The nerve of some people....

13 November 2003
Farmington Hills, Michigan
I swear some people are the biggest idiots and no respect for any ones personal property. My Dad and I were out this morning in the NSX and stopped to get some donuts. He parked in a spot and there was a small space to the passengers door. I got out but he stayed and waited. Some loser pulled in the space next to him got out and hit the NSX with his FRICKEN door! :mad: He had no clue my Dad was in the car. My Dad gets out and yells, did you just hit my damn door? He says "yeah, give me some space!" My Dad says there is plenty of *&*#%$#$$@!!! ROOM and you just hit a $90,000 car!!!!!! The punk turned about 50 shades of red, put his head down, and ran into the store. There was no damage as he did not hit it hard at all but the that is not the point. People are such A$$holes. We never park the NSX anywhere near people and the one time he does and him even being in the car, with a tiny space next to him, some jerkoff does this. This guy better thank his lucky stars as my Dad is no small person and this kid was a pipsqueek. I think there could have a been murder @ Dunkin Donuts.

Just had to vent a little as I am so sick of people on their cell phones, drive like buttheads, and have no respect for anyone on the road and only think of themselves. :mad:
It would be fun to have 2 or 3 minivans full of kids reachable by cell 24/7. Call them up and have them park really close on each side and also park the a-hole in from the rear. Then have them get in and out of their vans slamming the door into the offenders vehicle multiple times, run their dirty, sticky candy stained hands up and down the a-holes vehicle then they all climb back in and leave. What do you think the guy would be doing thinking or saying then? :D
I am always super careful to not hit anyone else door, regardless of what car I am in. That really pisses me off.
Could have been worse: My friend was sitting in his (mint) black BMW and a girl gets out of the car next to him - plenty of room but she swings the door wide and hits his door hard - dinging it pretty good. He gets out, goes around the car, and confronts her. Her response? "F#@* you, now you've got a piece of s@#^ just like me". He called the police but didn't get very far.
lemansnsx said:
Could have been worse: My friend was sitting in his (mint) black BMW and a girl gets out of the car next to him - plenty of room but she swings the door wide and hits his door hard - dinging it pretty good. He gets out, goes around the car, and confronts her. Her response? "F#@* you, now you've got a piece of s@#^ just like me". He called the police but didn't get very far.

that's horrible. Just hearing that makes my blood boil. The only up side is that she drives a self proclaimed POS and will probably never do any better with that attitude.
dawggpie said:
that's horrible. Just hearing that makes my blood boil. The only up side is that she drives a self proclaimed POS and will probably never do any better with that attitude.

Yeh, I'm thinking she was probably a poster child for "white trash".
lemansnsx said:
Her response? "F#@* you, now you've got a piece of s@#^ just like me". He called the police but didn't get very far.

I don't personnaly see any difference in this incident than if someone have had a minor fender bender. She should be liable and the police should have found her at fault, no ? :confused:

Had she tried to leave the scene, it should even be considered a "hit and run" imho ...
I know how you feel, man. I had just bought my Scion xA (granted, NOT a $90,000 car in any way, but still my new car) and had it in the lot at school for TWO DAYS...and someone opened their door into me. I unfortunately wasn't there to see it, so now I have a noticeable dent in the side of my car that I will have to pay to get fixed. The nerve of some people astounds me...not to mention the absolute idiocy that flows through the general population when it comes to parking situations
The 'intentional' ding is really really wrong. Like an excuse to damage other's property without the 'vandalism' charge.

Then OTOH, you've got my wife who unintentionally dinged my nsx twice while it was sitting in our garage..... :eek:
Mr.Wolf said:
Gentlemen, it is for just such situations that I carry a baseball bat in the trunk. I call it the 'peacemaker'. :D

If you are going to carry a bat make sure to carry a glove, a couple of balls, and maybe leave an old pair of sneakers in the trunk too! Makes awkward questions much easier to answer. :wink:
lemansnsx said:
If you are going to carry a bat make sure to carry a glove, a couple of balls, and maybe leave an old pair of sneakers in the trunk too! Makes awkward questions much easier to answer. :wink:

Do you have experience in 'the industry'? I'm looking to hire. :D

I do carry a glove, a surgical scalpel and a little jar of alcohol. Frequently the little jar contains a couple of balls too. :D
Mr.Wolf said:
I do carry a glove, a surgical scalpel and a little jar of alcohol. Frequently the little jar contains a couple of balls too. :D

The pain is much greater if the balls are still attached when they are stuck with the bat. :smile: Easier to find once they have been hit too.
ekin95 said:
I swear some people are the biggest idiots and no respect for any ones personal property. My Dad and I were out this morning in the NSX and stopped to get some donuts. He parked in a spot and there was a small space to the passengers door. I got out but he stayed and waited. Some loser pulled in the space next to him got out and hit the NSX with his FRICKEN door! :mad: He had no clue my Dad was in the car. My Dad gets out and yells, did you just hit my damn door? He says "yeah, give me some space!" My Dad says there is plenty of *&*#%$#$$@!!! ROOM and you just hit a $90,000 car!!!!!! The punk turned about 50 shades of red, put his head down, and ran into the store. There was no damage as he did not hit it hard at all but the that is not the point. People are such A$$holes. We never park the NSX anywhere near people and the one time he does and him even being in the car, with a tiny space next to him, some jerkoff does this. This guy better thank his lucky stars as my Dad is no small person and this kid was a pipsqueek. I think there could have a been murder @ Dunkin Donuts.

Just had to vent a little as I am so sick of people on their cell phones, drive like buttheads, and have no respect for anyone on the road and only think of themselves. :mad:

There are a LOT of people that have no respect for other peoples property, mainly because they do not have what you have. This happened to a friend of mine recently at a local mall. He has a brand new black Evo 8 and was parked in a parking space about to get out when a 16-17 year old kid WITH HIS MOTHER pulls in next to him in a pick up truck, opens the door and bounces it off the side of the Evo!! Then he did it AGAIN while getting out of the truck, leaving a dent and a scrape in the side of an otherwise perfect car!! Here comes the friend gets out of his Evo and looks over at the kid, just then the kid WITH HIS MOM scowls at my friend and said, "What's your problem you anal prick?? I didn't do anything to your freaking car," and he and his mother walk off!! If it had been me I would have apologized, and my mother would have slapped me silly if I had said what this kid said.

But wait....there is more. My friend follows the kid and his mother into the store they were going into and requests their insurance information for the damage to his vehicle. The kid and his mother pretty much tell him where to go in a not so nice way and go about their merry way. Long story short, the cops were called, neither the kid nor his mother apologized. People wonder where the disrespect is learned......right at home. :mad:
I think I can top a door ding :mad: . Last month I traded in my NSX for a 04 M3. The VERY NEXT DAY, while i was returning a movie some prick did a hit and run on my car.