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The ultimate NSX seat? take a look

For what it's worth I ditched my slider in my NSX about 9 months ago. They were shaky and I didn't feel safe in them. I fixed mounted them and they are now much more secure and safe, I would never go back to sliders for an aftermarket seat.
For what it's worth I ditched my slider in my NSX about 9 months ago. They were shaky and I didn't feel safe in them. I fixed mounted them and they are now much more secure and safe, I would never go back to sliders for an aftermarket seat.

What are you using for a bracket? Can you post some pics?
I want
I'm using a Planted Technology base brackets (http://www.plantedtechnology.com/), they are incredibly sturdy and some seat companies have started selling them as their own. Pictures aren't fantastic but hopefully you can get an idea of how thick the brackets are. I should note I wasn't able to get the side brackets to work, only the base, as the angle just wouldn't match up. I would like to replace the side brackets on my Cobra seat.

The material Planted uses is 3/16 inch steel, much thicker than the bracket I bought from SOS.



This video has some good images as well:
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I've seen these before, they are very solid but a bit heavy... can you take more pictures of the side brackets and the front? The seat belt anchors are attaching to this as well? What side bracket are you using and how difficult it is for you to torque it all down? I mean what is access to the bolts like? Thank you this is very good info.
Sure I'll grab some more pics. Definitely heavy but so much better than what I was using before. The base plate I bought was actually 4 different pieces, the bolts holding them together would loosen up and it was an absolute mess.

Seat belt anchors are attached to the base. The side brackets came with the SOS set up I bought (http://www.scienceofspeed.com/produ...cts/NSX/Speed_Engineering/sliding_seat_mount/) and are the only parts I still use. It's not hard to torque it down, but the inner side brackets are inaccessible once the seat is in the car of course. Other than that, access is pretty good to everything. It can be tight to reach the rear passenger side bolt on the base, but it's doable.
Thanks mochanges. Much appreciate the hard work! So you have the brackets that fold in rather than out it looks like. Correct? They go under the seat. What's your procedure to tighten the bolts or remove he seat? I'm having a hard time figuring out how you are reaching some of the bolts. Are you putting the seat and bracket assembly onto the planted frame, then dropping it all into the car, then securing the planted bracket to the OEM holes in the floor?
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Thanks mochanges. Much appreciate the hard work! So you have the brackets that fold in rather than out it looks like. Correct? They go under the seat. What's your procedure to tighten the bolts or remove he seat? I'm having a hard time figuring out how you are reaching some of the bolts. Are you putting the seat and bracket assembly onto the planted frame, then dropping it all into the car, then securing the planted bracket to the OEM holes in the floor?

No problem at all. That's right, my brackets fold under the seat rather than out. My seat is the Cobra Suzuka GT, so it's the wider one since I'm a bit on the heavy side.

Set up is loosely assembling the side brackets to the Planted base, then to the sides of the seat, adding the seatbelt receiver, then tighten everything up and put the whole thing (side brackets, base and seat) into the car as one piece. The last bolts to be installed are the 4 that anchor the planted base to the car floorpan. Then route the stock belt through the outside hole on the side of the seat.

I also have my Schroth 6 point for track days, which is permanently installed.
So you ate able to get to all 4 bolts ok? This was a huge gripe... That unless you have a seat that slides, you can't get to the bolts.
So you ate able to get to all 4 bolts ok? This was a huge gripe... That unless you have a seat that slides, you can't get to the bolts.

Yep, I can get to them ok. My seat is fairly far forward and since I have a quick release on my steering wheel getting in and out isn't too hard.

If the seat was further back I could see it being a challenge reaching the rear bolts, but with extensions and a wobble it shouldn't be too hard.
I'm actually thinking about switching out the seats in my car to a set of the new Bride Vorga or Cuga's to replace my Stradia Low Max.

Read your thread with interest but I think these seats although they are sexy on the eyes is a bit too hardcore for me. I need cushioning in my car and to have the idea of paying that kind of money and sitting on hard plastic, no thanks. But thanks for the post!

I think for car show guys who really want to attract attention or hardcore track guy I can see the benefits but not really for a street car.

EDIT: Sorry Dave, I missed page 2 and saw some seats with somewhat of a seat pad / cushion and those do look pretty cool I don't doubt the strength of these seats but another concern of mine is how the bolters are pure CF and thus offer very little protection against scratches from keys, pocket knives, gun holsters or whatever else we carry on our belts. I know my defense pen has scratched a few things already :(

So my question is what type of clear coat is used on these seats since it would have to be super tough to avoid scratches from inevitably being damaged?

P.S. I saw another guy mention Planted Seat rails and we use/sell those rails. They are rock solid rails and very thick. In comparison I have a set of Bride seat rails and they look thin. Maybe I'm not that heavy but my Bride rails are rock solid though....

Given te Bride Cuga/Vorga are easily $1500+ per seat, I don't see these being too expensive just a few questions to be answered first :)
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Any updates?



Jonathan I am currently talking to both Tillett and their US distributor. I also am trying to get some brackets sourced, the Planted's are nice but too heavy and carry much unnecessary metal and I am going to have an aluminum version made. Planted is simply trying to hit price points. Midnight Raven and I went went and I let him sit in a set of the B6F, and having the Downforce R replicas there was really nice because we both got a clear back to back. I can tell you for sure, the Tillett was more comfortable to both of us. Without question. Even though Anthony (and I) love his R replicas, there is simply no comparison (To that or any other seat I have tried). The tillett supports your entire torso, the R seat is tight in the waist in comparison and tries to support at the shoulders. There is MUCH freedom at the shoulders with the Tillett yet you feel much better supported. Same thing happened with anthony, as he leaned forward and back air would escape out the top. I don't know how to explain this. The seat supports you with equal weight distribution at every single point of contact... So evenly your body creates an almost air tight gap... sit in anything else and you feel certain parts more and certain parts less. This was my 4th time spending time with the seat and I was really telling myself "maybe I need cushions".... and I am more convinced than ever it is absolutely a superior seat. In fact I will not even get the Dinamica suede panels at first so that I can experience the seat as is long term over harsh roads. As I mentioned Tillett has two different kinds of panels but I am not sure I need either.

Someone told me how important the things you touch in car are. The steering wheel, the shifter, the clutch, the seat. When I finally dumped the heave OEM airbag wheel and went with a light weight MOMO it was a transformation. I really think these seats will have the same effect.

If you are in a rush I can start a list sooner than later. But you'd have to use the standard brackets available now. They will work fine, just heavier.

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I think for car show guys who really want to attract attention or hardcore track guy I can see the benefits but not really for a street car.

Sorry Rick, I totally disagree. You've never sat in them. You are speculating. I have first hand experience and I have sat in a GENUINE R seat owned by Shaylor. I think Tillett has redefined how a seat should be made.
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Sorry Rick, I totally disagree. You've never sat in them. You are speculating. I have first hand experience and I have sat in a GENUINE R seat owned by Shaylor. I think Tillett has redefined how a seat should be made.

Actually I am not speculating, you assume too much. I have seen and sat in this seat at a car show, can't remember which car it was but clearly remember the look. I also have sat in the NSX-R seat. A car seat should be padded and in some sort of fabric for a normal car that is used daily.

For a daily driven NSX, these seats are NOT practical at all for the reasons I stated. Those side bolsters in exposed CF are just waiting for them to be scratched by a belt, cell phone clip or something else.

I don't drive my NSX more than maybe 1000 miles per year for special occasions. For me it might work but I can already see my wife giving me the rolling eye treatment. Try asking a normal lady to sit in those seats with a lace dress on, good luck with that....It's not a practical seat but as I said before it is a nice piece for a show car, track car or occasional usage and I stand by that statement.
Rick the B6F was not even available until very recently.... most likely you sat in something else. There are also number of copycats out there that look similar. And as I said several times... there are two types of pad available. I don't know how to be more clear. If you want pad, you can have pad.

Either way, they are probably not the right thing for you if you don't like them. I am not here to change anyone's mind. Just trying to possibly set something up for the community for those that are interested.
Thanks for the response, Turbo. I'm not necessarily in a hurry. I currently have my interior somewhat apart as I am replacing the carpet and would have loved to swap the seats at the same time. The seats come out really easy so swapping them later on won't be a big deal. I also would like to know what discount they will be giving to see if it will fit the budget or will I need to find other seats. Now I need to decide if I want to remove the sound deadening.
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Nice looking seats! I too am looking for a possible replacement for the OEM seats. A bit 'bare' looking. Padding and usage of the powerrail be something I be like to have. I'll keep on waiting.
Regardless, these seats are sexy!
Rick the B6F was not even available until very recently.... most likely you sat in something else. There are also number of copycats out there that look similar. And as I said several times... there are two types of pad available. I don't know how to be more clear. If you want pad, you can have pad.

Either way, they are probably not the right thing for you if you don't like them. I am not here to change anyone's mind. Just trying to possibly set something up for the community for those that are interested.

Dave, I think you are missing my point, because my car is not driven much I would actually consider your seats. Hence I said your post comes at a good time since I've been thinking to upgrade my Brides for either the new Bride Vorga/Cuga or maybe this new seat you are showing.

Anyways, my mind is always floating around new ideas so will do some more research and poking around. There are quite a few local guys who are running these seats in their exotics out here and I'm pretty sure its this brand. The design is hard to forget.

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Just went back to look over the seats....the price point is really good since the Brides I'm looking at are roughly $1600 a piece.

For these seats I think you need some piping color to define the seat shape. Without it the cushion just looks like one big clump with no definition.

I am thinking to do complete red cushion padding with black highlights but sorta like how this pattern is done:


When you get your seats installed would love to revisit this subject.
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Dave has been on a sabbatical from prime