The slowest IRL driver

30 August 2005
Milka Duno the slowest IRL driver.... who cares, she's hotter than Danica :tongue:

"An article posted on ESPN on July 24th stated that the IRL placed Milka Duno on probation until December 31st due to consistently failing to meet minimal performance standards. It was stated that the 38-year old Venezuelan driver needed to show “immediate and substantial improvement in her driving.”

Duno has consistently been one of the slowest drivers at every IndyCar Series road race. Her team owner, Dale Coyne needs the sponsorship supper that Dunno brings in from oil giant Citgo to keep his team in good standings. He defends her by saying, “She hasn’t done street circuits, so we knew the challenge was bigger on street tracks.”

The biggest issue isn’t her poor speeds, but how her poor speeds on the track are effecting other racers who get stuck behind her as they try to lap her."

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Cat fight!!! :biggrin:

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Re: She's got lots of company

She's the Queen of back-markers for sure, but Marshall Pruett wrote about many others down thru history.

It gets pretty bad when the IRL sits you down. I had an Indy Lights driver rent my car for one of our races at Infineon a couple of years ago. He wanted to learn the track before they came to race in August. His times were like mine (mid pack at best). He got coaching, we tweaked the set up for him etc, but to no avail. He left pissed wanting to blame the car, the weather, the planets alignment......etc etc. :rolleyes:

Then at the Infineon Indy Lights race, and knowing the track better than most Indy Lights drivers, he was DFL and black flagged as a hazard when the leaders were coming up to lap him. Happened again later that year at Watkins Glen. His money blinded him to his mediocrity. :redface:

Racing's about the money. Too bad, but...........we all know that. :frown:
She is consistent for always getting lapped 2-3 times or more per race.

Whatever happened to the 107% rule?
Re: Sign of the economic times.......

Whatever happened to the 107% rule?
That was just F-1, wasn't it?

Everyone's lowering the bar if not prices. I think I heard that World Challenge is going back to their "shade tree mechanic" roots and much more small team friendly. (my interpretation, but clearly indicative of their survival plan direction)

Our local dropzone lowered jump tickets to $10/jump this weekend. :eek: Haven't seen jump rates that cheap for well over 30 years. Desparate times. :wink:

Back to "Milk and Donuts" she's so slow they can't even hype her up at all like Danicles.

OT: haven't seen the race so I hope this doesn't sound stupid but it was good to see PT getting a ride.
1) someone has to come in last.

2) formula 1 seems to do just fine with perennially slow cars.

3) it wouldn't be the first time that money mattered more than talent.

shut up and let the girl drive.
Duno needs to hook up with Sakon Yamamoto of the HRT F1 team. Maybe the 2 worst professional open-wheel drivers ever. Her only positive attributes are that she is (1) hot and (2) brings Hugo Chavez's oil money to Dale Coyne Racing. Like someone already said, it's all about the money.
She can go slow and take her time with me ANYDAY!!....:tongue::biggrin:

Danica...bleh...once the looks are gone you are left with attitude. Milka Duno with all her degrees will have a job and $$$. :smile:
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Duno needs to hook up with Sakon Yamamoto of the HRT F1 team. Maybe the 2 worst professional open-wheel drivers ever. Her only positive attributes are that she is (1) hot and (2) brings Hugo Chavez's oil money to Dale Coyne Racing. Like someone already said, it's all about the money.

It's always about the money.

Every once in a while on ESPN Classic they'd show mid 1980s Daytona 500s and Marty Robbins was driving in it. I'm talking the singer. Either he was a really good driver and singer, or he brought lots of money and his own car?
Whoa - did anybody see the big spin last wknd in front of Dario!:eek: Could have cost him the title:eek:
Whoa - did anybody see the big spin last wknd in front of Dario!:eek: Could have cost him the title:eek:

I did I just turned it on and watched her spin all by herself..she looked to be on line as well:confused: if it was not a mechanical..then she did something very wrong:rolleyes:
I did I just turned it on and watched her spin all by herself..she looked to be on line as well:confused: if it was not a mechanical..then she did something very wrong:rolleyes:

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thanks bob looks like she got too close to the car in front and maybe lifted and lost downforce and wheeeee.
Re: Yeah, have to agree

looks like she got too close to the car in front and maybe lifted and lost downforce and wheeeee.
As much as I might tend to say it's her lack of skill that makes her a hazard........and consistently being 2-3 laps down is overall proof of that, I'll have to give her the benefit of the doubt on this one. Lots of guys lose it on the ovals like that, so she's not the first or only to get caught out in that way.

(Still an embarassment who should get black flagged though). :wink:
Whoa - did anybody see the big spin last wknd in front of Dario!:eek: Could have cost him the title:eek:

Yeah I saw that and was thinking his spotter saved him from that one.

Congrats to Danica for finding her way around Kanan for 2nd place...I think she will find a way to win again soon. Would love to see her take an Indy 500...that would quiet some of the naysayers...:smile:
congrats to danica for finding her way around kanan for 2nd place...i think she will find a way to win again soon. Would love to see her take an indy 500...that would quiet some of the naysayers...:smile:

+1 ;-)
Why criticize? She's still faster than any of you or me (or slower) but getting paid for it.

She's better looking too.

The truth of the matter is that she doesn't have the tallent/skill to be out there.

Would you let her take you for a ride on the track at 10/10ths? I wouldn't.

Think about that the next time you get on a Delta flight - they have been hiring a lot of female pilots that don't meet the qualifications. I personally know of eight female First Officers and three minorities that were hired in the last 3 months, none of them had any pilot in command time (which Delta states on their application - min 1500 Part 121 PIC). But at least the Captain will take care of you, even if the FOs are in over their heads.
Milka is a sweet hart, a little slow but she has the money to race,
The venezualan goverment is putting out for her to race.

I was in her pit crew when she raced here in to Toronto, I did my first tire change to her car!!!

The whole Dale Coyne team are awesome, I wish them better luck.

I took this one at the grid.
Cat fight!!! :biggrin:

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Danica calling someone slow.
The ultimate insult.