Throttle cables

22 October 2013
Kensington, MD

I am interested in obtaining a new throttle cable, and queried SOS as to their availability. They stated they have none in stock and would require a minimum order of 5 to spool up a production run. The cost is $186.00 each. We need 4 more folks, anybody in?


I want to make sure everyone knows that the throttle cable for the 1995-2005 are only 3 feet long. and goes to the front of the car into the cruise control box.

the 1991-1994 throttle cable is over 10-11 feet long and goes down the center of the interior cabin then up to the rear interior glass then down the passengerside then out the firewall, then up and then goes all the back to the driverside throttle plate.

So I will def buy one for a 1992 so put me down on the list
Thanks for the key data point. So do you have to remove much of the interior to replace the cable? Or do you simply rethread the new cable through the existing sleeve?
since both ends of the cable have this crimped on piece of lead Im not sure how they are gonna make them.

but to get the cable out yes you need to take almost everything out it snakes thru almost everything,

now I know some people are lazy and will do it the half ass way by running it from the gas pedal down the driverside and coil up the excess feet into a big service loop LOL
and other will go from the gas pedal under the radio down the carpet and into firewall then to the plate.

the proper way is remove everything