Today.......I am a superstar!!!!!

4 December 2005
Aptos Ca.
Just took delivery of a 92 blk/blk 5 speed. Car makes some bueatiful noises in stock guise. Is 6k rpm vtec kick in time??? seems so. I am pretty jaded as I normaly drive turbo and 12cyl cars however , I love this car already!!!!

One thing that bothers me though. I spoke with the tech that is famliar with this vehicle and all that turned out rosy. I asked the seller if their is any known issues or problems with the car (more then once) and he said no. Yet on my PPI (Master Tech') I noticed a lil variation in the speed in the drivers window and commented on it. Seller cleared his throat and said "ohh yea the dealer said it just needs to be lubed" Ahaaaa. I see. But what realy burns my ass a lil , probably because I missed it, is the fact that the power antenna is inop'. Now did by not informing me of the inop antenna did the seller realy think this would be a deal breaker on a car costing this amount of money??????

Ohhh how I laughed inside when the seller wanted me to go with him to the bank to make sure my $100.00 bills were real. Now let me get this straight, you know where I work, you know where I live (not exactly the wrong side of the tracks) yet I am going to pay you in counterfit bills????

I hope my NSX ownership gets better. Sorry for the ramble. I don't have any pics of my car but you can see it on the nsxs's for sale thread. 92 blk/blk 79k miles.
when I bought my car the guy took my cashiers check that even had his name typed on it by my bank and went and deposited it first before he let me take the car, funny thing is he left me at his house with his vett and the nsx. If I was going to pay with a fake cashiers check I damn sure wouldnt have been waiting around for his return!!
I agree with will.

It only takes one time....doesnt matter what part of town the person is from...or how he looks..most of the guys who do these kind of scams..specially in person...look very respectable, trustworthy ..(not shady and untrustworthy like most people think)there is no harm of being cautious....because believe me...if it ever happens to you. just wont be as funny..:cool:
The guy I bought mine from OWNED the bank he took me to. Same thing, had a cashiers check from bank of america, but we still had to shoot the breeze as we waited for the check to clear...

Don't blame the guy at all. Business is business!
I understand that it is just todays slightly less then then trustworthy society that we live in however, that'd be a hell of a lot of counetfeit plates to make as every serial number was ummmm different.

When I bought my NSX from Gheba I had access to his Vespa during the day while we where waiting for the money to clear. I did not check his fridge and his girlfriend had already left when I got up. :)

I could have fled the country on his 125cc Vespa :biggrin: , but I was after the keys to the Silver lady so I waited until the banks sorted out the transfer.

I found myself in downtown Zurich with Gheba on the phone with a stuffed bankaccount and my keys to the NSX. Only thing I had was the Vespa and a vague memory where Gheba lived. :smile:

It was pretty motivating to know that Gheba was standing by with the keys to my dreamcar. :smile:

Ofcourse I had nothing to worry about and the trip home was priceless. But I understand that people on both sides wants to be sure that the deal is all good both the car and the money.

Rallywrc welcome and congrats!

Rallywrc said:
But what realy burns my ass a lil , probably because I missed it, is the fact that the power antenna is inop'. Now did by not informing me of the inop antenna did the seller realy think this would be a deal breaker on a car costing this amount of money??????

Are you sure that it is just not unplugged. This was the first thing I did when I bought mine. A major eye-sore.!!! I am sure when/if you see it way up in the air you will be inclined to disconnect it. :biggrin:
Haha, you know what is funny... I almost bought that car, you must be the other guy from Canada he mentioned. Did you buy it from the guy in Alabama? I killed the deal as soon as he got to the part about verifying the authenticity of my $100 bills. He said he wanted to drop the car off but keep the keys and title and then take the money to the bank with his brother then come back and give me the keys and title. Sounded fishy to me!

Anyhow, I bought a red 94 with fewer miles for less :) The car is very clean and I am happy. Thanks Jerry :)

Thankyou. That was a good read!! Pitty gheba didn't let you have a go with his girlfriend as well as the Vespa:eek: :biggrin:

Didrock, you might be onto something about the antenna being disconnected. I'll be sure to have a lil looksy before I order a replacement.

Scin, different car, different country , different state. Ummmm but I'm glad you shared you got one with less miles for less. Priceless.:confused:
Assuming we're talking about a typical NSX price, why would someone show up with payment in $100 bills? I'm not sure I would accept that and would probably insist on a cashier's check or funds transfer to avoid the federal cash transaction reporting requirements.
bodypainter said:
That doesn't answer my question about why you would use cash in the first place. Is there a tin foil hat involved?
hahahahaha! great post to read at an early hour of the morning...
A friend of mine has a pawn shop. A few years ago, we sold a watch (my watch, his storefront) to someone on ebay for $10k. Got a certified check from Bank of New York. Called the bank and was told that if it had the security marks and seal, it was good.

A few days later, I'm in his store and he tells me he forgot to ship the watch but that it is going out that day (it was packed and labeled). As the UPS guy pulls up, the phone rings and it is his merchant bank calling to tell him that the check was fake. :eek:

We were seconds away from losing $10k so yes, I too would wait for the check to clear.
I just got a note from my accountant yesterday that my bank had received in a deposit a counterfeit $100 bill.

Its funny how you never think about things like counterfeit bills until you get hit with one. Thank god it was only $100 and not $1000 in counterfeit bills !
When I sold my NSXs two years ago, the buyers showed up with a cashier's checks. We went to the bank to verify the checks and everything went well. The buyers were gracious and did not think I was being anal about it. Nowadays, fake cashier's checks look totally real and EVERYONE should be careful to avoid disasters.
djdrock said:
Are you sure that it is just not unplugged. This was the first thing I did when I bought mine. A major eye-sore.!!! I am sure when/if you see it way up in the air you will be inclined to disconnect it. :biggrin:

DJ, you rock!!! you are correct sir, unplugged it was:biggrin: What is the hot setup for non eye sore look antenna?? is the SU2000 a plug and play affair or is there a fair bit more involved with the install?? Has anyone tried the "fin" type antenna as seen on ebay??

Update, used search and bought "shark attack II" type antenna off ebay $37.00 shipped.
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