Think the NSX 2.0 will be as popular as a Gallardo?

19 November 2009
Long Island, NY
Just wondering when there is a C&C or some gathering of exotics if there will be a huge influx of NSXs. Any Exotic meet these days has about 5 or more Gallardos (at least the ones by me)

anyone think this will happen? Think the new owners will respect the old ones or form their own cliques?
R8 is a big hit over here see them nearly daily.
I sure hope the new NSX will get R8 sales, the possibility certainly is there it's a unique relatively easy sale, the GTR has changed opinion among consumers granting more acceptance for Japanese high-end cars much much more than in the nineties when the original NSX was a good seller for the first three years.

Given that's its a hybrid and the "eco" craze makes for a compelling sale to a lot of people (despite it being a overrate & exaggerated thing).
Price point technically it's perfect.

Over here in Europe hybrid cars are tax exempt in most country's and have huge savings in luxury car taxes.
If the NSX costs as much as a R8 which i expect it will be, it will be much cheaper to buy and own just due too tax cuts.
As a executive lease car for a company (quite often occurrence) it's going to add further tax cuts seriously saving money compared to it's traditional competition.
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Just wondering when there is a C&C or some gathering of exotics if there will be a huge influx of NSXs. Any Exotic meet these days has about 5 or more Gallardos (at least the ones by me)

anyone think this will happen? Think the new owners will respect the old ones or form their own cliques?

I think many owners of Gallardo's pick them up for the notoriety. With that said, I can see sales of the new NSX similar to sales of the R8- Decent, but when many people want the brand recognition, they will look elsewhere.
I really hope SoS etc make lots of great aftermarket parts for the new car. If what we've been hearing is true performance-wise, a twin turbo system ought to let it totally spank the Gallardo and approach the Aventador.
I hope it's another less than 10,000 unit production run; just not across 15 years of course, perhaps half of that. That seems like a good a balance...
Do you think it will outsell the GTR comparing the first years of the GTR to the first years of NSX 2.0?
Do you think it will outsell the GTR comparing the first years of the GTR to the first years of NSX 2.0?

Not really. GTR was always below 100k. 100k is a big psychological barrier - see lots of research about price points etc.

NSX will be perceived as more expensive even though it may not be much more so in reality. GTR is perceived as a very high end sports car - heck, even the Porsche that goes for 140k is considered a sports car. The NSX is considered a supercar. The actual difference has been debated to death and may not actually exist. It's all about perception.
Not really. GTR was always below 100k. 100k is a big psychological barrier - see lots of research about price points etc.

NSX will be perceived as more expensive even though it may not be much more so in reality. GTR is perceived as a very high end sports car - heck, even the Porsche that goes for 140k is considered a sports car. The NSX is considered a supercar. The actual difference has been debated to death and may not actually exist. It's all about perception.

Then "high volume" will never happen. As it stands, the GTR probably averages about 150 units a month, and I'm being generous. About 6000 units in its 5 years of production.

Hopefully NSX 2.0 can have that supercar stamp put on it, but I doubt it. There are too many capable cars out there now with numbers bumping up against the top of the top. It is all about perception.
The NSX 2.0 is some years away and already there's talk of twin turbos.

Next it's the big wings and other bolt on appearance mods.

If you ever wonder why the NSX doesn't have the cachet of a Ferrari or Lamborghini no need to look any further than what some NSX owners do to their cars.
I sense more respect from owners of Ferrari/Lamborghini/Audi/Porsche for the design and provenance of their cars.
I think some NSX owners would mount wings and a widebody kit on a 57 Chev or 63 Sting Ray.

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The NSX 2.0 is some years away and already there's talk of twin turbos.

Next it's the big wings and other bolt on appearance mods.

If you ever wonder why the NSX doesn't have the cachet of a Ferrari or Lamborghini no need to look any further that what NSX owners do to their cars.
I sense more respect from owners of Ferrari/Lamborghini/Audi/Porsche for the design and provenance of their cars.
I think some NSX owners would mount wings and a widebody kit on a 57 Chev or 63 Sting Ray.


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Rice exists at all levels.

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Holy shit....
If you ever wonder why the NSX doesn't have the cachet of a Ferrari or Lamborghini no need to look any further than what some NSX owners do to their cars.

There are twin turbo Lambos. 1250hp. Google it.
the acura brand will never appeal to the lambo/ferrari/porsche crowd...therefore the nsx 2.0 needs to attract buyers based on merits alone.I think anyone who shops the R8 is a possible buyer.....the hybrid nature by itself will bring new interrest.But as a brand Acura will need to capitalize on the halo car with attractive lower priced cars for the buyers moving up in the world...
the acura brand will never appeal to the lambo/ferrari/porsche crowd...

The last three (unsolicited) offers I've had for my NSX were from Fezza and Porsche owners. While dyed in the wool brand enthusiasts will be a tough sell, I've found by and large, that the NSX is very desirable among most exotic owners.

At the very least, it gets a bit of respect...albeit begrudingly.
funny you say that... at the many ferrari club track events I have instructed at over the years when I park along the pits you don't see too many people hovering around it...but when I park away from the "action" I see more folks checking it out......who knows what that means...
The answer is NO
The 2.0 will suffer from the same problem the 1.0 faced which is "i aint paying that much for a freakin HONDA"
This will be specailly true if the performance doesnt reflect the price...Lets face it most people buy these cars for the brand/image/status symbol/bragging rights
paying $100k for a honda that cant match let alone beat the competition is not great idea
I am sure alot of NSX/HONDA fanboys will come up with many reasons why NSX is worth the money.... but in the grand scheme of things the car will likely end up being a DUDDD if price is high and performance is not.
The answer is NO
The 2.0 will suffer from the same problem the 1.0 faced which is "i aint paying that much for a freakin HONDA"
This will be specailly true if the performance doesnt reflect the price...Lets face it most people buy these cars for the brand/image/status symbol/bragging rights
paying $100k for a honda that cant match let alone beat the competition is not great idea
I am sure alot of NSX/HONDA fanboys will come up with many reasons why NSX is worth the money.... but in the grand scheme of things the car will likely end up being a DUDDD if price is high and performance is not.

It's most interesting to me how a Ferrari isn't a Fiat, and a Lamborghini/Porsche/Bugatti/R8 isn't a Volkswagen.
The marketing expertise/maturity in the European marques is well ahead of Honda's
Honda would be well advised to hire someone from one of the European exotics to teach them how to position their products and differentiate the "Halo" car from the Civic.
If Volkswagen can market all their exotics without any of them being derided as " freakin Volkswagens" then Honda can learn a thing or two from them

My biggest concern about NSX2.0 (because I've ordered one) is it will be overproduced and also sold in volume to speculators.
Nothings cheapens an exotic more than loss of exclusivity.
Let's hope the Acura marketing manager who unveiled the NSX in Detroit " gets it"

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It's most interesting to me how a Ferrari isn't a Fiat, and a Lamborghini/Porsche/Bugatti/R8 isn't a Volkswagen.
The marketing expertise/maturity in the European marques is well ahead of Honda's
Honda would be well advised to hire someone from one of the European exotics to teach them how to position their products and differentiate the "Halo" car from the Civic.
If Volkswagen can market all their exotics without any of them being derided as " freakin Volkswagens" then Honda can learn a thing or two from them

My biggest concern about NSX2.0 (because I've ordered one) is it will be overproduced and also sold in volume to speculators.
Nothings cheapens an exotic more than loss of exclusivity.
Let's hope the Acura marketing manager who unveiled the NSX in Detroit " gets it"


It's not marketing trickery, it's good old boy mentality. After the baby boomers all pass (away), and it's all about the Gen X and Gen Y, it will be a totally different market. This is of course not meant to be a generalized statement about baby boomers. In about 10-15 years, Acura and Hyundai will be what Audi and Porsche is today.
ferrari didnt start out as fiat
lamb/porsche/buggati and the other marquees didnt start out as VW...they maybe under VW's umbrella but they all started out as their own brand.
NSX was alwyas was never a small special niche car maker that made its mark and was then bought out by honda


It's most interesting to me how a Ferrari isn't a Fiat, and a Lamborghini/Porsche/Bugatti/R8 isn't a Volkswagen.
The marketing expertise/maturity in the European marques is well ahead of Honda's
Honda would be well advised to hire someone from one of the European exotics to teach them how to position their products and differentiate the "Halo" car from the Civic.
If Volkswagen can market all their exotics without any of them being derided as " freakin Volkswagens" then Honda can learn a thing or two from them

My biggest concern about NSX2.0 (because I've ordered one) is it will be overproduced and also sold in volume to speculators.
Nothings cheapens an exotic more than loss of exclusivity.
Let's hope the Acura marketing manager who unveiled the NSX in Detroit " gets it"

Just wondering when there is a C&C or some gathering of exotics if there will be a huge influx of NSXs. Any Exotic meet these days has about 5 or more Gallardos (at least the ones by me)

anyone think this will happen?
The Gallardo isn't my favorite Lambo so my opinion is biased, but if I like a car, I don't mind if there are many of them around. Heck, since the NSX is reasonably attainable I can count on seeing quite a few of them at any given high profile car show, and it doesn't bother me in the least.

Think the new owners will respect the old ones or form their own cliques?
I think most new owners (that are car guys, anyway) will have an appreciation for the NSX nameplate, and get along just fine with owners of the original car.