The Northeast has arrived!

28 March 2002
After getting up at 3:00 a.m. to head to the airport, the first portion of the northeast contingent and 7 NSX's have arrived at the host hotel. We are looking forward to seeing everyone later in the week.


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I wish we could have caught this just a bit earlier - you could have all cruised down to our South Bay meet on Sat - we had 20 NSX's yesterday - including 3 02/03 models. What's your planned activity today (Sunday)?
parking at the hotel

Very cool! Glad to see they arrived safely.

Is there underground or covered parking at the hotel? (I know, wishful thinking...)
Re: we tour napa

RSO 34 said:
More beautiful weather out here in Cali
Heard they had snow in Rochester today . . .
Re: we tour napa

RSO 34 said:
More beautiful weather out here in Cali and a great scenic drive in Napa. Here are some shots of our continuing saga.....
Great Napa pics - this is the perfect time of year to visit the area - glad to see your gang had a great time.
love that california dining

Although not an official NSXPO activity, we had a great dinner at the French Laundry last night. After 9 courses over 4 1/2 hours, we were a bunch of happy campers. California is a great place to dine.

Sorry I could not make it. My only comment is, this photo must have been taken before dinner. You guys look way... to composed.

Totally bummed I had to change my plans.

80 degrees in NH today, not bad, so at least the weather does not Suc _.

Looks like you guys are having a great time. Bob keep the great pic's coming.

