The Question. Why did you buy NSX?

23 April 2008
There is always a problem of choise. I wonder why do you guys bought nsx instead of other sport cars. I mean for that money you can get more powerfull vette, more fancy 911, more fresh whatever...
Why do YOU choose X?
Yeah, I ask couse i'm considering about buying one of that cars(Vette, 911 or NSX) The problem is that i never seen Vette and X live, 911 i saw a few times only.
So i'm kinda got no idea what to choose(i'm trippin from one car to another from month to month) and wanna take a look at your ideas why did you buy your X and how do you feel about it now.
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Personally I think the NSX has more character than any of those. It was a engineering feat when it came out and still is. The all Aluminum body with titanium tie rods and a pretty cool suspension. It also looks like a Ferrari but holds together like a Honda. There is also very few of them around so they are more special than any of those other cars due to being exclusive. Hell, there is less than 8,000 of them in the states I believe. Are you talking about new prices or used prices?
I came for the looks and exclusivity, but stayed for the driving experience.
Good answer. While the Vettes do handle well, they are a "common" car IMHO. They are everywhere. I have yet to see a 17 year old Vette look nice as a 17 year old NSX.
Made more sense to me then any other car. I always wanted an NSX from my senior year in High School. And now when I was finally able to afford a sports car this really made the most sense to me. The only other cars that I even considered was the Lotus Elise. Pcar and corvette was never an option(Not knocking those cars because they are great just not what I wanted). I liked the Lotus because it was new, had a toyota engine which to me meant dependability. Two totally different cars but each had their strengths and weaknesses. But I did not even need a test drive to know the Lotus was not for me. I just needed to get into the car one time to know it would get old having to fold myself into the car on a consistent basis. Whether or not I was going to use the car as a daily driver the awkward entrance and exit was a turn off for me.

Well to keep from rambling let me just try to break it down as far as the reason I purchased the car.
1) Car holds its value.
2) I have an accord with over 200k and it has never given me any major issues, so I was very confident in the reliability even with a car over 15 years old.
3) Exclusiveness of the car
4) Design of the car in my opinion will never get dated. Design was ahead of its time.
5) Reasonable to maintain. Its not cheap but much better then a Ferrari. Oil change is only 50 dollars.
6) It is a car I have always wanted. Other then a lambo or vector which I can't afford at this time.
I came for the looks and exclusivity, but stayed for the driving experience.

+1 Almost bought a Porsche but decided to go with NSX since I don't see them around as often as I do P-Cars.
looks,mid engine,cab forward design,reliable,simple to operate,pure driving experience.
Balance- superb handling with enough power to give many more "powerful" cars fits on the track - motorcycle equivalent is their VFR800 - engine with very flat and wide torque curve, FI, VTEC.

Classic good looks- just compare with anything from the same timeframe. Not ugly, unlike a lot of new cars coming out.

Mid engine, cab forward design. Good driver visibility.

Did I mention superb handling and response?

Honda build quality and exemplary engineering. (been on Honda motorcyles since 1966)

Responds well to minor and major modifications. (think forged wheels and wide tires, tubular headers, NSX-R series chasis and aero updates, or CTSC if you want to be a stormin Norman).

Did I mention fun? Oh, and you don't see these on every street corner even out here in CA, unlike Vettes, P cars, BMW's.

What's not to like?
There is always a problem of choise. I wonder why do you guys bought nsx instead of other sport cars. I mean for that money you can get more powerfull vette, more fancy 911, more fresh whatever...
Why do YOU choose X?
Yeah, I ask couse i'm considering about buying one of that cars(Vette, 911 or NSX) The problem is that i never seen Vette and X live, 911 i saw a few times only.
So i'm kinda got no idea what to choose(i'm trippin from one car to another from month to month) and wanna take a look at your ideas why did you buy your X and how do you feel about it now.

This is REAL easy. Go drive them all. Whatever makes you feel the best, buy. Simple.
Balance- superb handling with enough power to give many more "powerful" cars fits on the track - motorcycle equivalent is their VFR800 - engine with very flat and wide torque curve, FI, VTEC.

Classic good looks- just compare with anything from the same timeframe. Not ugly, unlike a lot of new cars coming out.

Mid engine, cab forward design. Good driver visibility.

Did I mention superb handling and response?

Honda build quality and exemplary engineering. (been on Honda motorcyles since 1966)

Responds well to minor and major modifications. (think forged wheels and wide tires, tubular headers, NSX-R series chasis and aero updates, or CTSC if you want to be a stormin Norman).

Did I mention fun? Oh, and you don't see these on every street corner even out here in CA, unlike Vettes, P cars, BMW's.

What's not to like?

C'mon!'s more exciting than a VFR!
First of all, let me state that I do not live in the US, so some of my statements are not true for those whole live in the USA.

When I finally had the money to buy a car like a (2nd hand) NSX there were basically three other cars I looked at. First was the Porsche 911 S, second the Ferrari 348 and a distant third was a new Mercedes CLK.
The NSX was the car I looked at the most because I had a chance to drive one for an hour a long time ago. Also, having driven Honda's before, the NSX was somewhat of an icon to me and was my first choice.
Nevertheless I more or less rationalized that looking at just one car was not the way to do it.

The closest competitor was the Porsche 911. However, the 911 I looked at just looked like any other 911. Where I live (Netherlands), most people who want a high-end sportscar end up with the sensible choice which simply IS the 911. Not the most exciting looking sports car but definately technically a good one. Solid German engineering, low depreciation, reasonable costs, usable for everyday etc. etc. It is probably the Number One reasons why Porsche is the only high-end sports car that you can see overhere on a daily basis (and you don't see that many, cars being much more expensive in general).

The Ferrari 348 was not the F-car I would like to have most but it was the only affordable one. Or so I thought until I heard what I could expect in maintenance costs based on the amount I was planning to use it.
Most people who do not own a car like these usually don't ever think of the money it takes just to keep driving one. Buying a car is just one part, the other and sometimes bigger part is maintaining it, buying the gas, paying insurances and taxes and so on. The one 348 I looked at, although looking nice on the outside, didn't look that wonderful from the inside at all and the seating was nowhere as comfortable as I wanted it.

The Mercedes was just a thought. A bad one at that. I went to a dealer a took one good look at the car. At that time, the CLK was pretty popular but nowadays I don't seem to see them anymore.

In short, I ended up looking at several NSX-es, finally imported one from Germany and drove 26000 miles in my first happy year of ownership. Maintenance so far has been reasonable except perhaps for tires. I get way more looks than I would have ever had in a Porsche (of which I see perhaps 2-3 every day) and I have met a enormous group of enthousiastic people, both in real life and on-line as well.

Now, if I could just kill this mod-bug that's whizzing in my head constantly :smile:
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You've never seen a Corvette and have only seen a 911 a few times??? Do you live in Namibia? If so, you should consider moving the U.S. - they give everyone a free Corvette when they arrive at Ellis Island. :wink:
I had a deal on a used Porsche Cayman S. The seller backed out last minute.
I really wanted a mid engine car and a NSX became available. I also wanted an un-touched, no modifications car. This 1991 NSX fit the criteria. I also was familiar with the power of Vtec and reliability of a Honda as my wife drives an S2000. I was really comfortable with the idea of a 16 year old Acura.
Basically it just worked out. I got everything I wanted for about half the price of the P. Cayman S.
There is always a problem of choise. I wonder why do you guys bought nsx instead of other sport cars. I mean for that money you can get more powerfull vette, more fancy 911, more fresh whatever...
Why do YOU choose X?
Yeah, I ask couse i'm considering about buying one of that cars(Vette, 911 or NSX) The problem is that i never seen Vette and X live, 911 i saw a few times only.
So i'm kinda got no idea what to choose(i'm trippin from one car to another from month to month) and wanna take a look at your ideas why did you buy your X and how do you feel about it now.
- rare
- exotic
- rare
- mid engine
- rare
- fun
- rare
- hand built
- rare
- timeless design
- rare
- reliable
- rare
- low maintenance
- and lastly, it's rare
My dream car. I waited more then 10 years :smile: . The name say it all NSX :biggrin: .


:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
...because I found this damn website. No seriously, on the track the midengine platform is amazingly balanced.
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Saw a brochure for the NSX as a kid when they first came out.

As a valet, driving cars miles away from the restaurant, to a secured parking garage for the very rich, I drove all types of cars (erm, and learned to drive stick as well lol). One day, I drove an NSX. Always fantasized about the car since the brochure, but just sitting in was nirvana. Told myself I had to have one.

Several years later. I bought one.

Eight years later, I have NO regrets.

For the OP, there is a thread from a couple months ago regarding NSX owners who have sold their NSX, and then either regretted it, or purchased another NSX thus coming full circle. In this thread, many of these people explain WHY they went back to the NSX. Good read.
As most that frequent this site, I am a car nut. I can appreciate anything mechanical, especially a car. I love extoic cars and the mystic about them.

The reason an NSX was because I have wanted one since 1991. It is an affordable exotic. I rarely see another on the road. It has awesome styling which has been timeless, so far and it is a blast to drive.

Oh did I mention that it was Honda!:biggrin: