Titanium Rod


Got my rod in the mail. Like many others I looked at the thing and thought, gee that is funny shaped and pretty heavy,.... I did not order anything did I??? :confused:

I open it up and am thrilled. I got the package at work and am geeking out in front of my co-workers all of whom have NO IDEA what the hell it is I am holding!

I had a CRAPPY morning. Some goofbal was merging into me and got so close that I (swear to god) reached out of my window and knocked on their car door and told them to get the heck away from me. I drive the NSX once a week *maybe* and this happens. And then when I get to work, something that was installed into Production went down in error (turned out not to be a problem in the end) so I rush in thinking the sky is falling. 2 hours later, I get the package.

Thanks again Woodwork. You are really the man for doing such a great thing for the NSX community.

I have a friendly verbal sparring match from time to time with one of my customers who has a deposit on the new ZO6, I asked him if Chevy sent him a titanium rod for his car yet. He didn't know how to answer. :biggrin: Got him there, hopefully I can drive better once I get him on the track too!
Wohoo! It came last night! Thank you Kent and Honda for the very nice gift. I'm looking forward to finding a visible and suitable mounting location for it.

I got mine too!!! Thanks American Honda and Woodwork!

BTW, how much should I ask for this on eBay? Or should I just melt it down for the value of the metal? :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

(the 3 big grins mean I am just kiddding for you dense types!)
Got mines today!

Things like this are the reason why Woodwork and the Prime community is the best around!

I got some things in the works and hopefully if all goes well, I can make a contribution such as this one.
Mr Woodwork,

Thank you for thinking of your fellow NSX owners when these rods became available. Your act of kindness and generousity has put a smile on my face that won't come off anytime soon.
This ti rod will occupy a special place in my NSX shrine.

Please let American Honda Corp know how much we appreciate their gift and that we salute them :smile:

Thanks a million,
Gene Greer
Dear Woodwork,

I checked the mail box today and found the connecting rod you sent. Thank you very much for your time and effort. I will display it proudly.

I'm 100% Honda (1998 Civic, 1994 NSX, 2004 Honda Snowblower) and will be until I'm lowered into my grave in my NSX. :biggrin:

Thanks again!

Hey Woodwork,

I got mine today and just wanted to give you a big THANKS for taking the time to do this for Prime Members. I'm just sick and tired of everyone asking "What are you going to do with it". Gawd I swear, some people just don't get IT !

Thanks again man.
Woodwork and Honda: So you know the T Rod is on my conference table and is disussed/seen/used with everyone that reviews plans in our planroom. Provides alot of conversation! Thanks again for thinking about the NSX owners, Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Thanks for the T Rod Woodwork. I probably got it in the mail sometime last week but I just got home today and saw it in my mail. I wasn't expecting it, but I thought what the heck, lemme try signing up for it anyway. Thank you for the surprise! :biggrin:
Hi Woodwork,

Got the Ti Connecting Rod yesterday!!

Thanks for taking the time to send these out!

It's stuff like this that sets the NSX community above the rest. :smile:

Thanks again!!
man, if there were any way to get in if you find a leftover sitting around or anything, please let me know! id' really appreciate it!
So were all of these sent out? I guess i didn't make the list either. :(
at any rate, that was a helluva gift from woodwork and honda.
Saddly i didn't receive a Ti rod but happy for those who did.

Woodwork asked for VIN number to check ownership of an NSX. Could anyone tell me how registration works in the US when you buy a car. I bought mine in Miami "for export" and shipped it down to Panama. Maybe i didn't receive a Ti rod 'cause my name wasn't registered in Acura's database?? Do dealers have access to this information ??


Hi All:

Thank you all for the enthusiastic response. I really wish I could have sent a TI rod to each of you that wanted one. As it is I sent out 105 rods.

I tried to keep the PM responses in order of received but if I had to ask for address, name (yes, someone forgot to give me a name), more than one time I took you off the list. If I didn't get one sent to you I'm sorry. I really tried to stay first come first served

I had fun doing this,

I will pass on your thanks to the department that paid for the rods.

Happy Holidays,

Hi guys,

Thought i was not going to receive one, but guess what...

Just received mine TODAY!!!! all the way to Panama. Still can't believe it (not that i'm a pessimist). Great ns-X-mas gift.

Thanks Woodwork and Honda.


One small point:
The terms of the deal were US customer and a VIN.

The address I sent to was Florida.

I needed to make this clear since there were several out of the US requests that I had to decline.

Happy Holidays
Hi everyone:

Woodwork is right, the Ti rod was sent to Miami FL. A forwarder then sent it down here. Hope the "all the way to Panama" didn't create any confusion or dissapointment to other NSX owners out of the US. :redface:

Any comments on how registration works when buying a car in the US ?? Do you call, send a registration card or the dealers does it for you (i don't remember back in 91 if internet was a common way so to register on-line) ?? :confused: As mentioned, NSX was bought in Miami (Esserman Acura) for export.

Thanks again Woodwork and happy holidays to everyone.
