thoughts on the new nsx that's about to be announced?

Subscribed already.

I like the innovation behind it, I hope that Honda FINALLY releases SOMETHING for us to be excited about.

Still doesn't stir my soul the way the original NSX did in '91 (or today when I look at my driveway)

There is no better way to say it than this. Granted I didn't first see it (even a picture) until 2008. It gave me a - "WHOA, I gotta have one!" feel.

This one, not so much..
So your perfectly OK if I start yet another "NEW NSX" thread?

If you really care about this site, start <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]-->[FONT=&quot]here. [/FONT]:biggrin:
I'd be "perfectly OK" with that.

As for the topic at hand:

I like what I see and hear so far, I hope it happens, and if it does, I'll buy one.
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Really not enough info on the new car to comment yet, but so far seems to be a completely different car (except maybe mid-engine).
So far, kind of like the New Beetle vs. original or the new Thunderbird vs. the
original. Nameplate the same, car all different.
Guys the car needs to be all different - time marches on and waits for no one. If Acura/Honda doesn't do something pretty soon - they'll have to redesign it is moving by leaps and bounds. We all know the stereo system and other parts of the interior needed upgrading. Geez - let's hope it is totally futuristic and waaaaaay modern. They have enough racing feedback from the HVS to get this car moving with a great suspension; if the power is from a V6 with hybrid tech - what the heck - that's not a problem - it doesn't need 8 or more cylinders.

Look at what Porsche did with the newest 991 - they went back to a 3.4 engine in the base model and still managed to increase the hp - I mean really does the new NSX need more than 350 hp? With hybrid tech it could verywell have more. That's not a draw back it's a bonus - the hybrid tech I mean. This new NSX replacement could be awesome - let's hope it is. Wait for it......
I looked at all the photos - 21 to be exact - it's real car - they are still working out the details of the power plant. It's forward thinking, a beautiful car; what's not to like.

I remember all the doubting Thomases - "we've been teased to death", just another bogus picture; they'll never make it. I always knew that NSX wasn't dead yet - I had hope when others had run out. I admit that it's taken a long time and we surely been teased with the other models and the HSV and so forth but this time is different. This one will I believe come to fuition - 2015 they say - that gives the engineers 3 years to work it out. I'm sure they can do it.

Now about the Hybrid tech - why would anyone dismay over that idea when Porsche is building the 918 and they have a hybrid GT3 racer on the circuit - you guys might as well get used to it - the future is coming and it's coming fast. This from Honda/Acura just when Porsche is building this super expensive, like 800k 918 car. This will blow their socks off. A hybrid sports car in a beautiful body like this - man it's going to hit like crazy. If they just advertise it properly - like Porsche does - they'll make a sucess out of it, especially if it performs.

One thing Acura/Honda has done - a mid engine/hybrid rear wheel drive with front wheel drive action - AWD - has to be rear wheel biased - that's something I'm interested in seeing how they do it. Gonna be a major big deal. Let's hope they come thru with the goods this time. Many I'm sure are still saying - "I'll believe it when I see it". Don't blame them but something is coming.

This is an exciting time for us. I have one thing to say to Shawn - lay back and enjoy it. Quit looking a "gift horse in the mouth" - take out the hybrid technology - are you kidding? That is most crazy dude. You'll be messing with something you have no idea how to engineer. Why not wait and see what the experts come up with - I think we'll all like it.

+5. I want one and I will keep my 95.

The NSX has been my dream car since I was 12 years old. Now I look at this and go, "huh... kinda looks like a wannabe Furai". I've spent my life saving to get the best NSX I could possibly find, like a white '02, but I see this and think to myself that I'll go ahead and keep saving for an old one.:confused: