You can keep the ball. My comment about age was in response to a comment about age. My point was age has nothing to do with it as I am from the same generation as the person I was responding to.
Nothing else in your comment is new, so I'm not gonna respond, I need to go take my meds now. Props for somehow connecting the right to vote to your taste in cars.
Thank you for the props, but seriously when someone exhibits signs of stupidity, that does link to worrying about how they vote...just because it's a right, doesn't make them prone to make an informed decision. Beware the power of stupid in large groups.
I'll stick with the general consensus that a car that looks like something is broken with it is just plain dumb. This look just follows some ghetto-chic thing is all I can surmise...
So does you lack of commentary mean I can go buy THE Mona Lisa and desecrate such an historic painting?