Tire question

8 March 2006
Guys I am to head out for Watkins Glen tomorrow, and I just found out I had a very small nail in a tire. I had my mechanic take it out and plug it, and I am not sure I can get another Z1 in time for my event. This tire is almost new otherwise, it has had 2 track days and perhaps 500 miles on it after that.

My question is... and I know that it is best to go with a new tire, but is this tire really a risk? The hole was very small and nowhere near a sidewall. I am pointing right at the plug. There is some goopy glue that picked up dirt to the side of the tire. I am going to clean it all up. Is this a big deal in your opinion? I am just doing an intermediate class DE.

I do have a spare, but it is an RT615. My gut feeling and looking at the tire says this is fine... but I want to ask the more experienced guys.

As long as it is also patched from the inside (a requirement to pass any RMA aka Rubber Manufacturers Association protocol) your tire will not be as safe. A patched and plug tire reduces the speed rating of that tire by one speed level. So if it is a Z rated tire, now it will be V.
I would not run with it, but that is not based on anything but my personal bias.
As long as it is also patched from the inside (a requirement to pass any RMA aka Rubber Manufacturers Association protocol) your tire will not be as safe. A patched and plug tire reduces the speed rating of that tire by one speed level. So if it is a Z rated tire, now it will be V.

Hrant I can have it patched from the inside too today. It is a Z, so even a V would make it 150 MPH. Even down the back straight of WGI I doubt I will hit 128-130 max. Is this OK then?

I realize its not perfect, but my logic says this tire isn't going to dismantle itself because of such a small hole. I mean I pickup larger items on the track than this plug... and frankly, I am more worried about a new tire on one side and a used on on the other.
Hrant I can have it patched from the inside too today. It is a Z, so even a V would make it 150 MPH. Even down the back straight of WGI I doubt I will hit 128-130 max. Is this OK then?

I realize its not perfect, but my logic says this tire isn't going to dismantle itself because of such a small hole. I mean I pickup larger items on the track than this plug... and frankly, I am more worried about a new tire on one side and a used on on the other.

If you are seeking a "legal" answer, then it will have to be no as this is a "street" tire and as such a pacthed and plugged is OK with full disclosre of the tire rating change.

If you want a HPDE on budget answer, yes it is as long as the repair is done per RMA. Without the proper patch in the back - the repair may need to be redone with the plug - the plug may come out under heat/stress. If I recall, Andrei used to run on patched and plug tires too ..... if you do a search you may find his post. But here is a dsicussion from 2003 :wink:


Wow Hrant... quite a bit of reading. Thanks. I guess everything has been discussed here at some point.

My gut feeling is I would be just fine with a patch and plug. In fact the local racer club guys here told me the track their evos and subies all the time with patched and plugged tires.

I can get this patch done now for $35. Instead, it looks like I have to overnight and install a tire to the tune of almost $300. For 3 DE days when I don't even press that hard and coast down the straights.
Correction... cannot get tire here on time. I looked at the tech form and it says NOTHING about patched or plugged tires. I am in the slow run group and it says "tires must be adequate for 80 MPH".

OK, I am going to go with that unless someone here really objects. I will make sure the patch is done by a competent person according to RMA specs.
Did the Type R come with a spare or a plug kit? :wink:

Just check it after every session to see if the pressure is holding or the plug is moving out.

Yes thank you, I will keep a very close eye on it. I honestly think there are a lot of other things to worry about on the track than this. I will keep my speed down on the straights. I'm going to be stuck in trains the whole time anyway... I know it.
Just put some superglue on it and buff it out with Zaino. :biggrin:

Dave me personally, I'd run on it. But you have to make a decision and stick with it.... don't be out on the track constantly thinking about it. Check the pressure before and after every run, but on the track it shouldn't even enter your mind or you will be thinking about that instead of keeping you head on what you are doing. I've experienced it before.... remember when I kept braking ARP studs on the track? I found myself running the track and thinking about the what ifs? And made myself pit in because I wasn't concentrating on the driving and if I would have continued I could have made a big boo boo because my mind wasn't in the game so to speak.

And for the record, it's not like it's going to blow. The worse that would happen is a slow leak and you would get a flat in which case it would go "whopp, whopp, whopp" and then you pit in and say "crap". Just check it before and after each run to make sure you're not out there with a tire with 20psi.
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