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time to change front page?

Is it too hard to just have a "General" Cool NSX homepage? Can we have a "In Memoriam" section that is just a regular part of the forums, and we can add Len's info and others into it as well? I'm not trying to be crummy, just thought it would be a nice way to keep this stuff forever, without putting it in everyones face everyday.
an interesting thread. my perspective is it's lud's site and it should reflect his personality and vision for what he wants prime to be.

although saddened by len's loss, and now the vt tragedy, i'm pleased with len's actions regarding both.

suggest you link directly to you favorite area (forums, etc) if you don't like the home page.
I was just thinking something like....












You need to relax. I'm not $hitting on our page. I'm just curious why we're the only one that has stuff other than our car stuff on our front page. We have an area like "off topic" for stuff like that. But whatever. I go straight to the forums anyway. Put Santa Claus on our homepage. Fine with me.
I remind you it's not "our" page it is Lud's.Big difference.
Yeah I was being serious guys, I really don't care. I was just comparing our site to the others I see. And I was unaware that this was one guys site. I thought this was a community thing. I mean I knew there were moderators but I didn't know this was one guys site.
Actualy there is a little bit of Lud in all of us:wink:
Let me make one thing clear,,I don't want a little Hugh in........:redface: :eek: you get the idea.