The nerve of some people....

Meeyatch1 said:
a 16-17 year old kid WITH HIS MOTHER pulls in next to him in a pick up truck, opens the door and bounces it off the side of the Evo!! Then he did it AGAIN while getting out of the truck, leaving a dent and a scrape in the side of an otherwise perfect car!! Here comes the friend gets out of his Evo and looks over at the kid, just then the kid WITH HIS MOM scowls at my friend and said, "What's your problem you anal prick?? I didn't do anything to your freaking car,"

Your friend has ALOT of self control!!!!! I would have slapped him and his momma.
You guys would be furious at my Mom.

Dad parks the rental next to some SUV. Mom opens the door and smacks the SUV no less then 5 times and bitches at my Dad for not leaving enough room. So he reparks and I check the damage on our way in suggesting that they should leave a note. There were some serious chips. You'd think she would have more respect for others cars, she's had some very nice ones.

The other types of idiots I can't stand are the ones who leave shopping carts at the top of a parking lot on an incline. They carefully balance the cart up there where it remains until the wind gusts then it rolls down the hill until it hits a car. Happened to my Rx-7. It sucks to see a cart wedged on your hood with a 4 inch gash.

yeh its rediculous how careless people are. for something people it just doesnt matter to them. one of my friends opened his car door and it was to the point where it was 99.9% open but it had to rest on my car door a little bit and i was sitting right there. i was like what the #$%@ are you doing? im really careful about it, you just have to "park defensively" i park in the last space at my appt, about a foot in the grass, so even if you drive some cadillac you cant hit my car. or so i thought, i got another ding, then people park over the line and ugh! it never ends. you cant win.
loNfastNSX said:
Meeyatch1 said:
a 16-17 year old kid WITH HIS MOTHER pulls in next to him in a pick up truck, opens the door and bounces it off the side of the Evo!! Then he did it AGAIN while getting out of the truck, leaving a dent and a scrape in the side of an otherwise perfect car!! Here comes the friend gets out of his Evo and looks over at the kid, just then the kid WITH HIS MOM scowls at my friend and said, "What's your problem you anal prick?? I didn't do anything to your freaking car,"

Your friend has ALOT of self control!!!!! I would have slapped him and his momma.

Actually, my friend has a VERY short fuse and carries a gun at all times and damn near shot the people!! Please refrain from any comments about the was my friend, NOT me....and, well...he managed to not shoot them so no harm no foul. :biggrin:
NSX-Stalker said:
You guys would be furious at my Mom.

Dad parks the rental next to some SUV. Mom opens the door and smacks the SUV no less then 5 times and bitches at my Dad for not leaving enough room. So he reparks and I check the damage on our way in suggesting that they should leave a note. There were some serious chips. You'd think she would have more respect for others cars, she's had some very nice ones.

The other types of idiots I can't stand are the ones who leave shopping carts at the top of a parking lot on an incline. They carefully balance the cart up there where it remains until the wind gusts then it rolls down the hill until it hits a car. Happened to my Rx-7. It sucks to see a cart wedged on your hood with a 4 inch gash.


1.) No offense, as I am sure you recognize this, but your Mom should show a little more respect for other peoples property. At least, I would hope that she would. It is not your fault, so I will not poke at you since you seem to recognize that as well since you suggested leaving a note.

2.) A few years back I was dropping off some people at the curb in front of a store near my home and some stupid suburban Mom (there are a BUNCH around here) is pushing her cart down the sidewalk and decides to just push it INTO MY CAR!! Evidently she did not want the cart anymore and thought it was no big deal that it hit my car and left a HUGE dent and scrape. I almost killed the lady. :mad:
95NSXT said:
yeh its rediculous how careless people are. for something people it just doesnt matter to them. one of my friends opened his car door and it was to the point where it was 99.9% open but it had to rest on my car door a little bit and i was sitting right there. i was like what the #$%@ are you doing? im really careful about it, you just have to "park defensively" i park in the last space at my appt, about a foot in the grass, so even if you drive some cadillac you cant hit my car. or so i thought, i got another ding, then people park over the line and ugh! it never ends. you cant win.

Well, you are near Indiana University campus....that is like parking your car in the middle of Beirut during bomb season. :biggrin:
I can understand people's anger of non-respect of other people's property. It has happened to me too, I get very upstet. What I can't believe however is even talking about how people would consider killing other human beings for property damages. Property, how matter damaged, can be either fixed or replaced. People and lives cannot.
If it hurts you to see your property damaged, hurt them back on their wallets. I would not think twice about calling the police, make a case about this not being any different than a collision. If they decide to leave the scene of the accident, I would even further add a "hit and run" charge...
Some idiot backed into my Corolla this morning, while I was in the gym. I get done with my workout, walk out to my car, and what do I see? A broken turn signal and crinkled fender.. aargh! No note, no anything. Such disrespect really pi$$e$ me off. Hmmm.. reminds me of why I park my NSX in the far area of the parking lot. :mad:
2 days after getting my NSX, I took my wife to the mall to do some shopping. I parked all the way at the end, not a car within 50 spots of me. When I came out of the mall a few hours later, I noticed some punk parked his Civic so damn close to my car, I had to get in the other side. He was within about 10 inches. My wife watched me walk around to the other side of his car and knew what was going to happen. I kicked in the entire side of this punks car, every damn panel. I don't think he will be a smartass anytime soon.
nsxlover said:
... I noticed some punk parked his Civic so damn close to my car, I had to get in the other side. He was within about 10 inches... I kicked in the entire side of this punks car, every damn panel. I don't think he will be a smartass anytime soon.

:mad: And this makes you a better person? Was there even a scratch left on your car? Probably not because you would have mentioned so. But now, some kid who probably works hard to afford his Civic is telling his friends that an NSX a$$hole kicked dents into his car. Was what he did wrong? Not necessarily. Inconsiderate? Yes.

I'm sorry, but to hear that one of our own has no respect for another persons property is disturbing. I hope you and your wife felt good after this incident. Hopefully the Civic owner is able to search the web and find your post. We'll see how good you feel after the police come to your house and charge you with destruction of personal property.