This real?

Geez Dtrigg let's Fing hope so....boy:rolleyes: This has been a funny one.

Howdy to my good friend Rod and NSX-R chaser"""" yippeeeiokyaaaaa.:biggrin:
I am guessing that they have the car available in Japan and plan on shipping it to the states. SF and NY are probably the two ports that it can be shipped into. Not sure it is legit and I myself am skeptical.

Let us know when your nsx-r arrives....:smile:
I am guessing that they have the car available in Japan and plan on shipping it to the states. SF and NY are probably the two ports that it can be shipped into. Not sure it is legit and I myself am skeptical.

well lets say they will ship it.....
and it is legitimate sale.....

you might not be able to keep the car any way

see thread:Feds Seize Nissan Skyline GT-R's


After warning letters were sent to owners 60 days ago (below), teams of Kevlar-armed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers are seizing grey market Nissan Skyline GT-Rs imported by Kaizo according to GTR USA Blog. Below, why it happened.

Last August the letter below was sent from the Southern California United States Attorney's office stating that "the referenced Nissan Skyline automobile... is not in compliance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Transportation requirements." The letter goes on to state that the vehicles can't be operated and the feds are coming for them within 60 days. They weren't lying.

According to GTR USA, two R34s and an R32 have already been seized and, if the letter above is an indication, an R33 is on the list.

Importing vehicles without the appropriate credentialing from the appropriate U.S. agencies almost always ends up with cars being seized by the government, especially Skylines, and people getting fined or jail time. In this case, the cars were imported by Kaizo under a special exemption for automotive parts. They brought over the shells and drivetrains separately and then reassembled them. They were then, apparently, registered under the law as SB 100, which is for kit/show cars. This exemption allows vehicles not driven frequently to be registered without smog checks.

We have a feeling these cars are being driven frequently.

The U.S. Attorney ended his letter "Very Truly Yours" but it looks like those Nissans are now "Very Truly His."

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Hello Mr. Slamstorm.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Abdul Abu Dhabi. I am the barrister for Mr. DTRIGG. As you have probably read in most major business publications, Mr. DTRIGG is the largest manufacturer of NSX-R vehicles in all of Nigeria. Mr. Steve Daubi, the Minister of Finance has sworn a personal vendetta against Mr. DTRIGG. This was a result of Mr. DTRIGG honking and blowing a kiss and yelling "Huba, Huba" at the Minster's daughter as she was walking down the street.

Mr. DTRIGG currently has 23 trillion million dollars in the Bank of Nigeria, but he has no way to withdraw the funds. We have selected you to assist Mr. DTRIGG in withdrawing these funds. For your assistance, we will provide you 15 trillion million dollars.

Please provide your banking and contact information as soon as possible so we can begin the transfer. If you would also like to have a new NSX-R in addition to the 15 trillion million dollars, please indicate your choice of colours.

May God have mercy on your sole and Alia take a liking to you.

Most respectfully,

Dr. Abu Dhabi
Personal friend and barrister to Mr. DTRIGG

Dr. Abdul Abu Dhabi,
You are so kind to introduce yourself to me. That is quite an opportunity that you are offering me. If I can assist you with your $23,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 dilemma, and be reward with your generosity, then I will not be greedy and ask for the NSX-R on top of the $15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00. Today may be our lucky day. I already have an account with the Bank of Nigeria. This should make it easy for you to transfer the $23,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 into my account. In return, I will transfer the $8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 (keeping $15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 for myself per your offer) to your Goldman Sachs account in the United States. Would you like that in a money wired transfer or in negotiable U.S. Government Bonds? Please also tell your client Mr. DTrigg not to honk or blow kisses at the daughter of Mr. Lloyd Blankfein (CEO of Goldman Sachs). Otherwise, he may solicited my services again to get his money out of Goldman Sachs. Not that I'm complaining, I just want to make sure Mr. Dtrigg will be able to keep most of his $8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 for his retirement. Please contact me if you have trouble transferring your money into my account at the Bank of Nigeria.
Mr. Slamstrom
Dr. Abdul Abu Dhabi,
You are so kind to introduce yourself to me. That is quite an opportunity that you are offering me. If I can assist you with your $23,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 dilemma, and be reward with your generosity, then I will not be greedy and ask for the NSX-R on top of the $15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00. Today may be our lucky day. I already have an account with the Bank of Nigeria. This should make it easy for you to transfer the $23,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 into my account. In return, I will transfer the $8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 (keeping $15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 for myself per your offer) to your Goldman Sachs account in the United States. Would you like that in a money wired transfer or in negotiable U.S. Government Bonds? Please also tell your client Mr. DTrigg not to honk or blow kisses at the daughter of Mr. Lloyd Blankfein (CEO of Goldman Sachs). Otherwise, he may solicited my services again to get his money out of Goldman Sachs. Not that I'm complaining, I just want to make sure Mr. Dtrigg will be able to keep most of his $8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 for his retirement. Please contact me if you have trouble transferring your money into my account at the Bank of Nigeria.
Mr. Slamstrom

Dear Honorable Slamstorm,

Please provide your account information at the Bank of Nigeria and we'll transfer a zillion dollars to your account. Mr. DTRIGG has decided to throw in a new NSX-R because he thinks you're such a nice guy.

Barrister Abu Dhabi