The NSX freeBook Project - Screenshots and Discussion

30 January 2005
Sarasota, FL
A continuation of this thread. I'm starting this so I can have the first couple posts to edit as the project progresses.

This first post will contain an outline of the book's structure. The second post will contain a series of screenshots of the chapter/sections.

I will edit both posts as the book progresses.

- Foreword
- Dedication

Chapter 1 - Birds Of A Feather
- Section 1.1 - NSXpo 2006
- Section 1.2 - on the Dragon '08

Chapter 2 - Our Cars
- Section 2.1 - e.pie
- Section 2.2 - heySkippy
- Section 2.3 - bboxer
note - usernames are used for the section titles here for convenience only. For publication, your section title can be whatever you want it to be.

Chapter 3 - @ the Track
- Section 3.1 - misc
- Section 3.2 - would like some user galleries here

Chapter 4 - Under The Skin
- Section 4.1 - Repaint
- Section 4.2 - Under the Skin

Chapter 5 - Highly Controversial
- Section 5.1 - Body & Paint

Chapter 6 - Just for Fun
- Section 6.1 - Beast of Burden
- Section 6.2 - WTF?
- Section 6.3 - In the Rearview


Please quote this post if you wish to discuss the chapter/section structure.

Today is the first day of spring. My plan is to have this done and available on the first day of summer!
Project Timeline

May 15 - deadline for picture and video submissions
June 1 - deadline for page layout changes
June 4 - submit for publication
June 20 - Live in the store!
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It is your book, but I would spin the last section a bit more positive. I know that the mainstream has a negative view on some of the more "radical rides" and I personally prefer a stock look - but there are plenty of other people who get great enjoyment out of it and mocking them in something like this book just doesn't seem right to me.
^^ Perhaps I should split the body kits and custom paint to their own chapter. I don't want to make fun of or otherwise criticize anyone's taste in this book. This is for all of us. I would love to get some great pics of various bodykits and spoilers.

The Beast of Burden and WTF sections are intended to be lighthearted fun. At least a couple of us have used our NSXs as haulers for all sorts of inappropriate things over the years. WTF will be for my NSX claymation video, driving while bodypainted, etc.
The Beast of Burden and WTF sections are intended to be lighthearted fun. At least a couple of us have used our NSXs as haulers for all sorts of inappropriate things over the years. WTF will be for my NSX claymation video, driving while bodypainted, etc.
My apologies - I falsely interpreted the WTF section as a "WTF did you do to your car". I see now that I am wrong about that.
how about just call the wacked out NSX's section

Memorable NSX Pics, cuz who could ever forget the ugly cars.

great job by the way Skip
how about just call the wacked out NSX's section

Memorable NSX Pics, cuz who could ever forget the ugly cars.

great job by the way Skip

I would love that, but (there's always a but) I only want pictures to which the contributor has a clear right to share. The last thing I want is to have to pull the book from the marketplace because of a copyright issue.

So, pictures that you took are great. Pictures that you bought from someone else might be great or might not. Pictures you found online are not great. That's life.
I haven't worked on the book the last couple days, but I have been PMing people and thinking about it. One thing that I think it definitely needs is a "Builds" chapter.

I think there are a several threads in the Builds forum that would make terrific sections for a Builds chapter. I would love to hear any nominations for inclusion. Post here or PM me and give me a link to the thread. If the owner would contribute a running commentary to go with the pictures, it would be even better.
well your allowed to use any of the pics in any of my builds
I give you permission LOL

though they may not be the res you want.

the thought of any of my pics in a book makes me feel good inside LOL
I'm more than happy to contribute some images. :) Would love to be a part of this.

Skippy - Send me a message. The photos I'd want you to use I can't post on the forum as they're pending publication in Super Street magazine - however I can show you privately for planning purposes. :)
After a few days off to work on my other latest project (scanning several thousand old negatives and slides :eek: ) I'm back to the NSX freeBook. I've received several submissions and have promises of several more, but I'm going to want more. Look for a thread in the Pictures forum soon. :)

Today, I'm working on the Gallery design for individual's cars. Using my own car, this is what I have so far.

Your individual Gallery page would look something like this.


Across the top is a short/wide image, usually cropped from one of the images in that Gallery. Below on the left, a text block with as much info as the owner cares to provide. Below on the right, the Gallery.

The Gallery can contain a variable number of images, but I would like to see a minimum of 4 or 5 and a maximum of about 30. The Gallery has a couple different modes. In the view above, you can swipe left/right or touch in the row of icons to jump to that pic. The row of icon scrolls left/right as well and the dots under the row of icons indicate how many 'pages' of icons and your current position.

Touch the picture itself and the view expands to full screen.

This mode work similarly. Swipe left/right to move the pic or touch the icons to jump. The circled X in the upper-left returns to the prior view. Touch this screen again and the icons at the bottom disappear for true full screen.

I've got plenty of room for more pictures, so please drop me a PM or post here. I know it seems like a lot of time remains, but it'll be gone fast so let's go!
Good News Everyone! ;)

Amazon's new ebook format, KF8, looks to be just the ticket for non-iPad readers, computer readers, or even for iPad users who would rather use the Kindle app.

Even though I use an iPad, it has bugged me that I couldn't easily port my books to Android or that it couldn't be viewed on a computer. KF8 should solve this problem. It's going to still be a good deal of work, but I'm willing to do it so that we have as much choice as possible.

This weekend I'm going to try to port my first book to this format. If that works, I'll develop the NSX book concurrently in both formats and start the application process or the Amazon market.

I know, I'm a geek, but this is fun stuff. I love new toys. :)
<a href="" title="skyedit2 by ImranNSX, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="306" alt="skyedit2"></a>

<a href="" title="NSX by ImranNSX, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="NSX"></a>

Would love to be a part of this. If these are worthy, send me a PM and I will email you the high resolution files.

Thanks and great idea for the book!
Would be nice to do one of those mosaics that computers make for you from a massive picture archive, and makes a large image that emerges from the individual pictures. Perhaps get everyone who wants to have their car included in the book to submit a picture and have the collage of all the cars so that even if their pictures aren't chosen, they can look at the two page spread and point to their small picture in the mosaic

Here is a youtube link to the software, its pretty neat!

I think I have attached a photo sample of it here. Obviously we would use pictures from all the owners rather than airplanes and baby pictures as this sample includes, but you get the point, its a pretty cool effect and would be a nice addition to the book


  • Screen shot 2012-04-04 at 12.30.53 AM.jpg
    Screen shot 2012-04-04 at 12.30.53 AM.jpg
    104 KB · Views: 44
Okay, I have waited a month for submissions and received a few, but I've also not received many who said were sending.

It's crunch time. I will cut off submissions on May 15 so I can prepare the book for submission.

Please please please, if you've said you were sending pics and have not, do it soon.

I am going to start a thread in the Pictures forum soliciting specific types of pics. Stay tuned while we bring this thing to completion!
Getting my car detailed this week, so the timing may work out for me to send in some photos - that would be cool :)

I have been wondering, how easy is it to do "editions" with the apple iBooks? In other words, lets say you wanted to update this book next year, does the software make it easy to do that or is it really tedious? To me the appeal of updates to an existing book is a GREAT bonus of paperless books.

I was going to avoid being lazy and just figure it out myself, but alas here I am being lazy and relying on someone experienced to hopefully give me the answers.
What resolution do you require for pics? I don't think any of the pics I have taken are of good enough quality..maybe 5 MP at the most...send me a PM with your email and I can send you a test picture and you can tell me it its good enough. I would certinly like to buy a book in any event...I think its a wonderful idea, I love collecting NSX memorabilia for my man cave.

Wow, looks great!

I was thinking of the same thing. Most of my pictures are low-resolution and nothing worthy. Only pictures of the LMR drives.

I'll keep an eye for any solicitations requested.