To all those that have NSXs for sale on Market

If I were in the market for a NSX, I'd be all over Tim's car. Anytime I bought a car from a private individual, one of the biggest and most important things I look at is the owner -- what kind of person is he? How does he drive the car? How does he keep his garage and house? Stuff like this will tell you how the car has been treated and cared for. Just look at some of Tim's posts (ok, pick some of his 2500 or so posts.... :biggrin: ) -- you can see this guy is passionate about his NSX. He is a GOOD guy, who can be trusted. Seems like a guy who "his word is his bond".

So, apparently an initial misunderstanding - but if you remotely are attracted to Tim's car, you can bet it is everything as advertised (and probably more).

In any event, good luck - you will love the NSX :smile: Jay
Just to close the loop on this one, we had a great chat today. I learned some stuff today...

The car (his and in general) is, and will continue to be to awesome.
The Prime community is very tight, and protective of their own.
The Prime "hazing" is more fun when it is somebody else. :wink:

All is good in my books. Let's talk some cars...if you can understand me through my thick French accent (@shawn110975 that was good one - especially given that I barely passed French in school - I do speak Canadian good though, eh)
Just to close the loop on this one, we had a great chat today. I learned some stuff today...

The car (his and in general) is, and will continue to be to awesome.
The Prime community is very tight, and protective of their own.
The Prime "hazing" is more fun when it is somebody else. :wink:

All is good in my books. Let's talk some cars...if you can understand me through my thick French accent (@shawn110975 that was good one - especially given that I barely passed French in school - I do speak Canadian good though, eh)

You're going to fit in here just fine. Now go buy Tim's car!:biggrin: Welcome---
He will always go out of his way to help someone even if he doesnt know them so long as they own an NSX lol

No, no Shawn... he's that way even if you just want an NSX.

I'm so so sorry to see you have to sell it Tim. When things get better in the future and you need me to scout your next NSX in my area you just let me know. I've learned a bit from owning/driving/doing a TB/WP/Valve adj on my N. Still learning all the time, but doing my best to come up to speed. A whole lot of that is thanks to you, you were one of my sounding boards when I didn't know what to do, and I sure ain't gonna forget.

Just look at some of Tim's posts (ok, pick some of his 2500 or so posts.... ) -- you can see this guy is passionate about his NSX. He is a GOOD guy, who can be trusted. Seems like a guy who "his word is his bond".

+1. Damn straight.
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I just saws your FS ad, and you have a beautiful NSX. I just want to say that for us Canadians, it's really nerve racking searching for a car that you can't physically see (unless your flying to see).
When I'm ready to buy, I'll no doubt buy from a prime mbr, but I'll be asking all sorts of questions, and probably re-ask questions that have been already stated.
My biggest fear is getting ripped off 25+ G's lol. I just like to have all my ducks all lined up.
Tim is one of the most stand up guys on Prime. His car is amazing too and worth the asking price. Don't worry folks, he isn't going anywhere- it will just be a little while until he gets another NSX. I am sure he will be helping newbies with the NSX pricing process on the new owner forum for many years to come. :cool:

oh gosh ... :(

Thanks for the sentiments Oscar - I do appreciate it - but I'll still be on here chiming in till I get another one. This is a temporary lull. As Shawn is so noted for saying - they all keep coming back.

Guys this is the best sports car buy in the world for all round fun and stress free ownership! PERIOD. Of course if you have Jay Leno's funds it really doesn't matter but otherwise for us mere mortals - this is a God Send sports car. Personally I think it is perfect the way it's created. I don't know what I'll end up with in the future - I would love one of the rare birds - the illusive NA2 coupe - or a Zanardi - my only wish with the Zanardi is that it had a tan interior - that combo reminds me of Ferrari colors and it's the most "deadly" red combo going in my book. I may end up with another early coupe - my buddy Harry here wouldn't have anything else! I love the aspects of the early coupes - no power steering is a biggy for me - I like that. The normal gear spread - love it on our GA moutain tight turn roads cause I can leave it in second and just drive! We'll see - variety is the spice of life but I love the NSX! There isn't another hand built car out there that offers a better driving or owning experience!:wink:
Wow, Tim is selling already? I'm SHOCKED! Please don't tell us you are buying a Porsche...:eek:
I hope Tim can sell his NSX so he can upgrade to something more menacing like Black, or something more exotic like white, or something more lively like yellow.

I'm just not feeling silver on a NSX. silver looks stellar on German cars, namely Benz, but on anything else it's just lacking something.

Long time no talk. Sorry to see you're selling your NSX ... I know how hard that decision had to be for you. No doubt it was heavily weighed-out. I completely understand the need to get your ducks in a row when considering retirment as some of us are heading into that "final turn" too!

I can personally vouch for Tim's integrity and honesty after having met him and his car on numerous occasions. There is little doubt he'll be in an NA2 when he elects to do so. I can also say that one cannot be too careful when attempting to sell higher ticket items to phone or internet buyers.

This sounds like a misunderstanding and I'm sure it'll end happily. GREAT luck in selling your baby Tim, when you feel the itch, you can ride shotgun in mine! :wink:
Man am I touched by all this commraderee by all my buddies here on Prime! And when I get ready for the next one I will make an all points bulletin - till then like Honcho says "I ain't goin nowhar"! I'll be here trying to assist all those in search or in trying to help anyway I can with advice I'm able to give. I don't have a lot of the technical savy others have but I do my best to assist within my capabilities.

Big D have no fear brother this is temporary and no I'm not going over for a 911. I've got bigger fish to fry as they say - my mortgage is the big deal but it won't set me back to much. I just have to do that now to stay on track for retirement. "I'll be back" as Arnold said in the ownership cause otherwise I'll still be hangin! Love this site and all the members here are like family! It's a wonderful thing!

Thanks everyone! Oh, by the way I had a long conversation with Edward Kwan yesterday and he surely seems like a good guy. It was very pleasant and I don't think he's a scammer. You can tell a whole lot about a person when you actually talk to them. He's got some things to contemplate and work thru but it may all work out. Just wanted to mention that.
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you will have to put down the clubs to actuaelly find another NSX!

Hey Dennis,

You know I have 2 passions - golf and cars - I'm either watching the Golf Channel or HDtheater or some other car show. If there is anything I enjoy it's looking for cars! Best done in the winter for good prices you know. Can't play much then won't be more than a few years before I'm looking again.
My take on this incident is typical buyer and seller mistrust, with a whole lot of NSX emotion thrown into the mix.

I’m currently selling my car. When I first listed my car, it was not a happy situation. I love my NSX and really didn't want to sell her. However, I had been out of work for over a year and I had an agreement with my wife that if I was out of work for an extended period of time that I would sell the car. So putting my NSX up for sale was emotionally tough. I don’t believe that I have been difficult with potential buyers, but I have to admit at first I was kind-of over protective, like a father with a daughter (are you good enough for my NSX). Fortunately I'm over that phase, and don't overly size up each potential buyer. However, due to some interesting offers ("trade my trailer home for your car"), I still take the necessary precautions.

When I was in the market for an NSX, I found that most owners were straight up and very helpful. However, some (actually few) were not. My biggest complaint was sellers that did not disclose defects over the phone that were obvious when I or another prime member viewed and drove the car. Omission of minor defects did not bother me, but not mentioning moderate to major defects is wrong. As time went by the accumulation of encounters with the few dishonest sellers, the frustration of not being able to find the car I wanted, and my growing desire to own an NSX, I found that I was developing an attitude of distrust for sellers, at least at the onset of each inquiry. Fortunately, I learned to accept the negatives of buying a car, put aside my emotions, and just treated the process like a business deal.

I think, or at least hope, that this situation is a misunderstanding and that things get worked out. Discord amongst NSX owners and enthusiast always gives me an uncomfortable feeling.

I'm in the market for a NSX and live in San Gabriel. Can you pm me your info and the info on the car. Thx. Kenny
Best of luck with the sale attempt.
I can completely understand your situation and applaude you for doing what you need to do for you and your future.
Best of luck with the sale attempt.
I can completely understand your situation and applaude you for doing what you need to do for you and your future.

Thanks pal! I appreciate it. Hope all is well on your end! Have you driven an NSX lately....:wink:

Yep - we are all about the group hugs here on! We just need the massive conference call for Kumbiya and a campfire and some marshmellows....:biggrin:

All kidding aside though - one reason why so many keep their cars and love prime is because we are really like one really big ass family watching each others back!
Sorry I am late to the Testicular cancer Hug fest(Fight club reference)!! Sorry to see you go Timmy but I am sure u will be back!!

P.S. I can be Meatloaf for the group hug fest:biggrin:
Sorry I am late to the Testicular cancer Hug fest(Fight club reference)!! Sorry to see you go Timmy but I am sure u will be back!!

P.S. I can be Meatloaf for the group hug fest:biggrin:

I will be back - well - guess I'll never really leave cause I like it here....:biggrin: But the next NSX will most likely be either an "NA3" or a Zanardi - just cause I want a fast coupe. But may be cheaper to go the NA3 route. My referrence of NA3 is 2002+ models. Sorry for that term but it's easier to type.
Hey Guys,

I was contacted the other day by an Edward Kwan - any of you had that experience. He said he was interested in buying my car. Made the usual inquiries except he was just a little bit off. Asked me questions that were answered in my post on Market - obvious questions. I didn't pay it much attention and then he contacted me again and this time asked a few more questions but still just a bit funny - not too but last paragraph was to tell me he was from Canada and would be bringing the car there and said that there was some paper work that had to be sent to the border and that some he had contacted on Prime said they didn't want to get involved.

He said it would be a little more complicated than your basic sale in this country. I wrote him back and told him I was only interested in selling the car and that any issues with transporting the car back to Canada was going to be his responsibility. I would not let the car nor the title leave my hands till I got paid in full.

Funny thing - guess what - never heard back from him. Wonder why? MMMMmmmmm. I have an idea but I wanted to put the rest of you on notice and if this guy had contacted others I'm surprised we all haven't heard back from any of the sellers here.

Guys I read this email once and read it to my wife - she said immediately - this guy is a phony - tell him the car is no longer for sale. Well I didn't exactly do that because I wanted him to know where I stood. That apparently was all it took.

So for the rest of you out there with cars on Market that you are trying to sell - speak up if you've also been contacted like this. I'd like to hear your stories. I am writing to alert the rest of you selling just to be on the safe side. Word to the wise!

Later guys,

Same deal here, mine's for sale as well. He had contacted me back in June/July, all the same stuff. Legit NSX questions and they were all stated on my ad. He eventually said the mileage was too high and the car was not what he was looking for after like 15 emails of info and pics I sent. Didn't bother me that he didn't want my car, but the time wasted did. The funny part is that its a US car imported (I live in Canada) and he wouldn't have to go through the importing BS. To each their own, it just struck me as a little odd. I don't necessarily think he's a phony, but he definately wants perfection for minimal money, and that's just not likely to happen. The importing part probably scared him off!! lol good riddiance:tongue:
Just read through this Thread for the first time. I know it has already been said...but I wanna say it again!

Tim "tbromley" is a great guy! He is so easy to approach and never belittles anyone no matter how simple the questions asked is.

This is nothing more than an owner being very particular and on the lookout for a potential scam. Then being good enough to share his suspicions with all his friends on NSXPrime.