The wait it killing me

17 January 2018
I put the deposit down on my NSX on January 18th and I am still waiting for car to get picked up at the PA dealer and delivered to me 2,100 miles away in UT.
Original pickup time was to be on the 26th although that didn't happen due to the dealer still waiting for some paperwork to be processed by Honda Financial for the lease. So the transport company has rescheduled a pickup on Feb 1st, it should then take about a week or more to deliver my NSX.
In the meantime I watch every youtube channel I can find related to the NSX and check this forum several times a day. It's pure torture! I am going insane waiting for her.

Anyone else care to share their purchase story so I have something to pass the time?
I can relate. I closed the deal on sept 29 and picked the car up Oct 19. I was already planing on being in Austin that week for F1, so I changed my flight to Ft Worth where the dealer was.

My dad made the trip with me and we went to the races and then back to Iowa. The NSX was surprisingly very comfortable on the long trek.

Now I sit and wait again for spring. We use too much salt here in the winter to even bother.
Not to worry, it is well worth the wait. An absolute fun car...JM2C...I could be wrong...:tongue:
I can relate with the Honda financial side taking forever to process the lease. Took exactly a month to get the lease paperwork squared away.

The car will get to you in no time. In the meantime, it's a good opportunity to learn as much as you can about the car.
A month :eek: Is this normal?

TBH, I don't know and would hope not. There was a slight discrepancy where the out of state dealer couldn't get their final numbers to match AHFS's numbers with CA sales tax added into the payment. I'm sure the holiday break didn't help matters either.

With the extra days before the new toy arrives, do you have any plans for mods?
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that wait sucks! good thing my process only took 2weeks with delivery. You should get your nsx in no time~

my nsx was shipped from St louis MO to S. Cali took them 48hrs to get here.
that wait sucks! good thing my process only took 2weeks with delivery. You should get your nsx in no time~

my nsx was shipped from St louis MO to S. Cali took them 48hrs to get here.

48hrs is great for delivering a vehicle that distance.
That’s why I drove my car almost 2000 miles home from the dealership in Chicago a few months ago. If you’re going to own an NSX, being able to drive it a lot is one of the reasons for owning it! Go pick it up and road trip it home!
That’s why I drove my car almost 2000 miles home from the dealership in Chicago a few months ago. If you’re going to own an NSX, being able to drive it a lot is one of the reasons for owning it! Go pick it up and road trip it home!
I considered doing just this, If it wasn't the middle of winter I would have done it.
I don't think so. My monthly lease bill for the next month arrived about 2 weeks after my purchase. I drove the car home the night of my purchase.

I don't understand why mine is taking so much time. I talked to the dealer today and he said it should be funded tomorrow so the transporter can pick it up on Thursday. Fingers crossed :)
I can relate with the Honda financial side taking forever to process the lease. Took exactly a month to get the lease paperwork squared away.

Did you actually wait over a month to take delivery of the car, or did you take delivery of the car after signing the lease papers with the dealer?

powdbyrice said:
fraud, international car broker, etc.

they want to make sure the buyer can support a $1500-2000 monthly payment.

I would think that Acura would do the buyer background check right after the buyer submits the application for financing, and approve or reject the buyer prior to the buyer taking delivery of the car. I can't imagine Acura taking over a month to do this (background check), and letting the buyer purchase/lease the car and take immediate delivery, only to come back a month later stating the person didn't qualify. On the flip side, I can't see a potential buyer waiting over a month to get approved. Just doesn't make sense...In my experience, approval/rejection is fairly quick.

My experience with Acura was not too
shabby...I filled out the application online around 3pm, and by 5pm, my dealer called me with a good-to-go response. I drove to the dealership that same evening, signed all the papers, and took delivery of the car. A month later, I didn't receive a bill from AFS. Fearing a late payment charge, I called them up and they told me that there were some delays processing paperwork, but that everything was done for my account and that I could pay my next payment within the next 7 days (i.e., got a 7-day grace period due to their delays). I paid my next payment the same day. Two days later, I received a paper bill by mail.

Anyways, like I said before, I couldn't imagine Acura doing this for everyone and having to change their minds a month later on some buyers that didn't qualify to begin with.
They've been making bad decisions for the past 10 years so this shouldn't come as a surprise. (Kidding, not kidding)

AFS leans on the dealer to make a judgement call to let the car go. Some decisions are easier than others. If you have multiple high end car purchases on your credit report, it makes it easier. Now days with kids with a ton of family money, but a $150k per year job, on paper, it doesn't add up, but they can absolutely make the payment.
I was already cleared with Honda/Acura for the NSX lease at that point the dealer took my deposit and I signed all the paperwork. Dealer has told me that the final paperwork check now has to be processed to insure accuracy and to verify all the numbers. This is a little more complicated because I am located in a different state. When it's all processed the dealer will receive notice of funding from Honda/Acura and will be cleared of all financial obligations to the car and then they will release it to me. If I lived a few miles away in the same state they may have already let me take the car. This is speculation on my part although it is the way I understand the business to work.

I'm just not a a patient person so this is a real test for me. :)
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I was already cleared with Honda/Acura for the NSX lease at that point the dealer took my deposit and I signed all the paperwork. Dealer has told me that the final paperwork check now has to be processed to insure accuracy and to verify all the numbers. This is a little more complicated because I am located in a different state. When it's all processed the dealer will receive notice of funding from Honda/Acura and will be cleared of all financial obligations to the car and then they will release it to me. If I lived a few miles away in the same state they may have already let me take the car. This is speculation on my part although it is the way I understand the business to work.

I'm just not a a patient person so this is a real test for me. :)

That would certainly be very interesting. If you lived a few miles away in the same state, I think you would probably already have the car. Actually, if you flew there and picked up the car in person, they might just let you pick it that day as well (speculation too). One thing for you to consider is that they write down the lease start date as the date they release the car to you. I'd be mad if the lease already started when you signed all the paperwork and you now have one month less to enjoy the car due to their delays. However, if you're ok with that then so be it.
Did you actually wait over a month to take delivery of the car, or did you take delivery of the car after signing the lease papers with the dealer?
If you lived a few miles away in the same state, I think you would probably already have the car. Actually, if you flew there and picked up the car in person, they might just let you pick it that day as well (speculation too).

Even though it was out of state, I did exactly what you stated. I flew in, signed the paperwork, took delivery of the car that same day and drove it 450 miles back home while the dealer and AHFS figured out life over the next month.

Now it would have been super interesting had they come back after a month of "investigating" and demanded the car back due to some finding. Oops -- it has 1400 miles now. BUT it's all yours. :tongue:
Yippee!!! I just got notice from the dealer that everything is done with Honda finance and the shipper can pick the car up on Thursday the 1st.
Shipper is saying to expect 7-9 days for deliver after pickup.
was in the same boat as you extreme~ but luckily the dealer cleared the finance part and delivered to me in 2weeks.
From what the dealer told me was the owners of the dealerships personally purchased these nsx and they want to fully make sure AFS pays them before shipping.
Hopefully you get yours soon, i just visited utah couple weeks ago and it was beautiful.

I was already cleared with Honda/Acura for the NSX lease at that point the dealer took my deposit and I signed all the paperwork. Dealer has told me that the final paperwork check now has to be processed to insure accuracy and to verify all the numbers. This is a little more complicated because I am located in a different state. When it's all processed the dealer will receive notice of funding from Honda/Acura and will be cleared of all financial obligations to the car and then they will release it to me. If I lived a few miles away in the same state they may have already let me take the car. This is speculation on my part although it is the way I understand the business to work.

I'm just not a a patient person so this is a real test for me. :)
My car took 6 months from first deposit to delivery this time frame is annoying but not the worst.

You are gonna have a blast.

I took my filthy car to a new detailing shop today.

4 folks went nuts on it, including one of the owners.

The other owner was taking videos throughout the wash process.

They do a lot of higher end new cars and this was the first one they had touched.