This is going to hurt!!!

Re: Just keep waiting

92NSX said:
I have to agree. I am a quite aways from where the eye past over the state yesterday but we still got some serious weather all day and night. It is a helpless feeling looking outside and watching the trees snap and the power transformers explode and the whole sky turns green. It FREAKED me out seeing that happen.
I can't imagine how bad it must be down further south. I dread having to go thru this again. :(

We got hit pretty hard down here. I finally was able to get out and go on some recon drives. There are tons of trees down and stuff everywhere. The most frightening part is the drivers on the road. There has been an alert issued that all interesctions with the light out to be treated as four-way stops. Well, I almost got creamed real bad by a person going the other direction and not even slowing down as I was making a turn. Needles to say I went right home and got my NSX safely in the garage.

Now, to things worse, my A/C has started to do the only high blowing thing . So it looks like I will need to replace the capacitors next weekend. Dammit, we may be having another hurricaine! :mad:
Yea, Earthquakes are really scary just for the lack of warning.
At least fortunately i live far enough North that we're kinda out of the way, i rarely ever feel them
Earthquakes are nothing compared to hurricanes! As a native SoCal have been through every quake since the '50's. I also was in Orlando the day after Charley to inspect damage to properties. I have NEVER seen damage so widespread and never ending, trees pulled from the ground that are 500 years old! The damage at MCO alone was unreal. But the equally awful part is the worry, the preparation, the waiting, the evacuation, and hope you over reacted. Since no hurricane has hit Orlando since Donna in 1960, the City and citizen were ill prepared. It was and is a disaster! I wish them the best. The alternative in So Cal is earthquates; no warnings, no preparation, no waiting it's never scheduled :) supported by the recent failed tests, no running to save you a$$, just deal with what your left with. Generally damage is isolated compared to the widespread hurricane. Deaths seem to be limited in either event. Bottom line, I'm staying in SoCal and commuting to MCO. Hope all members in the Southeast are well and recover quickly.
coolnsx said:
Earthquakes are nothing compared to hurricanes! As a native SoCal have been through every quake since the '50's. I also was in Orlando the day after Charley to inspect damage to properties. I have NEVER seen damage so widespread and never ending, trees pulled from the ground that are 500 years old!

My father lives in Boca one block off the beach on A1A. I finally was able to get a hold of him by phone last night. He does not have one tree left on his property. :( There was a very old cypress tree in his front yard which was torn right out of the ground. He said he drove around a five block radius and was unable to find the tree anywhere. :eek: He also just had a new lawn rolled out two week ago. The lawn was rolled up and blown away by the storm too.
I have spent the past couple of days picking up branches,leaves, and the top halves of a few trees and as such from my yard. Today I decided to cut down another tree that leans toward the house and the two cars that sit outside the garage. I would rather have it come down on my terms.
I feel very lucky to only have the minor yard damage that I do compared with others down south. I can't imagine what it must be like down there.
steveny said:
My father lives in Boca one block off the beach on A1A. I finally was able to get a hold of him by phone last night...


I have power at my house and office in Boca. If your father needs anything please have him call me. I have heard that some places may not have power until at least Friday. I'll PM you my phone numbers.
DocL said:

I have power at my house and office in Boca. If your father needs anything please have him call me. I have heard that some places may not have power until at least Friday. I'll PM you my phone numbers.

I really appreciate the offer. I will pass on the offer to him. He has a crane company and is currently delivering generators to individual cell phone towers, so he is out and about. I spoke to him last night and he said there is a 8pm curfew for everyone. Seems ridiculous to force people inside who are trying to help get things going again.
Re: This is going to hurt!!! Even More!!!

Continuing to add insult to injury, Ivan is already a category 5 packing 150-mph winds and is heading directly towards Florida. :mad: I’m really beginning to question my moved to Florida from California :confused: :( :eek:

I don't think that the link first I attached before is ever going to shut down. These hurricaines are rolling into the Carrebian like bowling balls and Ivan sure does look like it's going hit hard. I don't think that we can recover if Florida sustains another blow. I just increased my homeowners insurance yesterday because this time around I don't think I'll be as lucky.

It looks like I'll have to bring the NSX back to it's safe haven. If anyone else in the Palm Beach/Boca area needs a place to store their car let me know. I have a great connection with a friend who has a large warehouse.