Thoughts on the '05 Mustang GT?


4 June 2004
Kansas City
I test drove an '05 Mustang GT premium yesterday and really enjoyed it. I didn't drive it very hard because it was rush hour but the performance was nice and it didn't feel like a typical mustang.

I wish they were limiting the production somehow because we'll soon be seeing them all over the place. But the mod potential and fun factor will definitely be there.

I haven't liked Mustangs since the 88-92 GT.

Anyone else look closer at the 05? Thoughts?

I'm not thinking of replacing my NSX, but just adding some muscle to my car collection.
The new Mustang brings back memories of 20 years ago when I was in high school. I do like the design but not the production numbers. I wish they would remake the BOSS model and limit it to just a few thousand. The problem then would be Ford wanting 50-70k for the boss model.
steveny said:
The new Mustang brings back memories of 20 years ago when I was in high school. I do like the design but not the production numbers. I wish they would remake the BOSS model and limit it to just a few thousand. The problem then would be Ford wanting 50-70k for the boss model.
Yeah I really love the design... the front and rear are just so sexy to me. They did a good job doing the throwback design.

But yeah, I'm worried there will be half a dozen at every stop light by next year, just like the current mustangs. :frown:

I guess I shouldn't be trying to get it for exclusivity/rarity, but just a fun car.
NsXMas said:
I wanted to test drive the Mustang GT. I went to my local Ford dealer to look at one, and the saleman told me that they weren't allowing any test drives on the new Mustangs. You had to buy and then drive it. :rolleyes:

I kind of laughed and drove home in my NSX. :D

Are you serious? I pulled up in the NSX and parked next to the stang they had outside on display and he handed me the keys before I even got out of my car. Then introduced me to the sales manager and GM inside :tongue: I was dressed like a bum too.

They had 4 of them, so maybe they were more willing to show them and let me run one. If they only had one on the lot, they may not be so willing to let it go out where other people can't see it. There must have been 6 people eyeing the mustangs at this dealer.
squid2004 said:
Are you serious? I pulled up in the NSX and parked next to the stang they had outside on display and he handed me the keys before I even got out of my car. Then introduced me to the sales manager and GM inside :tongue: I was dressed like a bum too.

They had 4 of them, so maybe they were more willing to show them and let me run one. If they only had one on the lot, they may not be so willing to let it go out where other people can't see it. There must have been 6 people eyeing the mustangs at this dealer.
Yea it was kind of sad. The salesman said it wasn't his decision, that it was the dealer's, blah blah.

I'm sure I can drive to another dealer and test drive one, but the Mustang is not that special to me.
Brian2by2 said:
I lvoe the new mustangs IF and ONLY IF they have the optional fog lamps in the grill like the late 60 shelby's.

I have not seen one yet without the fog lamps. Are the fog lamps an option?
steveny said:
I have not seen one yet without the fog lamps. Are the fog lamps an option?
The regular mustang does not have the fog lamps (and it's a V6) and different wheels... the GT has the fog lamps.

Seems to be about a $6k price difference from the regular to GT.
I like the front look, since it's modeled after my favorite Mustang design, but I haven't warmed up to the back yet. Maybe it will grow on me.

I agree with you, I like the 87-93 version, never really got used to the 94-04 look.

The one nice thing about the high production numbers of Mustangs is that the aftermarket will be plentiful and cheap (relatively).
I like them alot better than the 94-04 body style also.
I haven't seen very many sold at our dealership yet...kinda strange.
I have heard that the GT's were held in Detroit due to some electrical issues found on assembly line that had affected some that were ready to be put on trucks for delivery. They are a little harder to get right now.
A friend ordered one last week and was told to expect it around Feb '05. :eek:
Heres a good board for the 05 'stang:

I am prob going to order a convertible for the spring. You cannot beat the
price/performance/looks package, IMO. The only things I dont like are
1) hood-too plain 2) Some interior surfaces look cheap. Other than that,
great car for the $$. :smile:
I love the 05 Mustang, good thing they dont limit the production, they dont sell it over here in europe, we have to import it or have it imported for about 6 000 € with all changes to make it 'street legal' in germany. I would love to test drive one but unfortunately you have to buy the imported one to drive it :(.
Steeda Version:

Roush Version:

Saleen Version:

Base Mustang w/o Foglights:
I think all mustangs are hideous except for the old gt350 and gt500 but i have to admit that steeda version doesnt look too bad.
What about the plans for the new design Cobra model? Anyone know anything about that model or when it's coming out?
Hows this Mustang handle? I heard it still has live axles. Great bang for the buck IMO. Looks good too...but I already see too many 40yo women driving them. :redface:
I think it looks pretty ;)

It would do well here in Aus - we like v8's. The bigger the better.

"Handling"? never heard of it!

I am comming over to the US for a long working holiday, looks like I will be test driving this one.
What about the plans for the new design Cobra model? Anyone know anything about that model or when it's coming out?

There will not be a Cobra until 2006, apparently. Ford has got a deal going now where if you buy an 04 SVT Cobra, you get priority pricing and a position on the first production run, plus some other benefits. Check the SVT site.

Only problem you will run into is that alot of Ford dealers are idiots, used to selling Escorts and Tauruses.
I like the Steeda best, and the Roush the least.