Thoughts on NSX from different site.

But the truth of the matter is most Humans have never driven an NSX.
So their opinion is useless. :biggrin:
I like the guy that says he will buy a Honda when they make a V8...If I remember correctly and I do ..the maxima and the 350Z for that matter are V6! :wink:

OH and the guy that thinks the EVO will kick NSX butt! ha ha I would like to see an EVO kick an NSXs butt two years from now when the NSX still purrs like a kitten and the EVO is blown up and wornout.

BTW have you seen what they did to the STI this year? its so butt ugly they gave it the new grille they have on the SUV thing!
Do you think that the McLaren forum would care if we talked crap about the F1 here?

Who really cares what a bunch of Nissan guys think.. I have a Nissan myself and I don't give a crap about what I think half the time.... :wink:
If I remember correctly and I do ..the maxima and the 350Z for that matter are V6!

They're also ~25-34k. :)

OH and the guy that thinks the EVO will kick NSX butt! ha ha I would like to see an EVO kick an NSXs butt two years from now when the NSX still purrs like a kitten and the EVO is blown up and wornout.

Indeed. Cars need to be appreciated for what they are.

Who really cares what a bunch of Nissan guys think.. I have a Nissan myself and I don't give a crap about what I think half the time....

NISSAN, Mazda, Honda.. as long as the car puts a smile on your face while your driving, thats pretty much all that matters.

These guys are idiots. If you dont like a car because its "over priced" then you shouldnt buy it, not because its expensive but because you cant afford it. To talk about a car you have no experience working on or driving is just dumb.

Maxima owners.. ugh
menuserve said:
damn those people all dogged the NSX

But none of them have any actual experience driving the car. I mean, they drive Maximas....not really the same type of car. :rolleyes:

Sure, the NSX is short on power....everyone knows that. I just wish that some people would educate themselves with experience before dogging something. The one guy was talking about the NSX being too much money, then said he would buy a used Ferrari instead to save money. Nobody buys a Ferrari to save money. :rolleyes:
zahntech said:
OH and the guy that thinks the EVO will kick NSX butt! ha ha I would like to see an EVO kick an NSXs butt two years from now when the NSX still purrs like a kitten and the EVO is blown up and wornout.

I wonder if he's driven an Evo? We had one of the first ones in the state, and with a few mods (courtesy of, the thing was an incredibly strong performer. The thing is - it still felt like a $15k econo-sedan when you were doing anything but thrashing it. I mean, no cruise control?

It was faster than my NSX (pre-CTSC), but aside from magazine racing, there's no comparison between the two cars. I was glad when we decided to dump the Evo after 6 months.

The NSX? If it weren't for the dealer's little mishap with my '04, I'd have that for years to come... out of the 28 cars I've owned in the past 16 years, the NSX is, hands down, the most impressive thing I've ever had to privelege of driving. Now if the wife would just let me get the damn Ariel Atom...

Honestly guys... who cares.

I have nothing against Nissan guys and we shouldn't have anything against them. They're spouting their opinions on the internet for God's sake not forcing you to believe in the Koran when you're Jewish. Who cares?

Besides, how many of them have actually driven an NSX. The math says not many so while they're entitled to their opinions, they're largely based in conjecture and cow manure.
Its fun to read about what people who've actually driven or at least ridden in one think of the NSX on other forums, but it almost always gets into the same old arguments after a few posts by the people who have done niether. Its pretty easy to avoid people who like to look at the "only 290hp", and and form an opinion from it. Not to mention comments like "pfft its only a V6, my maxima has that, it must suck!" are enough to get my blood pressure up.

You dont even have to drive the car, just take a ride in one and it'll put a smile on your face. :biggrin: There are all sorts of NSX haters on every car forum on the internet, and for the most part they all use the same old tired argument's.

Best to ignore them and daydream about what's in your garage. :cool:
I still don't get the overpriced statement.
I mean, at the time a 348 was going for about the same sorta money, and with all the shortcommings of that 348, they never ever call a 348 overpriced.

Beats me.
blknsxnoc said:
Do you think that the McLaren forum would care if we talked crap about the F1 here?

That is a classic quote above........

People driving a Maxima telling me about my car. Too funny. I hear those McLaren owners boiling right now as we talk about what a waste of money their car is. What about everyone that shelled out a million plus for an Enzo?

You just have to laugh. Like the people that will tell you how bad the new Corvette will smoke me. Cool, thanks for telling me something I didn't already know.

Those people just ran out of things to talk about so they had to dream soemthing up. The kill section on the Maxima page was down so they started a new thread.
I used to be a part of that forum....back when I had a maxima. Don't worry about em...their focus is on a 4-door "sports" car.

There was a thread with them doggin the 350Z (the car I got next)...I think they're just not happy people in general. And as we all know, it only takes a few bitter apples to ruin the whole can of apple sauce.

I mean, I loved my maxima and all, but I never had any illusion of what it was. When people who drive a car like that say "Damn, an EVO will smoke it, or an M3 is waaay better, etc etc" obviously are not talking from experience.
That is funny stuff. I have a buddy who drives a Maxima and he used to have an Evo. He is pretty big into tuner cars and the whole scene. One day we were talking about the NSX and it's great abilities and the exclusivity(real word?) and he started to complain about his new Maxima. I asked him what is wrong with it, it is a nice car. His answer... It's an old guy's car. No offense to older people on Prime, but I think that sums it all up to me.
Many of the comments about the NSX on the Maxima forum ring true to me - overpriced, underpowered and unimproved for too many years. One thing that I didn't see on the Maxima forum is any unadulterated bashing of the NSX, whereas on these forums I see too many people using terms like POS and crapwagon to describe other cars - cars that they most likely haven't driven - such as the F430, C6 and C6 Z06. For of group of people (NSX owners) who generally consider themselves automotive connoisseurs, we don't always conduct our discussions accordingly.

My problem wasn't with the Maxima, I just saw the two comparisons on the site and had to chime in because fo my personal experiences with both vehicles they tried comparing to the NSX.

Regardless of the performane, my Evo was an econo-box; albeit one with gobs of brute power. It felt unrefined, the interior sucked and it was one of the most uncomfortable rides I'd driven in since my 1985 Dodge Daytona I drove in high school. Also, Mitsu sucks when it comes to service and warranty with the car - to the point that I heard they monitored the forums and used posts to void warranties.

My '01 E46 M3 CiC was a POS - it stalled for the first two minutes until warmed up in the fall/winter. BMW could never figure out why; they finally just refunded me $1000 and it was sold to someone in a much warmer climate where it wouldn't stall.

Is the NSX overpriced? Sure. Underpowered? Yep - but that's easily addressed with a little FI. Unimproved? The bar was so high to begin with it's taken other cars generations to catch up, so I don't know that it's even a negative.

I'll readily admit that the new Z06 is impressive - I'll wait a year to see how it ages/fares, and then may pick one up used. The standard C6 is too common - I like having something that you don't see every day. F430? I love the reliability of the Acura and there's nowhere within 100 miles to get a Ferrari serviced around here.

oh, and on the part of the nsx not fast enough.

here's the real story: My buddy had owned whole bunch of sport/exotic cars, RX7, Lotus Esprit...etc. Along with different Luxury cars. When he bit the bullet and bought himself a nsx, he is complaining how slow the car is and he got bored.... Took one ride with him and I found the reason is that his shift point is right around 4-5.5k rpm. Yeah, the car gets plenty of speed by then but I wouldn't say it's the magic mark. We insisted that the car shine on race track, and on the public road, it's scary fast.

"Try it buddy, bring it to red line and tell us"... Couple weeks later, he did mentioned that oh well, yeah, the car is fast enough for me now...

For myself, I had a chance driving my buddy's nsx back in 1997, back then, my experience on performance driving is ZERO compared to now. (I drove my dad's 3000GT regularly, and took my modified accord to canyon drive) My report to my dad is that nsx is very smooth, but I don't think it's that fast. Reason?? I was driving it on the backroad of a 35 mph city, and I don't have skills back then to take a car at double speed thru a corner, let alone keeping the car happy at high rpm...

I've been owning the nsx for 2 yrs now, and have been driven 14 HPDE/lapping events, and passing almost everybody in Advance/instrutor's group at my local track. (ok, not all of them, saved for GT2, GT3 w/good drivers, CGT, and F360) and all I know is that I haven't been fully driven its 100% potential yet. And I'm fast mainly because of the car.
All I have to say is that in 10 years the NSX will still make heads turn and look like a BadAss car. the EVO and maxima look mediocre already. Till this day I have people ask me if my 91 NSX is a 2005 car. most people out there have never seen one and when they do they think its a new car that just came out. I would like to see a EVO turn heads in 2 years for that matter I would like to see a EVO turn heads now.
You guys sincerely think $89K for a new NSX is not absolutely INSANE???? They are extemely overpriced for what they are.....A car that has never evolved with the times. Almost every sports sedan on the market nowdays puts out as much or more HP than an NSX. Hell, my wife's FX45 will put an ass-whoppin' on my NSX. I feel most the comments in that article are valid and I hope Honda comes back out swingin' with whatever they replace the NSX with.....I do agree that nobody here should care what other people think. Also, what's an EVO?
Insane? Look at the Aston Martin DB9 vs the Vanquish S. Where's the justification for that extra $80k on top of the already $160-170k price tag of the DB9?

Hell, for 1/4 of the funds tied up in the new NSX (car + mods), I could build a car that would rape the NSX in most tests. In the end it boils down to what people want to do with their own money; I also agree and really don't give a rat's ass about what people think of the car and I'm not trying to impress anyone. I love the car, I love driving it and I'm happy to be going back for seconds next week when the '05 hits the dealer.
