The photoshoot drive

I'd be in, although do we have enough time to do it before people
leave for Xpo?

Also, are weekends possible, or only weekdays? Do we get to control the area, so there won't be tourists in the background of the photos?

We would have a police officer for traffic control. On Lombard Street we would just have the cars and I would think no tourists.

The lady at the SF Film department sent me a nice e-mail with all of the specifics, eg. insurance requirements, permits, etc. She also sent some links to other potential photo sites in addition to Lombard Street. There are some locations with the Golden Gate in the background, etc. I forwarded the e-mail to 02#154. Perhaps he could post some of those links so you can see other/additional locations.
We would have a police officer for traffic control. On Lombard Street we would just have the cars and I would think no tourists.

The lady at the SF Film department sent me a nice e-mail with all of the specifics, eg. insurance requirements, permits, etc. She also sent some links to other potential photo sites in addition to Lombard Street. There are some locations with the Golden Gate in the background, etc. I forwarded the e-mail to 02#154. Perhaps he could post some of those links so you can see other/additional locations.

By tourists, I was referring to pedestrians, as I'm sure you're well aware, they are out on force along the sidewalk and surrounding areas, and would mar an otherwise great picture. Does the police presence take care of that also?
By tourists, I was referring to pedestrians, as I'm sure you're well aware, they are out on force along the sidewalk and surrounding areas, and would mar an otherwise great picture. Does the police presence take care of that also?

Not sure. We could always pay him more and have him shoot a few of them. That would probably clear out the area.

If anyone wants to send me their e-mail, I'll send you the SF Film e-mail and perhaps you can post the links. I'm not too good at this type of thing.:redface:
Not sure. We could always pay him more and have him shoot a few of them. That would probably clear out the area.

If anyone wants to send me their e-mail, I'll send you the SF Film e-mail and perhaps you can post the links. I'm not too good at this type of thing.:redface:

Thanks for taking care of this! My email addy is [email protected] :biggrin:
Back when I used to own an s2k we went to this one parking lot right before pier 39 that had a beautiful shot of the bridge and the parking lot was a substantial size where we would be able to fit in A LOT of NSX's it was great because the pedestrians all took a moment to look at the cars and appreciate them and than take pics as well.

On several occasions I've seen guys on this board post photos of their cars that were shot in San Francisco in fantastic locations. Anyone recall who they are or the photos?
I've seen people took pics at Treasure Island.
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If this link doesn't work, could some one fix it please?

150 Smart cars on Lombard Street.

On August 17, 2008 they met at Fort Maison, had a police escort to Lombard Street. Later went to Fort Point, and then to Spinnater's in Sausalito.
Any issues with our cars regarding ground clearance on Lombard? I have a difficult time with my own driveway!

I was talking with a local NSXer here in the Bay Area this weekend and he brought up the same thing. I told him I'd take the plunge and drive there just to remind myself what the ends of the street look like (as well as routes to it). Then, if I thought it was something doable by lowered NSXs, I was going to try driving down it. Not sure when I'd get time to do it but I have all of next week off so maybe during that time.

I can't remember the entry side too well but I seem to remember the bottom had a nice wide outlet where we could go diagonally. I'll update here when I find out.

I was talking with a local NSXer here in the Bay Area this weekend and he brought up the same thing. I told him I'd take the plunge and drive there just to remind myself what the ends of the street look like (as well as routes to it). Then, if I thought it was something doable by lowered NSXs, I was going to try driving down it. Not sure when I'd get time to do it but I have all of next week off so maybe during that time.

I can't remember the entry side too well but I seem to remember the bottom had a nice wide outlet where we could go diagonally. I'll update here when I find out.



I drove down to Lombard street a few weeks ago and have no issue. As you know, my NSX sits very low and it didn't scrape anything.
Im new to prime so you guys dont know me.But I like driving hwy 9 and I know theres spots along the way to take pics and stop at Alices to eat.Then you can alwas keep going to hit hwy 1 either to go up north or back down south.Not sure if this would work though as me and most people on 9 are driving pretty fast.
Not sure if this would work though as me and most people on 9 are driving pretty fast.

Hwy 9 is a great drive but as you note, it would be difficult to have many/any photo ops on that patch of hwy. This is what's making the planning of this drive so difficult.

Progress is being made, however and we'll surely do this drive before the rainy season is upon us.

Side note: the planning of the Lombard street photo shoot will have to be postponed until sunny season next year. I've got too much on my plate to work on it during business hours, which is when all of the people I need to talk to are available. I'll start a new thread for that come spring.

I for one would really like to see the Lombard Street photo shoot happen. What a great shot that would be! Can we get a show of hands for this? If we are going to do this we better hurry, it's October now! I'm willing to assist in any way to make this happen. This would make for a fantastic wall poster or magazine cover. Thanks.
I for one would really like to see the Lombard Street photo shoot happen. What a great shot that would be! Can we get a show of hands for this? If we are going to do this we better hurry, it's October now! I'm willing to assist in any way to make this happen. This would make for a fantastic wall poster or magazine cover. Thanks.

I've already conceded that this probably won't happen in 2008. I'd like to shoot for late next spring, maybe like in May. The reason is because there's just too much to do in planning the logistics and permissions for the shoot. Next spring gives me (us) more time to plan. Thanks for the offer of help... I'll take you up on it when the time comes.

As long it's not raining we are fine.

The benefit for the Lombard Street during the winter (or anywhere else) is that there is less tourists since it's out of season for traveling.

Another benefit of a winter shoot is that the overcast acts as nature's own light diffuser and there is very little potential for glare. That said, I doubt we'd have even 50% of the people show up in winter vs. Spring/Summer. It's hard to commit to a date to take the car out when you don't know if it'll be raining or not.

Also, from what I've learned so far in researching this, part of what we get when we pay the city/police/etc is crowd control. They assure that random strangers don't make their way into the shoot. I'm sure they'll let everyone ooh/aah/gawk during staging but they'll move 'em out once we're set and actually snapping pics.

I'm likely going to videotape the whole thing and make a shorty to post up on like youtube or something too. So those who can't make it can see what we did to 'git 'er done'

Perhaps we can form a committee of guys that can start working on this now?

I am happy to help.:biggrin:
On September 22, 1996 we did a video/still photo shoot on Lombard Street with 50 or 60 NSXs. Didn't pay anyone anything.