This is truly the most disturbing thing I have ever heard

Volks are great wheels. I wish they made them in a 20X8 application for the FX. I always wanted to put some on my Supras when I had them but never got around to it.

I've been told that a swap to 23 lb. wheels on the FX should feel the same as taking 320+ lbs. off of the body of the car. That should mean it'll be about 1/2 of a second quicker in the 1/4 mile. It seems like it would take some stress off of the steering components also. I can almost feel the steering groan when it has to turn the heavy wheels at very low speeds.

Edit: An after thought: this FX will be close in straight line performance to the early NSXs (at least the automatics for sure) if I can get its 1/4 mile potential down to the low-mid 14's. Not bad for an SUV really.
Arshad said:
....Anyways, I think I've expressed some of my views here which I believe to be the majority opinion of muslims, even though I really did not expect it to change the way anyone percieves the religion or its people.


I do not swear by survey results. The poll I found of Palestinians was based on a sample, and it varied over time (the same group conducted several polls over the course of some time).

I was more distressed about the reaction to 9/11 in Ireland, as I've gotten it secondhand. There is something rotten in the response.... something deeply disturbing.

The first post I site below is apparently a webpage by an Irish lad disturbed by the Irish media's response to 9/11. The two sites after that pick up on the same theme.

I disagreed with the pushg to war, but I also disagreed with some of the peace movement, particularly in Europe, where an "anti-war" protest occasionally becomes anti-Jewish.
Accomplice said:
You guys may be right. Its probably only 10% of Muslims that share beliefs with / aid/ support the terrorists. We needn't worry about 'em because that's only 200 million nuts against us.
Excellent! Based on a statement from our resident Islamic expert, in just a span of a week or so, 80% of all Muslims came to their senses, and no longer want to support terrorists.

If we can convert 80% that quickly, how long could the last 10% possibly take? This is almost too easy.
nkb said:
Excellent! Based on a statement from our resident Islamic expert, in just a span of a week or so, 80% of all Muslims came to their senses, and no longer want to support terrorists.

If we can convert 80% that quickly, how long could the last 10% possibly take? This is almost too easy.

I'm fully converted now. I refuse to acknowledge that a single Muslim supports terror. Now that I've blocked that out of my mind I will be impervious to attacks by them. Yippee!
Accomplice said:
I'm fully converted now. I refuse to acknowledge that a single Muslim supports terror. Now that I've blocked that out of my mind I will be impervious to attacks by them. Yippee!

if by them, you mean true muslims, then yes Yipee

but if you mean them, as in terrorists, then stick to busses and you'll be safe
Accomplice said:
Islam is a caustic blend of regurgitated paganism and twisted Bible stories. Muhammad, its lone prophet, conceived his religion solely to satiate his lust for power, sex, and money. He was a terrorist. And if you think these conclusions are shocking, wait until you see the evidence.

Oh come on, who would ever believe that?

For general information

Allah is the Arabic word for God so Allah=God and there is no arguing about that. That's why Islam, Christianity and Judaism are brother religions

And Muslims acknowledge Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Jonah, Noah, Adam, and a whole bunch of other prophets as prophets and see Mohammad as their successor also as a prophet.

The closest religion to Islam is the Unitarian Christians. So, if someone insists on hating Muslims and staying away from them, he can visit a Unitarian Christian in his neighborhood and ask him about his religion. Add to his religion the belief that Mohammad is also a prophet and you'll end up having a Muslim. That's it, no complication no nothing.

It's very easy to determine that what you are reading is propaganda from the first line (as Arshad mentioned) and we should not let such crap influence our decisions.
Bryant95 said:
Why are Arab-Americans and Jewish-Americans willing to accept the idea of a two-state solution?

Why is the climate of hostility so great that you are resolved to endless killings?

The Middle Eastern and the European media--from what I hear--are both so hostile to Israel, that people simply speak of endless war, or the destruction of the Jewish state.

Truth is, Muslims probably have better opporunities and mroe social acceptance in America than in Western Europe, yet Western Europe is a huge critic of Israel.

The two regions--Western Europe and the Middle East--have made Israel a scapegoat. No matter how oppressed Muslims are in Europe, or in the Middle East, they see their problem as Israel. Who benefits from this? Their European and their Middle Eastern oppressors.

It's scapegoating, and Israel has become the collective Jew, blamed for other people's problems.

The Israel case is no scapegoat

There is a relationship between the terrorists being Islamic extremists and them attacking the US. Isn't it obvious? Why didn't they attack any other nation out there?

They see America as the soul supporter of Israel. And Muslims are not happy about what Israel is doing to Palestine. They Know that Israel can't hold its power without the US and hence the grudge against the US. When someone steps on you, you get mad, that's common sense. They will get mad up to the extent of forgetting what they've been learning by their own religion and become terrorists shaming their religion and their people.

All of this conflict did start in Israel. There is no mistaking that fact.
cmhs75 said:
There is a relationship between the terrorists being Islamic extremists and them attacking the US. Isn't it obvious? Why didn't they attack any other nation out there? ...

They see America as the soul supporter of Israel. And Muslims are not happy about what Israel is doing to Palestine. They Know that Israel can't hold its power without the US and hence the grudge against the US. .....
All of this conflict did start in Israel. There is no mistaking that fact.

1. Why don't they attack otehr nations? After the 1972 Munich Games, when Black September terrorists killed several Israelis participating in the Olypmics, West Germany released the surviving killers, under the guise of a "hijacking." West Germany purposefully released murderers to prevent future terror attacks against Germany. It was not high principle that spared Western Europe.

In 1973--a year after the Munich Olympics--US supply planes bound for Israel during the Yom Kippur War could not touchdown and refuel in Continental Europe. Only Portugal permitted use of the Azore Islands in the Atlantic.

See the Bat Ye'or interview-article from (Jerusalem Post) below about her theory that France pioneered an anti-Israel police to rival US influence in the world and secure French prestige.

A former German official confirmed this for an HBO documentary, "That Day in September"

2. Why do they attack America? Read Osama bin Laden's rambling "Letter to America" (circa November 2002). Sure, he mentions Palestine, then he mentions gambling, charging interest, and President Clinton's sex scandals as "the worst" thing imaginable. Oops, I thought killing people, and attacking an office building to force pregnant women to jump to their deaths ranks as a little worse than adultery.

3. The suffering of Palestinians deserves more sympathy from the Arab world. Millions of Palestinians live in refugee camps--in Arab countries. Check the CNN story below for a Palestinian in an Arab country who told Reuters news service, "The persecution here is unbelievable."

In a "Memo to Muslim American Leaders," India-born Muslim M. A. Muqtedar Khan wrote, "The Israeli occupation of Palestine is perhaps central to Muslim grievance against the West. While acknowledging that, I must remind you that Israel treats its one million Arab citizens with greater respect and dignity than most Arab nations treat their citizens. Today Palestinian refugees can settle and become citizens of the United States but in spite of all the tall rhetoric of the Arab world and Quranic injunctions (24:22) no Muslim country except Jordan extends this support to them."

In fairness, consult also Khan's "Memo to Americans," in which he makes the interesting remark, "Today nearly 650 million Muslims live in democratic societies. As of now there are two Muslim nations with over a 100 million people that have women heads of state – Indonesia and Bangladesh. The US has not had one in over 220 years!"

4. Attacks on Jews pre-date the establishment of Israel. Rioters in Tripoli (Libya) in June 1945 chanted "death to the Kafirs" while attacking Jewish homes and shops, and killing over 100 Jews. The 1948 riot in Libya did use Palestine as an excuse, but the first one did not seem to do so. See Harvey Goldberg's article, "Rites and Riots: The Tripolitanian Pogrom of 1945," Plural Societies, volume 8 (Spring, 1977):pages 35-56, or his book "Jewish Life in Muslim Libya: Rivals and Relatives."

See also the Ya'akov Meron article below "Why the Jews Fled Muslim Countries," which has this interesting letter (1947) to an Egyptian newspaper, sent with the writer's pciture:

"Every time I board a tram I hear people pointing at me with a finger and saying 'Jew,' 'Jew.' I have been beaten more than once because of this. For that reason I humbly beg that my picture (enclosed) be published with the explanation that I am not Jewish and that my name is Adham Mustafa Galeb."

That article also appears in the book "Forgotten Millions: The Modern Jewish Exodus from Arab Countries," which offers the statistic that 41% of Israelis are Jews from Arab countries. A little under 1 million Jews lived in the Middle East, from Iran to Morocco, and some even lived in Afghanistan. For their second-class status as dhimmi (or ahl al-dhimma, People of the Pact), see Bernard Lews, "The Jews of Islam," Norman A. Stillman, "The Jews of Arab Lands," or "Under Cross and Crescent," Mark Cohen's comparison of Jewish life in Europe and the Middle East. Cohen argues for appreciating the difference, and argues against overstating the subordination of dhimmis, and Cohen applauds Lewis's work as perhaps the most even-handed treatment of the subject.

On an unrelated note: See below an article from MEMRI on debating the "72 black-eyed virgins",11581,845725,00.html
Bryant95 said:
Rioters in Tripoli (Libya) in June 1945 chanted "death to the Kafirs" while attacking Jewish homes and shops, and killing over 100 Jews.

Sorry. They chanted "Jihad against Kafirs," or struggle against unbelievers.

I believe there is more than legitimate greivance motivating terrorists. There is a lot of hate, based on a lot of things.
Bryant95 said:
Sorry. They chanted "Jihad against Kafirs," or struggle against unbelievers.

I believe there is more than legitimate greivance motivating terrorists. There is a lot of hate, based on a lot of things.

I think I need to go to Palestine, or get me a reliable unbiased source. I'm hearing to many conflicting claims.

I hate this world
I agree that the Israel situation heavily contributes to the reason why Muslims don't like the US.

But don't you think that our constant self-serving, and short-sighted, meddling in the area (and around the world) has anything to do with this?
Our government (whether Democrat or Republican) has a consistent history of taking the "end justifies the means" approach, without regard for the future.

We supported the Shah in Iran, while he imprisoned and tortured his people, and ruled with an iron fist.
We supported and supplied Saddam Hussein, for crying out loud, because he happened to be enemies with the post-Shah Iran, whom we disliked.
No matter how evil someone is, and how much oppression their people will have to suffer, our politicians only care about the immediate future, and our supply of oil from the region, and will support the wrong people.

I'm not even bringing up all the other missteps we've made with people like Noriega in Panama.

I understand why we have this image in the Middle East. This does not justify any kind of terrorism in any way, but we can't be surprised when we aren't welcomed with open arms in the area.

I think I need to go to Palestine, or get me a reliable unbiased source. I'm hearing to many conflicting claims

By all means. My sister spent 3 months there last summer filming a documentary, both in the west bank and in Jerusalem proper. Her documentary for the CBC was on suicide bombing and her accounts were extremely eye opening to say the least.

In addition to living with the palestinians and seeing what they had to endure on a daily basis, she also spent substantial time on the Israeli side interviewing families of those who had been killed by suicide bombers. After watching this and in talking to her you start to realize what a wretched life people live on both sides of that affair. Constant fear for your own life, and never knowing whether you'll be seeing your loved ones again when they walk out the door. Scary as hell...

Right now she's in Kashmir, making a documentary on the atrocities being committed there. (Wide-scale raping of women, as well as the kidnapping/torture/killing of men, all perpetrated by the army/police).

I must remind you that Israel treats its one million Arab citizens with greater respect and dignity than most Arab nations treat their citizens.

Spend 10 minutes talking to my sister and she'll easily convince you otherwise with what she's seen with her own eyes while living there. The messages we get in the media here don't even convey a fraction of what's going on there...
Last edited:
Fron an email I received

> > >A Soldier stopped at a grocery store yesterday,
> > on his way home from
> > >the base. He said that
> > >ahead of several people in front of him stood a
> > woman dressed in a
> > >burkha. He said when she got to the cashier she
> > loudly remarked
> > >about the US flag lapel pin the cashier wore on
> > her smock.
> > >
> > >The cashier reached up and touched the pin, and
> > said proudly,"Yes, I
> > >always wear it."
> > >
> > >The woman in the burkha then asked the cashier
> > when she was going
> > >to stop bombing her countrymen, explaining that
> > she was Iraqi . A
> > >gentleman standing behind my son stepped
> > forward, putting his
> > >arm around the soldier's shoulders, and nodding
> > towards the soldier,
> > >said in a calm and gentle voice to the Iraqi
> > woman: "Lady, hundreds
> > >of thousands of men and women like this young
> > man have fought and
> > >died so that you could stand here, in MY
> > country, and accuse a
> > >check-out cashier of bombing your Countrymen.
> > >It is my belief that had you been this outspoken
> > in YOUR OWN
> > >country, we wouldn't need to be there today.
> > >But, hey, if you have now learned how to speak
> > out so loudly and
> > >clearly, I'll gladly pay your way back to Iraq
> > so you can straighten
> > >out the mess you are obviously here to avoid.
> > >
steveny said:
"Lady, hundreds
> > >of thousands of men and women like this young
> > man have fought and
> > >died so that you could stand here, in MY
> > country, and accuse a
> > >check-out cashier of bombing your Countrymen.
> > >It is my belief that had you been this outspoken
> > in YOUR OWN
> > >country, we wouldn't need to be there today.
> > >But, hey, if you have now learned how to speak
> > out so loudly and
> > >clearly, I'll gladly pay your way back to Iraq
> > so you can straighten
> > >out the mess you are obviously here to avoid.
> > >

Some people are retard. And in Arabs case, I'm very sad to say, most of them are retards.

I always argue with my friends about the fact that saddam has been torturing his countrymen and all the damn Arab nations sitting on their butts doing absolutely squat about it. And then, when a forging nation tries to help these pour people, the F$%cking sleeping Arab nations out of the blue start acting heroic and say that the US has invaded Iraq, where were these buttheads when Saddam was around?

One thing is true over the course of history. Those people who try to fix up humanity will always be remembered as the vileness of history, it's a sad but true thing. When was the last time Great Britain got praised for brining the industrial revolution into the world?

I have a bet with my friends who are against the US attacking saddam. They are saying that the US is no better than Saddam and that they are just there for the oil. I said otherwise. So please prove them wrong and prove me write.

The US has contributed to humanity greatly but from reading history I think it'll go on unnoticed in the history books, just like what happened to the other great nations before it (one of them being the original Islamic nation).

But hell, this the world
Arshad said:

I think I need to go to Palestine, or get me a reliable unbiased source. I'm hearing to many conflicting claims

By all means. My sister spent 3 months there last summer filming a documentary, both in the west bank and in Jerusalem proper. Her documentary for the CBC was on suicide bombing and her accounts were extremely eye opening to say the least.

Hey Arhsad, is your sister a reporter or what?

How can she go to such dangerous places? Isn't it a threat for her life?

And did she publish her findings already? Any idea where I can get it?
cmhs75 said:
I think I need to go to Palestine, or get me a reliable unbiased source. I'm hearing to many conflicting claims.

I hate this world

The conflict in my two posts was based on my faulty recollection of the chant recalled by survivors of the 1945 riot. I corrected my first post when I recalled the more accurate phraseology. I apologize for the error.

The incident--most of what I've read of it--is derived from the 1977 edition of the journal "Plural Societies," and an article by Harvey Goldberg, whose written a few books on Jewish Libyans.

As for the tenor of my post and your sense of depression after reading it ("I hate this world"), I can only apologize and say I certainly had second thoughts about posting it, and should simply have erased it--but I did not, and now it is already read by some, so I leave it.

As for the people I quote or cite--they write better stuff than I did, so please don't blame them.

Thanks. I have taken a more staunch stand on this issue in this discussion than I normal do. Sorry for adding to an irate atmosphere.
Wow. First, I hope we do prove you right.

I fear you're write about the history books ignoring the good; I hope this gets corrected.

I would love for genuine freedom and prosperity to exist in Iraq.
You're brave to disagree with a popular view.

cmhs75 said:
Some people are retard. And in Arabs case, I'm very sad to say, most of them are retards.

I always argue with my friends about the fact that saddam has been torturing his countrymen and all the damn Arab nations sitting on their butts doing absolutely squat about it. And then, when a forging nation tries to help these pour people, the F$%cking sleeping Arab nations out of the blue start acting heroic and say that the US has invaded Iraq, where were these buttheads when Saddam was around?

The US has contributed to humanity greatly but from reading history I think it'll go on unnoticed in the history books, just like what happened to the other great nations before it (one of them being the original Islamic nation).

But hell, this the world

Hey Arhsad, is your sister a reporter or what?

Yes, she has a journalism background and is an associate producer at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

How can she go to such dangerous places? Isn't it a threat for her life?

She goes on her own, it's not funded or sponsored by her work. I guess she's got the true journalism spirit -- she wants to tell the stories of those who need to be heard. As far as danger goes, yes travelling to some of the most volatile places on the planet is not for the faint of heart. :) It's extremely dangerous and she's putting her life on the line, but she feels like she has an obligation to do this. I'm proud of her...

And did she publish her findings already? Any idea where I can get it?

Well the suicide bombing one was supposed to be aired about 6 weeks ago but that didn't happen due to some complications. I'm sure she'll try again to get them to air it, or sell it to a different network altogether. For the kashmir documentary, I think she's got all the interviews/footage now, but she's still in the area right now and I'm not sure when she'll be back in Canada so that she can edit it.
Arshad said:

She goes on her own, it's not funded or sponsored by her work. I guess she's got the true journalism spirit -- she wants to tell the stories of those who need to be heard. As far as danger goes, yes travelling to some of the most volatile places on the planet is not for the faint of heart. :) It's extremely dangerous and she's putting her life on the line, but she feels like she has an obligation to do this. I'm proud of her...

Wow, your sister is a hero. I wish there were more like her. People of different nations would start to understand each other rather than presume the worst against each other. We're humans, why can't we learn to live with one another.

And for the rest of you who are wondering, yes I am Arabic. My tone of voice about Arabs is just my venting on their currant status. Right now Arabs represent Islam and they're not doing a good job at it. This has been further amplified by the media and by arrogant angry people on both sides of the pond.

Each nation has its ups and downs and this is the down era of the Islamic nation. This is not the time to judge Islam by the majority of its believers. Sad but true.

I'm studying Islam up to this day and apart from some minor issues that need clarification, I still can't fault it. But, I can fault my nation for not being Ideal Muslims.
Hey CMHS75 I'm an Arab. dont you think your being too harsh on the arabs. They aren't that bad. Yes there are some retards but most are people living thier lives. Like anywhere else. Why all the hate?