took my NSX to a car show last night....

16 July 2007
New Jersey
It's mainly a muscle car show, a couple of hundred cars on display. My friend and I brought our NSX's, we were the center of attention.

Half the people didn't know what kind of car it was, the other half knew exactly what it was.

When I left towards the end of the night, a group of 20 yr olds yelled, "I love your NSX".
It's mainly a muscle car show, a couple of hundred cars on display. My friend and I brought our NSX's, we were the center of attention.

Half the people didn't know what kind of car it was, the other half knew exactly what it was.

When I left towards the end of the night, a group of 20 yr olds yelled, "I love your NSX".

Get used to the attention brother. Our cars are known for garnering lots of it! I had a guy stop in front of me, get out of his car and ask me if his wife/girlfriend could take a picture of it. It was a residential street so I agreed. He asked me to reverse a bit and took several pictures.
Re: took my NSX to a car show last night..............

I entered my 100% stock '91 in a local show and won first prize for Stock import. With the front hood open, I got a lot of questions. Very few people knew the car.

One guy asked me if I moved the engine to the rear by my self..

An 11 year old told me it was his favorite car in Grand Torismo. (a video game?)

Another asked if you could still buy them for around $60k? I answered "SOLD"
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Re: took my NSX to a car show last night..............

I took mine to the local Coffee and Cruise get together this past Saturday morning. When I pulled in the owner of a silver Ford GT told me to park the NSX next to his car.

Between the two cars, they drew quite a bit of attention.

Of course I forgot my cell phone and my camera.

There was a photographer there who took quite a few pictures of our two cars. He told me his facebook site, but when I got home I couldn't find it. I probably didn't remember it correctly.

I plan to go back again before the summer is over and see if I can't see and possibly get a few shots he took.

My NSX was still all shined and cleaned from an American Lung Association benefit car show I participated in the week before.
Re: took my NSX to a car show last night..............

NSX is a very unquie car in every way. You will always get attention anywhere and everywhere you go :smile:.

You must feel really good last night huh? you should :biggrin:
Re: took my NSX to a car show last night..............

NSX is a very unquie car in every way. You will always get attention anywhere and everywhere you go :smile:.

You must feel really good last night huh? you should :biggrin:

Yes, i let several of the on lookers sit in the car. You should have seen their faces!
Re: took my NSX to a car show last night..............

Here in So Cal we have Cars and Coffee in Irvine, CA and even though the NSX isn't uncommon, I still get lots of compliments on the car, especially for the Long Beach Blue Pearl color.

Today, on the way home from a meet/drive, I was getting gas at Costco and the woman attendant asked me what it was, and then, if it was brand new. I told her it was 7 years old, and not made anymore.
Re: took my NSX to a car show last night..............

Here in So Cal we have Cars and Coffee in Irvine, CA and even though the NSX isn't uncommon, I still get lots of compliments on the car, especially for the Long Beach Blue Pearl color.

Definitely Kyras, your car is real purty when I saw it at Cars and Coffee.

Had my NSX at the Irvine show last fall, was the only NSX there for about 2-3 hours. Had lots of peekers, photos, odd questions

I offered a dad with two little kids to have them take the seat for a "test drive" and photo op... The little boy, maybe 5/6 years old, sat on the edge of the seat, grabbed the steering wheel and said proudly, "daddy, I'm gonna be a race car driver when I grow up and I want a car just like this one" It was hilarious. :biggrin:
Re: took my NSX to a car show last night..............

The last show I had my car in, there was a young guy, I'm guessing late teens who was all excited about the car, saying a NSX is his dream car, etc.

I asked him if he would like to sit in it? Well that was a no brainer to answer. He jumped in behind the steering wheel with a grin from ear to ear.

I enjoy blessing others with the car. Plus I figure, I need to keep the younger generation interested in the car, so the value of NSX's will increase. :smile:
Re: took my NSX to a car show last night..............

I was at a car show over the weekend and had several people come up and complement the car. Several people walked up to me and were confused and said, 'Honda? I did not know they made a car like this' (my car in completely cosmetically converted to all JDM Honda spec with the exception of moving the steering wheel to the other side). I just smiled. I let one kid drive the car and he came back thrilled and swearing to own one. He got out of the car already talking about the modifications he will do when he buys one. :biggrin:

The great thing is that the car was able to stand out, even in a sea of Ferraris, Vipers, and other extensively modified cars. It made me proud.
I was at the mall and a couple stopped me as I was getting in. The husband asked if I would sell the car for $25K. He said it was always his dream car. Told him give me a call when funds in hand ready to purchase her.
Re: took my NSX to a car show last night..............

The last show I had my car in, there was a young guy, I'm guessing late teens who was all excited about the car, saying a NSX is his dream car, etc.

I asked him if he would like to sit in it? Well that was a no brainer to answer. He jumped in behind the steering wheel with a grin from ear to ear.

I enjoy blessing others with the car. Plus I figure, I need to keep the younger generation interested in the car, so the value of NSX's will increase. :smile:

Exactly, keep the NSX desirable with the next generation!
This is like a Cars and Coffee but it takes place at night, its really Cars and Beer

HA! I like that. I guess that explains this picture. :D ;)

Cars and Beer
ahh, a combo as magically wonderful as girls and bikinis.

I need to get out and about in my car more often - took it for an evening drive the other night and not only does it get a good bit of attention, but it gets polite and sincere attention. I almost feel like it is a different kind of attention that a ferrari would get - rather than "wow, look at the rich guy in his fancy car" its more of a "hey, now that's a sharp looking car".
Re: took my NSX to a car show last night..............

I took mine to the local Coffee and Cruise get together this past Saturday morning. When I pulled in the owner of a silver Ford GT told me to park the NSX next to his car.

Between the two cars, they drew quite a bit of attention.

Of course I forgot my cell phone and my camera.

There was a photographer there who took quite a few pictures of our two cars. He told me his facebook site, but when I got home I couldn't find it. I probably didn't remember it correctly.

I plan to go back again before the summer is over and see if I can't see and possibly get a few shots he took.

My NSX was still all shined and cleaned from an American Lung Association benefit car show I participated in the week before.

This your car?

and the FGT
I was at the American Lung Association Car show with RBilder. Wish I had more time to detail my car, but I just found out the night before.



A friend of mine who is a member of the local Mustang club called me at the last minute on Memorial Day to invite my 91 NSX to the Annual Wounded Warrior's Car Show. (I had mentioned that I wanted to do some charitable car shows) I got to the gate and this guy asks me what class I'm in and I said what do you mean. He said the show was competitive. Now, I have never been in a competitive show before and responded, I'm not sure what class I belong in. He asked what kind of car it is it a tuner? And I said it is not a tuner! It's a foreign sports car from Japan and 100% stock.

Now, I'm in the "original foreign sports car class" against MGs, Austin Healys, old Porsches and BMWs. My car was dusty by my standards and I didn't have detailer spray in the trunk. So I parked it where they told me and opened it up for the judges to see when they come around. I had no presentation (posters,trophys, books or models to display) like the others. I just parked the dusty car and left to see other cars and hang with my Mustang friend. To make a long story short... all I did was park my dirty car and I won my class. I guess the NSX was so different from what they usually see that they were impressed dirt and all. I felt a little guilty since I'm really not into the competition thing and I did no detailing work or set up presentations like the others. I just like hanging with other car guys and learning about each other's cars. My NSX creates those opportunities and that is one of the best parts of owning it.
Haha, I get almost no attention in my car where I am.

Everybody flocks to the Monte Carlo SS and Mustang GT. And because it's not a "super truck" F-150 or "ponycar" most don't care at all.

Fine with me cause they're not going to crash into it...
Haha, I get almost no attention in my car where I am.

Everybody flocks to the Monte Carlo SS and Mustang GT. And because it's not a "super truck" F-150 or "ponycar" most don't care at all.

Fine with me cause they're not going to crash into it...

I find that really hard to believe... can't imagine a Mustang or Monte Carlo SS getting more attention than a NSX.
Re: took my NSX to a car show last night..............

This your car?

and the FGT

Correct, that is my NSX & the Ford GT that was there. :cool:

I believe the pictures of our cars at the Coffee and Cruise were from a different day. Mine was posted on May 19, which was my birthday when I stopped by that morning.
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I see Nukem posted pictures of our cars at the car show to Benefit the American Lung Association.

I began participating in some shows a couple years ago. Mostly because the NSX isn't a car that is seen where we live. It gives people the opportunity to see it and it can be fun to hang out with other car guys, answer questions, and some times bless others.

I picked up a few items to become more competitive, like a sign. But to be honest, in the shows I've participated I don't believe having a sign adds to the scores (quite a few are participant judged).

I did the sign mostly to compete against a car show veteran who owns a 2005 Lotus Elise. His car won two years back in what was my second show. It was the largest single day car show in the midwest. My Classic Cars was there to film an episode that year (2010).

He was very nice and gave me some pointers. I wanted to come back last year and beat him, or at least give him a run for his money.

As it turned out, I just gave him a run for his money.

I've never brought my trophies to display at a show. I participate for the fun and if it can benefit somebody else. Plus it amazes me how many nice cars that you can see.
I find that really hard to believe... can't imagine a Mustang or Monte Carlo SS getting more attention than a NSX.

Ever been to middle of nowhere Alberta. It ain't T-DOT out here...:frown: