To all those that have NSXs for sale on Market

13 April 2009
Atlanta, GA
Hey Guys,

I was contacted the other day by an Edward Kwan - any of you had that experience. He said he was interested in buying my car. Made the usual inquiries except he was just a little bit off. Asked me questions that were answered in my post on Market - obvious questions. I didn't pay it much attention and then he contacted me again and this time asked a few more questions but still just a bit funny - not too but last paragraph was to tell me he was from Canada and would be bringing the car there and said that there was some paper work that had to be sent to the border and that some he had contacted on Prime said they didn't want to get involved.

He said it would be a little more complicated than your basic sale in this country. I wrote him back and told him I was only interested in selling the car and that any issues with transporting the car back to Canada was going to be his responsibility. I would not let the car nor the title leave my hands till I got paid in full.

Funny thing - guess what - never heard back from him. Wonder why? MMMMmmmmm. I have an idea but I wanted to put the rest of you on notice and if this guy had contacted others I'm surprised we all haven't heard back from any of the sellers here.

Guys I read this email once and read it to my wife - she said immediately - this guy is a phony - tell him the car is no longer for sale. Well I didn't exactly do that because I wanted him to know where I stood. That apparently was all it took.

So for the rest of you out there with cars on Market that you are trying to sell - speak up if you've also been contacted like this. I'd like to hear your stories. I am writing to alert the rest of you selling just to be on the safe side. Word to the wise!

Later guys,
you are selling your car ?

Unfortunately - I need to convert to cash for a purpose - paying off my house. Things didn't work out like I'd planned with the sale of my Mom's house - didn't get what I expected and now something has to be done to stay on track for retirement. Sad to say. Just the way it is.

Thought everyone knew...have no fear though there will be another time!
FWIW, for sales to Canada a special document is required from Acura, along with the standard bill of sale and title.

I sold my '94 to a Canadian buyer about a year ago, and had to submit a written request to Acura (including my VIN) in order to obtain this document.

If I remember correctly, the document was referred to as a 'Recall Clearance Letter' - I was also contacted by customs when the buyer was physically crossing the border, to verify the nature and accuracy of his documentation.
I had one interested individual from Canada (BC) but his questions were typical and he was somewhat knowledgeable. The discussion did not progress very far. But, he did mention that the car needed to pass a safety inspection and I think that automatic day time running lights were required.

I do have a guy in the military in Afghanistan that is very interested, but he wont get back the Sates for a couple of months. So far no odd requests or transfers scheems.
The recall clearance letter is not required if the car is older than 15 years. The DRLs and safety inspection is an issue only for the purchaser and only once the car gets registered. None of this is the the responsibility of the US seller.
Canadians are buying cars, boats, trailers, vacation property from the US at a fast pace, as the US dollar is dropping quickly and expected to drop some more. I think half of Arizona is Canadian owned. As well, prices for these "toys" have never been lower. Everything is on sale at a discount. Today the US dollar was at 94 cents Canadian. It may go below 90 cents. Some are just reselling the cars in Canada to turn a quick profit.
Your "Canadian" buyer sounds suspicious to me.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
for certain he is a phony. there are phony buyers and sellers that will make up some complicated story about physically not being able to see the car and to have the paperwork and other transactional items remotely done.
Unfortunately...have no fear though there will be another time!


oh gosh ... :(
Hi all. I was the one that contact tbromley about his car. I am not a phony buyer but have been stung many times now by phony sellers. I asked the standard questions even though some of the answers were in his market post as I didn't want to assume anything. There have been too many occasions where sellers have said they have recently done maintenance, for example, and I find out that recent to them means 1997. I have seen cars that have indicated that "professional" body shops installed the kits which seemed odd as I am pretty sure that window caulking is not normally used to do that job.

I indicated that I am in Canada just to be straight up with tbromley as I would have had to ask him to help potentially load the car on a truck as well as help me complete the required paper work for importing (bill of sale etc.). As this is more work than having somebody just show up with a bucket of money and getting the deal done, I wanted to make sure he was comfortable with helping me with this process.

As for not coming to see the car, I was hoping to save the $1000+ and put that in the purchase budget and get a better car.

As for not responding to his email, I emailed today. It was only a one day delay and as I explained, the email was stuck in my draft folder.

I hope this helps explain the situation. For the record, I have contact maybe 2-3 other people that posted cars for sale on Prime. Some did not reply and the other I was not interested in the car after our conversation. I was hoping my first post was going to be that I too have joined club, unfortunately it is this post defending myself for wanting to purchase a car.
Well if you think Tbromley is a phony seller then im Santa Clause.

his car is prob one the top 10 examples of Clean NSX's around. well maintained and pampered to death.

Well respected Member of NSXPRIME and I am glad to say a Friend of mine. He will always go out of his way to help someone even if he doesnt know them so long as they own an NSX lol

if he says the phone call sounded Phony then I will stand by him.

in your defense I cant say ( some not all ) Canadian have a very thick french accent and is sometimes hard to understand
this could have been lost in translation kinda thing

my 2 cents ( US Currency ) worth

if this is a huge misunderstanding then let me say Welcome to Prime the experience will get better LOL
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Hi all. I was the one that contact tbromley about his car. I am not a phony buyer but have been stung many times now by phony sellers. I asked the standard questions even though some of the answers were in his market post as I didn't want to assume anything. There have been too many occasions where sellers have said they have recently done maintenance, for example, and I find out that recent to them means 1997. I have seen cars that have indicated that "professional" body shops installed the kits which seemed odd as I am pretty sure that window caulking is not normally used to do that job.

I indicated that I am in Canada just to be straight up with tbromley as I would have had to ask him to help potentially load the car on a truck as well as help me complete the required paper work for importing (bill of sale etc.). As this is more work than having somebody just show up with a bucket of money and getting the deal done, I wanted to make sure he was comfortable with helping me with this process.

As for not coming to see the car, I was hoping to save the $1000+ and put that in the purchase budget and get a better car.

As for not responding to his email, I emailed today. It was only a one day delay and as I explained, the email was stuck in my draft folder.

I hope this helps explain the situation. For the record, I have contact maybe 2-3 other people that posted cars for sale on Prime. Some did not reply and the other I was not interested in the car after our conversation. I was hoping my first post was going to be that I too have joined club, unfortunately it is this post defending myself for wanting to purchase a car.
Hopefully you'll find your NSX and become a member here. I can't blame tbromely for being "careful" and hope you understand that. At least your here now in your own defense. Good luck in your search and hopefully you'll get the right NSX for you.
Whoa, before this gets too far along.

shawn110975, I never said tbromley was a phony seller. I said I have encountered phony sellers and that was my motivation for asking questions. You know Tim and his car, I don't, so I asked questions. He was very straight up and I appreciated his answers and clarifying his intent and position on the sale.

I just wish that he had reached out to me before posting that I was phony. This will certainly diminish my ability to get a well cared for car from the Prime community as a simple search for my name comes up with this post.

Tim, I will try to reach out to you today to see what we can do to work out this misunderstanding.
Tim didn't call you a phony, he was just worried that you might be one. It seems that you are not, so i don't know why you guys can't work things out. His NSX is one of the nicest ones currently available. I expect to see him in a NA2 Targa in a year or two. :D
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phone each other..!
nothing that a good conversation won't work out. Email does not cut it.
Sounds like two passionate people, that actually want the same thing.

Tim's car will not last. It priced low for a quick sale.
Honcho, you are correct, he did not directly call me a phony. However, the post was worded in such away that:

Warrenw concluded "Your "Canadian" buyer sounds suspicious to me."
myw concluded "for certain he is a phony."
shawn110975 indicated "if he says the phone call sounded Phony then I will stand by him."

Under any other circumstance I would just let this go, but I was called out by name and I feel that my reputation is stake. For what it is worth, I have sent a voicemail, these posts and an email to him to ask if we can talk and hopefully straighten out this misunderstanding. I'm sure once we talk all will be good and we will laughing about this at some meet up.
Hi all. I was the one that contact tbromley about his car. I am not a phony buyer but have been stung many times now by phony sellers. I asked the standard questions even though some of the answers were in his market post as I didn't want to assume anything. There have been too many occasions where sellers have said they have recently done maintenance, for example, and I find out that recent to them means 1997. I have seen cars that have indicated that "professional" body shops installed the kits which seemed odd as I am pretty sure that window caulking is not normally used to do that job.

I indicated that I am in Canada just to be straight up with tbromley as I would have had to ask him to help potentially load the car on a truck as well as help me complete the required paper work for importing (bill of sale etc.). As this is more work than having somebody just show up with a bucket of money and getting the deal done, I wanted to make sure he was comfortable with helping me with this process.

As for not coming to see the car, I was hoping to save the $1000+ and put that in the purchase budget and get a better car.

As for not responding to his email, I emailed today. It was only a one day delay and as I explained, the email was stuck in my draft folder.

I hope this helps explain the situation. For the record, I have contact maybe 2-3 other people that posted cars for sale on Prime. Some did not reply and the other I was not interested in the car after our conversation. I was hoping my first post was going to be that I too have joined club, unfortunately it is this post defending myself for wanting to purchase a car.

Oops. Tim? Your turn.
My take on this incident is typical buyer and seller mistrust, with a whole lot of NSX emotion thrown into the mix.

I’m currently selling my car. When I first listed my car, it was not a happy situation. I love my NSX and really didn't want to sell her. However, I had been out of work for over a year and I had an agreement with my wife that if I was out of work for an extended period of time that I would sell the car. So putting my NSX up for sale was emotionally tough. I don’t believe that I have been difficult with potential buyers, but I have to admit at first I was kind-of over protective, like a father with a daughter (are you good enough for my NSX). Fortunately I'm over that phase, and don't overly size up each potential buyer. However, due to some interesting offers ("trade my trailer home for your car"), I still take the necessary precautions.

When I was in the market for an NSX, I found that most owners were straight up and very helpful. However, some (actually few) were not. My biggest complaint was sellers that did not disclose defects over the phone that were obvious when I or another prime member viewed and drove the car. Omission of minor defects did not bother me, but not mentioning moderate to major defects is wrong. As time went by the accumulation of encounters with the few dishonest sellers, the frustration of not being able to find the car I wanted, and my growing desire to own an NSX, I found that I was developing an attitude of distrust for sellers, at least at the onset of each inquiry. Fortunately, I learned to accept the negatives of buying a car, put aside my emotions, and just treated the process like a business deal.

I think, or at least hope, that this situation is a misunderstanding and that things get worked out. Discord amongst NSX owners and enthusiast always gives me an uncomfortable feeling.
It all sounds like a misunderstanding...

With so many scammers and documented scams on NSX's I can see both sides being very cautious.

I remember when Tim purchased his car after a long search... He went right out and found one of the best NSX mechanics in the country and had it all checked out, had all the maintenance up to date.

I'm sure it is all top class and well done.

Just to make sure the deal is on the up and up, you can both wire me some funds, lets say 50%, to my Western Union Account... off shore of course :biggrin: (I kid)
Hey Guys,

I believe it is a misunderstanding. After seeing all this I guess I may have jumped to conclusions and for that I am sorry. When I didn't hear back from Edward I made some wrong assumptions. He's called and tried to reach me and sounds like a good guy. I'm going to call him now and see if we can't straighten all this out and I'm sure we can.

I'll be back on this - but it sounds legit after all.

Thanks guys
please accept my apologies for jumping to conclusions ed.

i based my assessment upon comparing my previous transactions that the description original post in which person on the other end was trying to pull a scam.

best of luck with the purchase.

Honcho, you are correct, he did not directly call me a phony. However, the post was worded in such away that:

Warrenw concluded "Your "Canadian" buyer sounds suspicious to me."
myw concluded "for certain he is a phony."
shawn110975 indicated "if he says the phone call sounded Phony then I will stand by him."

Under any other circumstance I would just let this go, but I was called out by name and I feel that my reputation is stake. For what it is worth, I have sent a voicemail, these posts and an email to him to ask if we can talk and hopefully straighten out this misunderstanding. I'm sure once we talk all will be good and we will laughing about this at some meet up.
Can you post a link to your car that's for sale?

Can't seem to find it in the For Sale section.

It's down near the bottom - I haven't bumped it yet. It's the only 91 silver on the list I think You should find it about 5 up from the bottom.