then throw ceramics in as an option. ;)

3. Tyre / wheel upgrade to reflect the advancing tyre technology...

IMHO... The NSX was a huge leap above Porsche and Ferrari back in '91 and with constant refinement would have maintained that lead. Honda dropped the ball and allowed Porsche and Ferrari to not only catch-up but overtake Honda in the supercar market. Consequently, to redeem themselves Honda now looks like it has to bring out a whole new model...

I love the 911 and is the only Porsche I would buy... (again). As a previous Porsche 911 owner (admittedly it was a SC) I prefer my NSX as I believe it is rarer, more exotic better handling and a more refined car overall.

Ooops, sorry I seem to have slipped off topic here but since I have typed it would be a waste to delete it all now...
OK here's my $0.02

those vette guys are babies. So what some journalist may be against your car? WHy do u need to justify your purchase to others? Are you buying it to impress people? Get over your car, it's not God's gift to automobiles. Good performance? YES much respect, but who cares what he thinks...

buy your car,
love your car no matter what others think,
be proud of it. don't cry like babies.

there is alot more people who think the NSX is garbage than the Vette, but I don't hear about these guys crying. They hold their heads high knowing they have avehicle which pulls at their heartstrings like no other. I prefer an NSX. So I'm gonna buy one, regardless of what jeremy Clarkson thinks, LOL...

just drive your car, :)
I must admit i didn't read all the post, but nobody I saw said the obvious....all the car mags compare an NSX-T to a ZO6!!!!!
Why not a NSX-T to a Corvette convertable or t -top. And a coupe to a coupe?!!!
How bout a ZO6 vs a Type S Zero or NSX-R, or to be more fair and ZanardI!!!!!! They might say that they're not available here, but u can still import them lets compare apples to apples then we'll see some real a$$ kickin'.

And also anyone who thinks the Corvettes that come from the factory, not a dealer, for the mag test aren't getting sooped up alittle is crazy, just look how when they do muliple test during the year.... they always get faster, not just when they add hp. Of coasre Checy advertises in there mags and Acura doesn't (at least not the NSX). Think there some bias? Hmmmm......
Dan, your point fails to mention that the Z06 still costs A LOT less than the NSX-T... I do not see the need to gray inport a NSX-R for twice (or better 3x) the price to have the "satisfaction" to beat(?) the Z06...