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This is one SEXY Jaguar

Another car that reminds me of what the new NSX should have been.

On my way back from lunch today, I was behind a yellow F458 on the freeway today and was thinking to myself, "there's our HSC"
that is sweet. Honda needs to stop up and manke a new super car. I want a faster, reliable honda.
I like it, but dont love it. Looks like a Mclaren MP4-12C, which is far from a bad thing.
Dang! I was expecting pictures of a 50+ woman that likes to prey on 20 something guys. Completely misleading title! :mad:

that is sweet. Honda needs to stop up and manke a new super car. I want a faster, reliable honda.

They did...It was called the HCS, but the company decided they wanted to make some of the ugliest cars and go green instead...Amazing how Ferrari (458)and Jag(C-X75) just copied the HCS completely...Honda was ahead of it's time, but they let time and the competition pass them by...way to go Honda.....
Hey that car is a hybrid! There is hope for Honda and their "green" mentality yet. Though a very slim....0.01% :biggrin:

Nice car...I was never a fan of the XJ220 but this is much better! :eek:
They did...It was called the HCS, but the company decided they wanted to make some of the ugliest cars and go green instead...Amazing how Ferrari (458)and Jag(C-X75) just copied the HCS completely...Honda was ahead of it's time, but they let time and the competition pass them by...way to go Honda.....

It was called Honda HSC, not HCS...

I love the looks of this uber Jag, but realize it is vaporware. This thing will never see the light of day, just like the HSC you guys keep referring to. I think Lotus is closer to delivering the (real) goods than anyone else in Paris right now.
Hey that car is a hybrid! There is hope for Honda and their "green" mentality yet. Though a very slim....0.01% :biggrin:

Nice car...I was never a fan of the XJ220 but this is much better! :eek:

Soon enough all cars will be hybird and gas will be 8+ bucks a gallon. People will run out and buy new cars which will save the economy for a short period of time.

Gas futures are selling for 8 bucks each many months out.
I don't get your logic. We are no where near running out of oil. Political or environmental price hikes?

+1. It is all political purpose, there is no way oil is running out. The oil that we have around the world can last for several generations to come.
I don't get your logic. We are no where near running out of oil. Political or environmental price hikes?

+1. It is all political purpose, there is no way oil is running out. The oil that we have around the world can last for several generations to come.

Sorry about the thread derailment, but I'm curious as to why you think this.
It was called Honda HSC, not HCS...

I love the looks of this uber Jag, but realize it is vaporware. This thing will never see the light of day, just like the HSC you guys keep referring to. I think Lotus is closer to delivering the (real) goods than anyone else in Paris right now.

:tongue: ooops....My mind said HSC, my fingers said HCS....see, thats how long ago it has been, I called it the HCS twice:redface:
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Damn nice................:biggrin:
Let's make this easy and just embed the photo.

Sorry about the thread derailment, but I'm curious as to why you think this.

Why do I think we are no where near running out of oil? Because we are finding newer and larger deposits of oil around the world at an alarming rate, faster than ever before, including the oil rush. It is literally everywhere. The science behind retrieving the oil that we have known about, but could not get to, is being resolved at an ever increasing rate.

Now, if you look at American politics, you notice that this is not about fossil fuel, but about global climate change. It is also about foreign dependency. I'm not going to get into a political debate here, but I doubt futures are selling at $8 because of the "supply vs. demand" propaganda so many over simplify global economics into.