"The one that got away" sob story - Libertyville Acura

22 May 2002
Tucson, AZ, USA
Well, I've been eyeing an NSX up at Libertyville Acura (yes, the one that's in Autotrader with 5,400 miles) so I e-mailed their sales department about it. I didn't hear anything back from them, so I gave them a call and talked to Fred. Fred and I chatted about the car, talked some prices, and he mentioned to me that he would look for my e-mail and get back to me. Well, he never did.

Anyways, I had a fellow Prime member stop by and take a look at it yesterday for me. After the extremely glowing report I received from him about the NSX, I decided that I would go ahead and call Fred and talk some serious business about it, with the end result being me purchasing the car. Because Fred was off of work yesterday, I figured that I would wait and talk to him today so that he would get the credit for the sale. Awful nice of me, right? I think you can probably see where this one is going.....

So, after staying up late last night and dreaming of this gorgeous car in my garage, I call the dealership this morning. I end up talking to James, who says that Fred isn't going to be in until 1:00. He asks if he could help me with anything in the meantime, and I asked (semi-jokingly) if the NSX was still there for sale. He then tells me that they got a deposit on it this morning! I felt like I was kicked squarely in the crotch.

An hour or so later, I get a call from Fred, who isn't exactly being friendly. He basically says "I don't know what to tell you" and is actually sort of rude to me on the phone. So, the bottom line is that I'm not too happy with Acura of Libertyville, and I'm really not happy with myself for trying to "do the right thing" for someone I don't even know. In the process, I'm going to be having nightmares about the "one that got away" for a long time, or at least until that special car comes around that I'm going to own one day.

The moral of the story? Always look out for number one when it comes to business. You've got plenty of opportunity to be nice to your friends.

Anyways, was it someone on here who got lucky and was able to beat me out for this car? If so, congratulations. :smile:

(slaps myself upside the head again) :frown: :frown: :frown:
Im lost, who screwed you? The moral of the story is a little unclear to me:confused:
Im lost, who screwed you? The moral of the story is a little unclear to me:confused:

I screwed myself by waiting for the right salesman (Fred) to come in the next day before doing the deal. Of course, I know that he could have gotten the credit anyways, but I had been doing business with him and wanted to talk to him about the car.

Clear things up at all?
The moral of the story? Always look out for number one when it comes to business. You've got plenty of opportunity to be nice to your friends.
I still believe that "what goes around, comes around". If you do the right thing, even to total strangers, you never know when it might come back to be a good thing for you. And even if it doesn't, you still have the satisfaction of knowing that you were trying to do a good thing for someone else. It feels a lot better than guilt after trying to do otherwise. ;)
I screwed myself by waiting for the right salesman (Fred) to come in the next day before doing the deal. Of course, I know that he could have gotten the credit anyways, but I had been doing business with him and wanted to talk to him about the car.

Clear things up at all?

I understand and being someone in the car business, respect what you were trying to do. Nothing I hate more than a customer who test drives 5 cars, does numbers, spends hours with a sales rep and when they come back...say they dont care who they work with. NSX deals fall thru all time. I'd leave a back up deposit with the General Manager and ya never know:biggrin:
Stop being a nice guy. Go there tonight and offer them $1,000 more than the guy who left the deposit. It's happened to others, so why not do it to someone else. Screw'em all!! :biggrin: :cool:
Sorry to hear it... but be patient and another will come along.

In my case, I waited a little too long to pull the trigger on an '02 in FL a couple weeks ago.
He basically says "I don't know what to tell you" and is actually sort of rude to me on the phone.
I don't understand... what was the basis of him being rude to you?:confused: Did you have an exchange of words? If not he should be at least appreciative and respectful for your actions. If he's crying over HIS lost sale, then he doesn't deserve your commission.
I don't understand... what was the basis of him being rude to you?:confused: Did you have an exchange of words? If not he should be at least appreciative and respectful for your actions. If he's crying over HIS lost sale, then he doesn't deserve your commission.

From our previous conversation, I had talked to him about the possibility of making an offer slightly less than the asking price, and then going from there. He was initially receptive to that. When he called me back today, he asked me three times how much I was going to offer on the car if it was still available. I told him that it didn't matter how much I was going to offer, because the car was sold to someone else. It was then that he got snotty with me and our conversation ended soon afterwards. (I'm not going to talk numbers on here, because that's confidential)

Even with Libertyville Acura not answering my e-mail inquiry and the subsequent cold shoulder by Fred, the blame for what happened lies squarely with me. I just needed an outlet to vent this afternoon.....thanks for listening to my sob story. :smile:
Stop being a nice guy. Go there tonight and offer them $1,000 more than the guy who left the deposit. It's happened to others, so why not do it to someone else. Screw'em all!! :biggrin: :cool:

That would be nice, but I'm in New Mexico and the car/dealer is in Chicago.

I don't think that it'll work, anyways, based upon my treatment this afternoon.
Just curious but what would have your offer been? I ask because I have the same car and bought it for 61k. My car had 6200 miles at the time and was in awesome condition. Mine was not certified though. Not sure why.
Personally, I think the deposit means little to nothing. Unless the deposit was explicitly non-refundable I would continue to pursue the deal. If you work with Fred or someone else, ask to have you offer considered. On a vehicle which is in-stock a deposit is likely good for only 24hrs. People who place depoists are stalling, either they need to check with their own bank which if you have to check you probably can't do it or they are not totally sold on the car. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, your offer is good NOW and that is the bottom line in the car business. good luck
I'd leave a back up deposit with the General Manager and ya never know
I would call the General Manager and let him know what happened, that you were trying to be the good guy. Like Mike says, ya never know. And if they turn around and offer the car to you, for whatever reason, don't turn it down out of spite. Never deprive yourself of enjoyment just to "make a statement" to others. ;)
Don't beat yourself up over it. You'll find the car you want and will get it under circumstances that make you feel good about it.

Wait a few days and you'll know for sure if this one got away or if there was a real deposit by another buyer. If it got away, then they won't call you back; if there was no other buyer, they'll call.

He asked you three times how much you would be willing to pay even after the so-called deposit came in and when you didn't bite, he was upset. He thought he had a fish on, was trying to get you to go higher on your offer, but as it turns out, he lost it, and he ended the conversation.

They might call you back w/ "the other buyer fell through, you still want this car...we'll give you a great deal..." :rolleyes:
The "Yellow" one they had was tagged by CARFAX for "accident damage". Told it was the nose that was repainted. JH4NA21694T000079

Police Report
Accident Reported in Livingston County
Involving a front impact with another motor vehicle

Car was still "Certified" so the damage must have been minimal.
Hey Viper Driver...the black NSX that you have as a picture is way Phatter than the silver one you were looking at. If you are looking to buy a newer silver NSX for $67,000...don't worry...they are not hard to find! If you are going to spend up to $70,000 on a vehicle - then you have the bucks to maintain it - well then...a Ferrari 355 may be in order..lol...Have you considered buying a model from the 90s with low miles and then modding it?

So ends my sermon...

Hey Viper Driver...the black NSX that you have as a picture is way Phatter than the silver one you were looking at. If you are looking to buy a newer silver NSX for $67,000...don't worry...they are not hard to find! If you are going to spend up to $70,000 on a vehicle - then you have the bucks to maintain it - well then...a Ferrari 355 may be in order..lol...Have you considered buying a model from the 90s with low miles and then modding it?

So ends my sermon...


I've owned a '91 (the one in the picture) for five years now. It's been an awesome car, and will be an awesome car for someone else. I'm looking for a newer car now, plain and simple. I can afford it, so why not?

As for which car is "phatter", I'll post some photos of the NSX I'm about to buy with the new set of wheels I've got ordered for it.

I called Libertyville this morning, and talked to the salesman who actually sold the car. The bottom line is that it is sold now. As luck would have it, another car fell into my lap today with just a few more miles than this one, and at a lower price. :cool: Keeping my fingers crossed, it may be mine as early as Monday.

Thanks to everyone for the words and stuff. More to follow (with pics of course).
I hate to say it but go back and read #4 post by nsxtasy again :tongue: Good luck!


I called Libertyville this morning, and talked to the salesman who actually sold the car. The bottom line is that it is sold now. As luck would have it, another car fell into my lap today with just a few more miles than this one, and at a lower price. :cool: Keeping my fingers crossed, it may be mine as early as Monday.

Thanks to everyone for the words and stuff. More to follow (with pics of course).
I still believe that "what goes around, comes around". If you do the right thing, even to total strangers, you never know when it might come back to be a good thing for you. And even if it doesn't, you still have the satisfaction of knowing that you were trying to do a good thing for someone else. It feels a lot better than guilt after trying to do otherwise. ;)

Heed Ken's sage-like wisdom....especially where carma is concerned. :wink: :cool:
Someone had better jump on this one. It's in mint condition. My recommendation is not to go through Fred when you buy it, though!

It's still up for the same price, btw.
Someone might get a good deal...if this dealership actually sells the car. I wonder if it was really sold the first time around?
Someone might get a good deal...if this dealership actually sells the car. I wonder if it was really sold the first time around?

I don't know....it all sounds fishy to me. They didn't sell the car, but they haven't contacted me yet about the car being back on the market, either. I'm guessing that the car is actually sold, just not removed from Auto Trader yet.