The time is drawing near...

6 October 2002
Highland Village, TX
Hi all... long time lurker here with some possible good news!

My 1998 Pontiac Firebird (hey... don't laugh!) is starting to give out on me. The engine is still running strong, but lots of things are cropping up daily from lights and window motors burrning out to seat parts breaking to speakers buzzing to... well.. it's a GM car at 85k miles... :) Anyways, as much as I love Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and the Koenigsegg, the NSX has always seemed like the perfect fit for me on paper.

The kicker is, I've never ridden, driven, or even tried an NSX on for size. Dallas sounds like a big city and all, I've checked eBay, autotrader, and the local Acura dealerships and the only NSX I've found is at Exotic Car World where my friend sold his Ferrari 355... It looks like they have a black 1995 with lots of Comptech mods but it should suffice at least to see in person and see if it "fits"... If so, "The Car" will be a 1997+ era Yellow NSX-T. :cool:

Can someone please point me in the right direction to arrange a test drive? Preferably in the Dallas area, but I also make frequent business trips to Phoenix and it seems like there's quite an NSX contingent there. :) My first instinct was to check with Susan at Goodson Acura, but it doesn't look like they have any on the lot.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

Oh, and I've read the FAQ on the 'purchase process' (great resource!) and the test drive section on there is great once you have one arranged for a possible purchase. I'm just looking for an initial tryout section tho.. :) I've also searched and continue searching for relevant posts in the knowledgebase here.

P.S. Thanks again in advance.. YOU are what makes this forum so great! Well, that and Single Samurai's picture collection. ;)

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Well, I went to exotic car world today and lo and behold, the showroom was completely empty with "for lease" signs on the windows. :( Hopefully Mark Weaver has moved his establishment to a nicer location.

Next stop was Susan's place, also known as Goodson Acura... Jay Taylor, the sales rep that assisted me, was nice enough to check out the inventory for me and... nothing on the lot, nothing withing a 500 mile radius. :( However, he walked me around to the service area where they had two X's in... A black one with a license plate "NS**SY" and a yellow with a license plate, "A**D", both pre-2002. (characters blocked for privacy). I stood there and drooled for a bit but since these were just privately owned cars in for service, that's about all I could do. :)

Next stop was Vandegriff Acura where Michael Gleason, the sales rep that assisted me, confirmed that there were no NSX's anywhere near us in Dallas. However, he was nice enough to take my name and number to call me if 'one shows up'.

All in all, a somewhat disappointing day although it was great to finally see one... er... two up close at Goodson. Man, that roofline is LOW although I've heard it should be quite sufficient for a 5' 11" fellow like myself.

I'll post more as my journey develops.
There are NSX's for sale ALL over dallas.. you just have to look. Check and autotrader.. they are ALL over there. You should not have to go far. I was in dallas this weekend and I saw one for sale at the exotic car dealership at 635 and 35.. I dont recall the name. It was black.. maybe a 93.

Good luck!
Thanks for the response, NetViper.. I'll try to look up that dealership, was it 'LA Motorcars' maybe? I see they have a red '94.

I had searched and autotrader before I headed out today and searching within 100 miles of dallas only returned 4 cars... two red 91's, a black 92, and the aforementioned red 94..

I suppose there's no harm in leading a seller to believe I'm actually interested in their car only to get the 'feel' for the car in general. Just don't want to waste anyone's time, is all. :(

Tomorrow, I'll see if I can find out what happened to exotic car world, see if I can schedule an appointment to look at that red '94, and also see if I can look up the dealership you mentioned.

Thanks again.

It's nice to meet you and your wife at Starbuck tonight.

It may take some time to find THE NSX you like. I bought my NSX in Dallas area last year. I searched all over the place close to Dallas area trying to find the perfect one for me.

Because I didn't want to travel too far to check on a car so it took me a good few months of searching. However, If you are willing to travel, I think you will have more options. I know a guy who bought his NSX in California and drove back to Dallas.

Good luck

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Thanks Richard! It was awesome to meet everyone tonight and I absolutely love your driving gloves... classy! :) :) I'll post a few pictures here that I took when I get to work in the morning.

As far as "THE NSX for me", I know exactly what you mean... As of now, the few yellow NSX's I've seen for sale are all in California. When the time comes, I'll just have to check my schedule to see if a road trip is feasable or if I'll need to contract out a transport company. Although after tonight, red is looking awfully nice. ;)
Oh wow... did they just get it this week? I'll bet she's pretty! :) I think I've decided on a 97-98 Spa Yellow Pearl NSX-T with the 6-speed, although red was looking mighty fine last night.

By the way, I posted a few pics I took at last night's meething in the picture gallery forum.

Thanks again everyone!

Well, I have some good news and some bad news..

Good news is that I got a promotion at work! :D

Bad news is that it includes a relocation to Phoenix. :(

No offense to the Phoenix folks... I've been traveling out there regularly for the past three years and I really like it, but I will really miss Dallas.

The big "dangit" comes from not being able to get my 97-98 NSX now like I had planned due to moving this summer, juggling two house closures, etc... Oh well... I keep telling myself that there are definitely worse positions to be in. :)

Now the plan is to get settled in Phoenix by September and have a pretty Yellow present for Christmas. ;)

When you get to Phoenix AND you're ready to buy a car, let Mark Basch and Chris Wilson at Basch Acura Service / Science Of Speed know what you're looking for. I'm sure that they are aware of the local market, including "unadvertised" cars for sale.

Re: Dangit!?

waldorf said:
Well, I have some good news and some bad news..

Good news is that I got a promotion at work! :D

Bad news is that it includes a relocation to Phoenix. :(

No offense to the Phoenix folks... I've been traveling out there regularly for the past three years and I really like it, but I will really miss Dallas.

The big "dangit" comes from not being able to get my 97-98 NSX now like I had planned due to moving this summer, juggling two house closures, etc... Oh well... I keep telling myself that there are definitely worse positions to be in. :)

Now the plan is to get settled in Phoenix by September and have a pretty Yellow present for Christmas. ;)

Congrats! As erobbins pointed out, Phoenix is a great place to be in terms of NSX support. I wouldn't be surprised if there have been NSX guys who have moved to Phoenix just to be near MB! ;)
(insert Basch's underrated DirecTV tech skills joke here)

Yeah, I think I've heard that too. In any case, I'm psyched to meet all the PHX NSX'ers. :)