Those who sold their NSX, do you have any regrets selling the car?

I'm glad you decided to keep your NSX! I'm still in my honeymoon stages with my NSX coming up on owning it for a year now. It makes my long days, bad days, hard days, sick days whatever better just opening the garage and walking by it everyday. If I've got a lot on my mind go out there turn on the radio and start cleaning, or the next DIY I've been meaning to do. It's good to see I'm not the only one that is happier just knowing I own one. Sounds like the next nice day you should take it out for a drive.

I'm still in my honeymoon stage.
Glad you came to your senses and kept the car. If your thinking about selling any time in the future. Just have a friend come by take your keys and drive your car to his house for the night. And when you wake up in a cold sweat, you can have him bring it right back and everything will be right in the world.
Glad you came to your senses and kept the car. If your thinking about selling any time in the future. Just have a friend come by take your keys and drive your car to his house for the night. And when you wake up in a cold sweat, you can have him bring it right back and everything will be right in the world.

This made me laugh, but seems like a genius idea, if it drives you insane to wonder what's happening to your car then you're not ready to sell.
I sold my Berlina 96' to a completely unappreciative moron and very much regret doing so. It was a very original low mileage clean example and if I hadn't made an agreement to purchase a red supercharged 96' from another member... I would have just kept it. Unfortunately the seller changed his mind so in the grand scheme of things... if you question selling your car just keep it. They are literally impossible to find anymore in original/clean form.
Glad you came to your senses and kept the car. If your thinking about selling any time in the future. Just have a friend come by take your keys and drive your car to his house for the night. And when you wake up in a cold sweat, you can have him bring it right back and everything will be right in the world.
Unless he refuses to bring it back. Which is quite likely. :)
I sold my Berlina 96' to a completely unappreciative moron and very much regret doing so. It was a very original low mileage clean example and if I hadn't made an agreement to purchase a red supercharged 96' from another member... I would have just kept it. Unfortunately the seller changed his mind so in the grand scheme of things... if you question selling your car just keep it. They are literally impossible to find anymore in original/clean form.

I wish you two would sort this out....i sense some hostility in both of your posting.
4 years ago I had a health issue {I think docjohn remembers} and sold my NSX to a very close friend. I was worried about my wife trying to sell the car should things turn for the worse. Fortunately things went better than expected and for the next 10 months during treatment I thought about my beloved NSX in someone elses garage. I had much money invested and can't express how much I regreted selling. Fortunately my friend only drove it 400 miles in that period and agreed to sell it back to me $1000 less than the purchase. I was "very" fortunate. Anytime I think about selling it, I remember the sickening feeling I got everyday I looked in my garage and it not being there or the joy I had driving it. Think long and hard before you make that decision!!!!
glad you keeping it, do a search of regrets on nsxprime and you will read the horror stories about how people want to kill themselves
after selling it.

I would only sell mine if one of my children needed a kidney transplant but........... I would not sell it if i needed one LOL I will die with it in my possesion.

pry it from my cold dead hands.
I wish you two would sort this out....i sense some hostility in both of your posting.

Thanks docjohn unfortunately there really isn't anything to sort out. When you sell a vehicle to someone who is beyond paranoid (and blames you for something a previous owner did/pulled off) and mature as say a 15 year old... there isn't much to sort. Lesson learned.

I've been a part of the nsxprime/nsx community for the last 10+ years of ownership and have realized some owners are EXTREMELY difficult/unreasonable to deal with. I think our forum is a great asset to ownership and have made many friends along the way but have chose at this point to take a breather for a while. When you give someone your word it should go a long way... but clearly that is no longer the case these days.
Thanks docjohn unfortunately there really isn't anything to sort out. When you sell a vehicle to someone who is beyond paranoid (and blames you for something a previous owner did/pulled off) and mature as say a 15 year old... there isn't much to sort. Lesson learned.

I've been a part of the nsxprime/nsx community for the last 10+ years of ownership and have realized some owners are EXTREMELY difficult/unreasonable to deal with. I think our forum is a great asset to ownership and have made many friends along the way but have chose at this point to take a breather for a while. When you give someone your word it should go a long way... but clearly that is no longer the case these days.

This is just people mate. It takes all sorts, as the saying goes. Take it on the chin and move on :)
exactly ,there are always two sides to a story....If both parties are reasonable,(big if) usually a compromise or mutual understanding of a business transaction can be achieved.
Great thread, but it seems unlikely to me that those who sold their NSX and don't regret their decision are participants to such threads let alone reading this forum..
exactly ,there are always two sides to a story....If both parties are reasonable,(big if) usually a compromise or mutual understanding of a business transaction can be achieved.

In my experience there are three sides to a story. One for each participant and then what really happened. Society is not what it used to be. Technology has made everything "instant" and the term "a man of his word" a very old phrase that when honored, you take notice and are amazed it happened. Throw in a fair amount of passion for these beloved cars and things can get sideways in a hurry.

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Great thread, but it seems unlikely to me that those who sold their NSX and don't regret their decision are participants to such threads let alone reading this forum..

You are most definitely spot on with this assessment. The only people paying attention to this thread are those that DO regret selling their car or those of us that have enjoyed every waking moment with their car and couldn't imagine parting with it. they are the ones rooting the poor bastard that is trying to make the decision "do I keep her or do I sell her for reason X, Y, Z?"

I, too, am wrestling with this same question. It's not because I don't love the car and those that know me and have followed my escapades on her know that there is no finer car, car owners, forum or suppliers of the parts that keep our cars running. But sometimes life throws something at you and you have to sit back and balance things out. I applaud the supporters on this thread, and feel for those that have to ask that question of themselves. It's not a fun place to be.
You don't have to sell Jc, just get bigger turbos haha. But seriously op, I had an 02. My first one I bought with hard earned money at age 23. Loved it. Then crashed it. Sold it to Shawn immediately got another like a month after loseing it. Though I get compliments on my 04 I don't feel the same about it like my first 02. Maybe others can chime in but if you sell it even comming back might not feel the same. I too constantly debate back and fourth. To sell an 04 bare 55k mikes should get about 58 ish maybe more part out the turbo and stuff put 70k on a gallardo...... But will that car ever be as reliable as this fun. I've sat in many Porsches, gtr, Lexus and mercedes, supra and rx7 and they just don't feel as connected as this car. I don't know if it's the crammed cabin lol, but the nsx feels like an extension of your own soul. It really is a unique feeling car. I just don't know if an R8 or Gallardo (Ferrari 360 out after I saw 3 leaking oil at a car meet) can keep me with the smile on my face. Plus I'm already dusting those as it sits lol. Think hard before you sell it. If it's your first it might not be the same again :(
NSXtasy, when did you sell your NSX?
March 2012. No regrets. In my case, I bought it as a track car, and I hardly drive on the track any more. (It may be hard to imagine for those who haven't reached that point, but after driving in ~200 track events, doing so had become not so much of a thrill.) I only drove it a few hundred miles the last three years I owned it. And I wasn't getting much enjoyment from seeing it in my garage. I should add, I absolutely loved owning it for almost all of the 21 years I had it.

Really, whether or not to sell it is a very personal decision, with as many variations and nuances as the decision to buy it in the first place. I would say, if you are having second thoughts at all before you actually sell it, you probably shouldn't do so.
Thanks for the response Ken. I didn't even know you didn't have an NSX anymore. I'm pretty new to this forum and even before finding NSX prime and well before I even started to look for one I already knew about the famous keN SaX and your NSX used in the car and driver best $25,000 cars. You've inspired a lot of us to take the leap into NSX ownership. So thanks for sticking around and always being available to answer questions, even if some know you as the OEM oil filter police or timing belt nazi :)
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March 2012. No regrets. In my case, I bought it as a track car, and I hardly drive on the track any more. (It may be hard to imagine for those who haven't reached that point, but after driving in ~200 track events, doing so had become not so much of a thrill.) I only drove it a few hundred miles the last three years I owned it. And I wasn't getting much enjoyment from seeing it in my garage. I should add, I absolutely loved owning it for almost all of the 21 years I had it.

Really, whether or not to sell it is a very personal decision, with as many variations and nuances as the decision to buy it in the first place. I would say, if you are having second thoughts at all before you actually sell it, you probably shouldn't do so.

Ken how old are you.
I regret selling my 91. Since the NSX I have had an 07 STI, '13 BRZ, and an 09 Exige... All great drivers cars and lots of fun but none of them captured the driving feel of the NSX. If I tried to explain that to a non owner they would never get it. I mean the Exige was WAY faster, more extreme looking (attention grabbing) and on paper better in most every way but it wasn't nearly as livable and somehow just didn't feel as good, I know that is totally subjective but that's just how I feel about it. I have been lusting after getting a GTR and have actually gotten the chance to drive one, it is a great proposition in my mind mostly because of the AWD and the storage space it has aside from the obvious performance numbers...but you feel like a passenger vs a pilot in the NSX. Still I am having an internal battle as to which to go with. So that should tell you something right there, how on Gods green earth can a 1991 NSX still have ANY kind of pull over today's giant killer? I guess that's the million dollar question. I do know that if the right NSX hits the market I don't see myself passing it up. Glad to see that you have decided to keep it, I know when I get one again it wont be going anywhere. Also to wrap up this sob story the NSX community is a fantastic asset that I can tell you I miss. Being a regretful lurker isn't nearly as much fun as being an owner!!
Well I'm back for the third time in 11 years ... Sold my last one almost 5 years ago and missed just seeing it in the garage let alone driving it... I'm happy to say that I just picked up my latest one last week and love just seeing it back in the garage... They really are more then just a car, they are a work of art..

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