Think the NSX 2.0 will be as popular as a Gallardo?

I've been to quite a few cars and coffee's and i didnt think the gallardo was THAT popular. The lambo name will have people looking but then they see a gallardo, then its, "oh its a gallardo" The murcielago is another story.
The new nsx would very popular when it comes out, i'd say more than the gallardo unless it gets redone as well. Seems like the modified nsxs draw more attention than the stock ones, but enthusiast prefer the stock ones?
I've been to quite a few cars and coffee's and i didnt think the gallardo was THAT popular. The lambo name will have people looking but then they see a gallardo, then its, "oh its a gallardo" The murcielago is another story.
The new nsx would very popular when it comes out, i'd say more than the gallardo unless it gets redone as well. Seems like the modified nsxs draw more attention than the stock ones, but enthusiast prefer the stock ones?

I personally like the Gallardo better than the Murcielago.....different strokes...
The marketing expertise/maturity in the European marques is well ahead of Honda's
Honda would be well advised to hire someone from one of the European exotics to teach them how to position their products and differentiate the "Halo" car from the Civic.
They can start by putting in a proper powerplant, and forego the very one that goes into the family truckster.
To answer though on the original question....No, if for no other reason than it's still a Honda and the other is a freakin Lamborghini!!!
My biggest concern about NSX2.0 (because I've ordered one) is it will be overproduced and also sold in volume to speculators.
Nothings cheapens an exotic more than loss of exclusivity.
Let's hope the Acura marketing manager who unveiled the NSX in Detroit " gets it"


I thought originally there was some commentary that only 4-5 cars were going to be alloted to each dealership.
I thought originally there was some commentary that only 4-5 cars were going to be alloted to each dealership.

I think there are about 250 dealers in the US and 5 per dealership would be about 1250 per year.
That's about the same number as the average per year NSX sales in the US over it's 15 year run.
However if you look at the sales by year you'll see heavy sales in 1990-1992 then a rapid drop off, resulting in large volumes of unsold NSX's sitting in Long Beach and the loss of cachet.
A friend of mine who worked for the Ferrari dealer at the time of the NSX launch predicted Honda would oversupply the market which they did.

My thinking is it would be best if Honda could stick to a sales plan that keeps supply and demand in line and maintains a reasonable wait list for new deliveries.
This would help keep the NSX somewhat exclusive as a halo car.

The Gallardo became as popular as it is due to the crazy aftermarket twin turbo set ups producing ungodly power. I don't see a hybrid NSX ever developing in the same way the Gallardo did.
By waiting another 2 years to release the NSX 2.0 I think it will hurt sales significantly. 2 years from now new competition on the market may include a Corvette C7 Z07, a Viper ACR, Nissan R-36, Supra MKV, Infiniti Q coupe with 550hp, Lexus coupe with big power, e.t.c.
^What is more powerful, has more cylinders and is sexier than a V10 UGR TT Gallardo with some wheels and suspension?

A murcielago SV or roadster? :). The interior of the SV very nice. The gallardo reminds me of a viper, they share the same radios, knobs, window switches and all with the other cars. Audi rs4 and the gallardo share lots of stuff. Dodge viper and other dodges share a lot of the same stuff.
^What is more powerful, has more cylinders and is sexier than a V10 UGR TT Gallardo with some wheels and suspension?

In my 'hood:

There has already been 2 sightings of the Agera R.

I've seen and heard a yellow LP640 fly on the freeway with BOV sounds, so something is abnormally breathing under the hoo. The speed that it moved would support that theory.

I have post-lunch food coma right now, but there are even more custom jobs that I've seen or heard from my friends close to the community.

That car looks to have been designed by LEGO
I have post-lunch food coma right now, but there are even more custom jobs that I've seen or heard from my friends close to the community.

Not to mention our friend, the lady with the white cars...
Guys, someone I know pretty well ( reliable source ) works for a company that is working on some steering parts for nsx 2.0 They are requesting 2000 parts per year and 20% of those will be replacement parts.

The production will be under 1800 per year.
Guys, someone I know pretty well ( reliable source ) works for a company that is working on some steering parts for nsx 2.0 They are requesting 2000 parts per year and 20% of those will be replacement parts.

The production will be under 1800 per year.

So between 1991 and 1992 levels... supposing it drops off just as dramatically again, 2016 and 2017 will be the most commonly available used ones just like 91-92 are today.
The NSX 2.0 is some years away and already there's talk of twin turbos.

Next it's the big wings and other bolt on appearance mods.

If you ever wonder why the NSX doesn't have the cachet of a Ferrari or Lamborghini no need to look any further than what some NSX owners do to their cars.
I sense more respect from owners of Ferrari/Lamborghini/Audi/Porsche for the design and provenance of their cars.
I think some NSX owners would mount wings and a widebody kit on a 57 Chev or 63 Sting Ray.


I have to slightly disagree here. :smile:
I know (or knew) a few people with exotics - F360, Gallardo, R8, couple of 911s - all very pampered cars, never pushed hard let alone taken to a track, and never even taken out if there was even a slight chance of rain. It seems these owners are usually the types of people who get their cars for status. Those folks wouldn't buy the NSX because it's a HONDA/ACURA, a brand with no or very little prestige. It's the same with M3, my current car. Most of the owners I meet keep theirs completely stock and are quite snobby about it being a BMW M car. Not me, I changed out few cosmetic things almost as soon as I got it. Chrome had to go.

The "old" NSX is now within reach of many people who were young when the car was around and they are able to play with them a bit and personalize them since it doesn't take life's savings to get one. Nothing wrong with that. It's true some people go overboard but I feel that most NSX mods are tasteful - I'll be the first to say that the production NSX had THE ugliest wheels ever put on any exotic car so I particularly like that mod.

I know a doctor, an older gentleman that works with me, who drives an Evo 9 on weekdays/cold days, but every once in a while he comes to work in this beautiful white GT-R. When I spoke with his, he wasn't shy about telling me how he drives that thing very hard and puts it away wet every time. He's a rare breed.

Back on the topic... If they are in the same price range the NSX won't stand a chance. I would take the Gallardo over the NSX at the same price. They really need to keep it around $100-110 but even there, it better spank the GT-R. This new NSX is looking promising and very sexy. Put it this way - I liked what I saw of the new C7 interior in Detroit but when I saw that NSX interior, the C7 suddenly seemed outdated and rubbish.
Rice exists at all levels.

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I always like lights on cars so this is really cool to me. I think me and the guys on this video would get along great.
So Mr. Bat, you're comparing the LP640 to the NSX?

Ferrari 458 don't give me a hard on, but the F40 still does.
They sure like lights in Japan...