Took a Nice Drive Today.

I have been less inclined to start the car during the winter...but who knows if I have some subtle electric grounding gremlin that discharged it sooner:confused:
I have been less inclined to start the car during the winter...but who knows if I have some subtle electric grounding gremlin that discharged it sooner:confused:

You're not supposed to be sitting in it in the garage listening to music all winter pretending you're driving! :redface:
Ahh yes listening to Sailing by Christopher Cross as I sit in my dying my garage.....but it takes me away to where I wanna be...
Took the car out for the first time this year. There was a ton of snowy water run off so I had to give it a mini wash when I got home. :frown:

Aaron, how come you still have so much snow? we got nothing here in queens. I could not resist taking my out for a ride yesterday because the weather was too good to pass up haha.
i saw a red NA1 today: black top coupe, early model exhaust tips, in Warren on King George Road heading South between Mt Horeb Rd and Washington Valley Rd. You were stuck behind a slow moving truck i believe, but still looked amazing.

I passed by you in my girlfriend's RX350. would have waved, but my window was down.

seeing an nsx always gets me giddy.

was it anyone on here, or anyone know who it was?
Aaron, how come you still have so much snow? we got nothing here in queens. I could not resist taking my out for a ride yesterday because the weather was too good to pass up haha.

Bernard, we really got hammered a week and a half ago here. I had 27" on my deck after the last snow. It was very wet and heavy snow which made for some fun shoveling. Snow blower did 95% of the work and even that took 2 hours. It will be a while until I see my lawn. I did noticed today that some of the pot holes were filled on my road. 3 down, 3 million to go. :mad:
Took the NSX out again for a brief chore today. I passed this on my driveway as I headed out -- a good reminder that Spring is less than 2 weeks away.

A reminder: You don't want to get any of that pine cone sap on the car ..... it's tough on the finish. :eek: