TIP: check your LED tail light screws!

10 September 2002
I recently noticed that my stock spoiler LED tail light seemed loose (had too much play when I tugged on them), and Jeff (or Ffej) @ SOS said to take off the bottom spoiler caps and tighten the screws. I checked all my NSXs, and there were loose screws in each spoiler. Chances are, yours are similarly affected if you haven't checked them before--even if your LED tail light doesn't appear to be loose. Simply pop off the spoiler caps and you should see the screws, as shown below. The screws go in at an angle, so they are easy to secure. I noticed that my blue NSX was completely missing a screw and spoiler cap, so I'm ordering a replacement in the morning. The part numbers are here, #7 (color specific for each car; 71703-SL0-003ZQ for my 99 MCB) and #39 (93903-444G0).


I searched for "LED screws" and didn't get any relevant hits. I never heard any rattle so I didn't think to search for that term, but thanks for the links.
I found several of the screws loose a couple years ago when washing/waxing mine. I've owned the car since early 2000 & bought it from the original owner, so I know it wasn't from someone working on the car.
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even if it has been discussed before, its a nice reminder - and it has pretty pictures! Much better than the repeated NSX vs [insert random car here] discussions that happen over and over and over...

thanks for the tip PHOEN!X!
Thanks blue. I know we have had a lot of new owners lately, so I'm happy to share knowledge as I come across it. And even though I've been on this forum for nearly 10 years, it seems I learn something new everyday! I really do love this car. :)
I'm also happy to see "reminders" about such things, and I don't mind seeing threads that are repeats. So what? Who cares? Its in the best spirit of helping everyone else out.
Thanks nikey22. :)

While we're at it, here's a gentle reminder to tighten your interior door lock knobs as well (part #8 in this diagram). They tend to come loose over time, and if one gets undone completely you have to open up the door to get it back on its rod--which can be a PITA (so don't unscrew them completely unless you have the door panel off!)
Who freakin' cares if this was posted 7 years ago or 11 years ago? Are you suggesting anytime anyone is going to start a new Thread they should search back 21 years to make sure it has never been discussed before?

I say "thanks a million" to your post PHOEN$X! You may have saved some members a lot of grief!

Thanks Rob! I'm glad to be of some usefulness to the community.

By the way, I got the 93 service manual from Chase, many thanks! You rock!
No problem bro!

I consider you one of Prime's "best friends." You continually put out information that helps us all!

I put you in the same group as Shawn, Larry B., Pbjasso and others who continually help others!

Keep it up! We love your posts!

Thanks Rob! I'm glad to be of some usefulness to the community.

By the way, I got the 93 service manual from Chase, many thanks! You rock!
Not related to to the brake light but other screws/bolts which frequently loosen are the three allen head bolts that hold the door latch in place on the back end of your doors.
Thanks PHOEN$X! Just checked mine... all were loose and three were completely unscrewed, held in only by the caps. Great tip.
I consider you one of Prime's "best friends." You continually put out information that helps us all!

I put you in the same group as Shawn, Larry B., Pbjasso and others who continually help others!

Keep it up! We love your posts!
Thank you for your extremely kind words, Rob! I feel honored to be mentioned in the same sentence as the others, even though my knowledge of the NSX is nowhere near their level. :redface: I'm just an enthusiast who likes to share what little I do know so that more people can experience the same sublime NSX ownership experience that I've been able to enjoy thus far.

Not related to to the brake light but other screws/bolts which frequently loosen are the three allen head bolts that hold the door latch in place on the back end of your doors.
Thanks for the reminder to check mine Hugh!
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This PHOEN$X guy has been coming up with these little tips lately. First the trunk stoppers or whatever they are called now this. Keep these tips coming. Got anything else?
Great thread! Both left screws were so loose they would soon fall out. (I wonder if the looseness has contributed to my "brake light bulb" warning indicator intermittently displaying on the dash, even though all the brake lights are fine.)

Also: one VERY loose door lock knob. Thanks for the warning!!
thanks, three screws were about to fall off when i took the cap off, retighten all of them, awesome tips, everyone should check these screws to make sure they are tight. wonder why they become loose? vibrations maybe?
Thanks for the tip and like most have said if any other, tips keep them coming; I had two loose screws and was missing a cap, these were on the brake light and a ton of loose screws in my brain; Wish someone would of said something earlier.:biggrin:
I'm glad this thread helped out you guys. :) I finally got my Monte Carlo Blue spoiler cap today from my friend Lance at Acura of Peoria (it had been backordered), and installed it in my 99 NSX. Below are some pics.

Spoiler cap

New screw installed.

Spoiler cap installed!
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2 of my screws were completely backed out and the 3rd was loose. Thanks alot for the tip!
thanks for telling me!!!

1 screw was missing and 2 were loose....


PS I also tightened my door locks.

great tip heads up!