**The White NSX -- Update**

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
Well, I got to take a look at the car today and I was VERY impressed. It is gorgeous.

There are a couple things that I am wondering about. The air conditioner is blowing on HIGH only. I read on the FAQ what that was, but it didn't give a repair price.

Also, the headliner is falling down in the back near the engine. Anyone have that problem?

There is a small Z-like scratch that looks like it was cause by a bad paint job on the front.

There is a small dent on the right hand side by the rear wheel.

The clutch also engages really high... is that typical? Does it mean anything bad?

Anyway, here is the link to look at the pics. Please give me your comments and opinions as this is a good bit of money for me. Also, you might see things that I missed.



NOTE: there are a lot of pics and it will take some time to load.

NetViper -= 100% Stock EBP 2000 Civic Si =- Still looking to get an NSX, but at least I can live life at 8,000 RPM!
Headliner drooping? Never heard of that one before. I wonder if it hanything to do with the fact that they had the roof painted. The small dent should not be a problem, DentPro should be able to get that out no prob for $150.

What are the specs? From the pictures, it looks like '94 wheels, but it's hard to say. What is he asking for it? Also, it seems like the seat wear is a little excessive. Stock clutch?

Hmm . . . Kevin
The headliner from my first NSX started to drop... Driving with the windows down agrivated the problem and I eventaully fixed on my own - using some high-quality (3M, I think), adhesive.

As far as the AC blowing on high only... As your probably already know, it could be the power transition/blower motor (TSB) OR it could be the climate control unit (as in the case of my current NSX).

I would try to have the dealer diagnosis and see if they will goodwill (if transistor/blower motor).

If it's the control unit...
The local Acura dealer recently quoted me something like $550 to replace the control unit. If this is the problem with the white NSX, you may try to pickup a used one and install yourself (it's pretty easy).

Good luck!!!
This is a '93 NSX as it is mentioned in his page. It seems like the owner has bought a set of OEM '94 (it doesn't have the shiney finish)rims and I won't be surprised if it was done along with the painted roof.

1) I haven't seen anything like the headliner situation you're engaged with. The only suggestion is bring the car back (or better yet, ask the owner to bring the car)to any Acura dealership to check out what needs to be done at this point.

2) The scratch on the front shouldn't be a problem, just get it repainted. Ask for a lower price if the owner doesn't wanted to do it himself. According to dealers that I spoke to, bumpers are made to be scratched and it doesn't get devalued as much if repainted.

3) As for the dent, like the above post said, it can be easily fixed by professionals as long as there weren't any scratch along with it. Prices vary froom $125-$200, depending on the size of the dent and the images aren't clear enough to tell. Either way, it'll only take 45mins-1hr to fix it.

4) The clutch engages high, eh? Does the car seem to shake or vibrate when engaging the 1st gear? If so, it's time for a new clutch.

I'm only trying to help and share my limited wealth of knowledge about the car. Any of you disagree, please don't flame me

'98-T Kaiser Silver/Black
Originally posted by NsxJoy:
...I'm only trying to help and share my limited wealth of knowledge about the car. Any of you disagree, please don't flame me

Point Number 1. Flames aren't allowed on this forum.

Point Number 2. The people on this forum are some of the most polite people I've encountered when disagreeing about something. Please don't be bashful about sharing your info - if someone wants to question it they usually do so in the most respectful way possible.

'91 Black/Black
It's really hard to see anything on a white car in pictures, but the car looks good from what I can tell. You gotta be real careful with white, because it's much harder to see a crappy paint job on a white car than any other color. I have never seen a drooping headliner in all the NSX's I've seen, but someone else has had that happen so I wouldn't worry too much about that. The dent is no big deal. Dentless removal for that dent shouldn't be over $100. I always felt the clutch engages low on the NSX's I've driven, but that doesn't mean much. That cannot be a costly repair from what I know. It shouldn't even be a repair. What are the other details about the car? Price, etc. Don't worry, I won't buy it!

there's no one else that I'd rather see get a NSX than you, netviper. It's about time!
And Ken,
How'd you do that with the flames?

[This message has been edited by ck (edited 15 May 2002).]
While not required, the roof panel may have been removed when the top was painted. The rear snaps are very difficult to align when they are taken out. Through casual contact, I have found that most early coupes that have the painted tops had the tops painted when the car was already in the body shop for something else. If anything, the car sounds like a good candidate for inspection by an Acura dealer for mechanicals, and possibly a high-line body shop for exterior repairs.

Good luck.

-- Chris


[email protected]
Also, the headliner is falling down in the back near the engine. Anyone have that problem?

I had a white 93 that the headliner behind the passenger seat began to drop down from the window all the way over to where it met up with the dome light. I fixed it, myself, several times, but did find it reoccur when driving with windows down at high speeds.
"Through casual contact, I have found that most early coupes that have the painted tops had the tops painted when the car was already in the body shop for something else."

This is maybe true for the "normal" owner, we NSXPRIME fanatics don't do these things: I researched months to find the right shop and I wnet there only for the roof painting!

I called there three times in five days to be sure EVERYTHING was going on smoothly!
Originally posted by ck:
there's no one else that I'd rather see get a NSX than you, netviper. It's about time!

Thanks! And, by the way, all donations are excepted

Pending a couple little fixes, I think I will pick it up!

Now I just have to find different financing places.

My credit union did nothing for me. I called JJ Bank and Co and they gave me like 8.9 for 6 years.. which is pretty good. I will try people first again, but they never work for me. Any other suggestions?

thanks all!


NetViper -= 100% Stock EBP 2000 Civic Si =- Still looking to get an NSX, but at least I can live life at 8,000 RPM!
Hey NV,

I used JJ Bank for my NSX and had an extremely pleasant experience. I also picked up the warranty they offered me and used it on my transmission (Auto) repair. It paid all but $500 of a $6100 bill (they replaced it with a new one) and Acura picked up the $500 for me.

I am very pleased!.

BTW: I have a White 92 and did 4 years at 7.2%.. My Baby's paid off now.
Originally posted by NetViper:
Thanks! And, by the way, all donations are excepted

Pending a couple little fixes, I think I will pick it up!

Now I just have to find different financing places.

My credit union did nothing for me. I called JJ Bank and Co and they gave me like 8.9 for 6 years.. which is pretty good. I will try people first again, but they never work for me. Any other suggestions?

thanks all!


Did you down here and look at that thing without tellin me??

1992 NSX
have the A/C stuff checked out before you buy the car, if you can. The climate control can be very expensive to repair. A few owners here have found this out. I put near 4k in my climate control system to get it working perfect.
Originally posted by steveny:
have the A/C stuff checked out before you buy the car, if you can. The climate control can be very expensive to repair. A few owners here have found this out. I put near 4k in my climate control system to get it working perfect.

I second this. The climate control can often be thousands of dollars to repair especially if the control unit is bad.
In the past, I've seen this car on eBay many times, and I always wondered what was wrong with it, since it seemed to be relisted over and over again.
Also, you mentioned that the existing owner is selling it after only ~6 months of ownership. Why?
The flaws you pointed out are very minor, IMO (maybe except for the A/C problem).
The Z-scratch is probably touch-up paint.
Does the car need a new clutch? How about timing belt service? Has it been in an accident? How much are they asking? I remember seeing it on eBay over a year ago for low 30's.
Anyways, good luck. -Thomas

'94 Brooklands Green Pearl/Black NSX
Originally posted by SCS2k:
I second this. The climate control can often be thousands of dollars to repair especially if the control unit is bad.

Me too. The NSX A/C is one very expensive system. If needed get someone to look at it who "know's" about A/C stuff.
I've learned the hard way.
The A/C is being fixed. I think he said it was the control unit??

Yes, the car was on ebay for a while. A dealer bought it and listed it on ebay. I think he was probably having to much fun driving it to sell it
Anyway, it sold on ebay for 32K about 6 months ago. I am buying it from that person. Why does he want to get rid of it? I am not sure... He is building a plane in his garage.. and that is probably why. He seems like a very nice, honest guy.

As far as what else is wrong... I can't see anything else. I have talked to the mechanic working on it a couple of times and he seems very happy with that car. He ever said "if i was going to get a NSX, this would be the one". So I take that as a pretty solid recommendation. He also said the clutch has a good 15-20K miles left on it.

I am very close to getting it, so here's hoping all goes well
ahhh... the NSX in New Orleans, that was on eBay.. yes of course... I remember it now.. i believe he ran it several times, for some reason, before getting a bite on it. Updated wheels and roof painting was all I could remember.. I talked to the guy on AIM a few times.. seemed like a nice guy... good luck

1992 NSX
Originally posted by Griffen:
Hey NV,

I used JJ Bank for my NSX and had an extremely pleasant experience. I also picked up the warranty they offered me and used it on my transmission (Auto) repair. It paid all but $500 of a $6100 bill (they replaced it with a new one) and Acura picked up the $500 for me.

I checked with JJ bank and Co. They no longer offer a warranty on the NSX. THey have a 12 month, 12,000 mile warranty for 620 bucks. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Is there another company that might offer something similar?

NetViper -= 100% Stock EBP 2000 Civic Si =- Still looking to get an NSX, but at least I can live life at 8,000 RPM!
I would check with your local Acura Dealer and see who they recommend...