Think you are fast just because you have a 911TT??

12 April 2005
Ventura - LA County
Think again!

Power to Weight ratio OWNS ALL!!...

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Cool vid!

Ok the responsible part of my brain is saying, what a bunch of retards street racing through traffic. (Note the guy on the bike who passes to the right shoulder of another car) :mad:


Ok that side of the brain has been put to sleep. :biggrin: The stupid side of my brain says WTF was under the hood of the VW that left everyone in the dust?? Forget the Supra....go VW Golf!! :eek:


Ok now that side of the brain is asleep. :biggrin: The player side of my brain is saying, the VW and Supra might own, but the 911 would get the looks and the babes over those cars anyday. :cool: :biggrin:

damn I think I need a refill for my "medicine"...all these voices....:biggrin:

end tranmission.....
They sure do have a quiet engine/exhaust. I can hear the motorcycle's engine but not the cars? :frown:
Watching it with the sound off it did not really seem like they were racing very hard.
I think the whole thing was staged, it looks like they faked the video to make it look like the VW was SUPER fast.

If you think about it it wouldn't be very hard to do this, it is obvious that everyone here knows each other.