The formal nature of NSX prime


Registered Member
27 April 2003
So Cal

Have any of you noticed how "formal" Nsxprime is? I was just thinking about that before I slept last night. Compared to all the other forums I go to, prime members always use good grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Just wondering if anyone else ever noticed this? It makes the threads easy to follow and read.

Formal, no? More professional, definitely. I think the difference between this forum and others is that the users here are generally more educated, so our vocabularies consist of more than just four-letter words. Also, the management does a great job at keeping the riffraff out.

-a satisfied user :)
Briank said:
P.S. All most all my posts are spell checked before posting.
ROFL! You might want to run them through a grammar check too, J/K! :p

(It's "almost", not "all most." At least, that's what I think you were trying to say. ;))
I don't consider Prime members more formal...but definitely more mature than the members of most forums.
PHOEN$X said:
ROFL! You might want to run them through a grammar check too, J/K! :p

(It's "almost", not "all most." At least, that's what I think you were trying to say. ;))

You beat me to it! I'm glad we can all share a laugh at eachother's foibles! :p

You guys are right--the site is more professional than formal. Either way, I'd rather have it this way.


PHOEN$X said:
Formal, no? More professional, definitely. I think the difference between this forum and others is that the users here are generally more educated, so our vocabularies consist of more than just four-letter words. Also, the management does a great job at keeping the riffraff out.

-a satisfied user :)
Very well put.
I used to have trouble getting use to the so-called " Professional" atmosphere here at NSX Prime when I first registered. Now I have trouble getting use to the " Unprofessional" atmosphere that is exercised ridiculously in almost all the forums I have visited.

Sorry LUD for giving you such a hard time when I first joined in. I feel like a child now that I look back.

And about my spelling problem. Back when I was in college, I and my friends took it as some kind of signature that all technical people shouldn't know how to spell. I used to get around with a B in English courses based on my good grammar and writing skills. Now, I'm paying the price for being lazy about spellchecking. But anyway I think my problem will be fixed within a few months.
we use da good speling coz we all affraid of da foroms nazzi & da grammer nazy.
plus m0st of us are eightteen yearz or oldr. m0st forms have 13yr 0ld membrs. :D
hey, some1 posted annother girlly pix... wow!!! heheheheehehehehehehe. :rolleyes:

So what's the theory for the Ferrari/Corvette Forums then??? ;)
Prime rules. Fchat has actually gone downhill quite a bit with a bunch of punks without sports cars joining. Prime still has the highest standards and it is my favorite place to be.

If people get out of hand here, Lud just bans them. Works for me.
Agreed--I mean even Corvette forums IMO are really good about keeping high standards (especialy Prime is excellent at it, and personally Lud's policies adhere to what we need here.

Joel said:
Did we actually induct someone as the "Grammar Nazi?" I think Phoen$x should do it. Or at least someone with a degree in English Lit or something.
I hardly think I'm qualified, but thanks for the sentiment ;). Besides, I'm not that picky about spelling or grammar as long as I can understand the meaning behind each post. Let's not be too critical of each other here, and remember that English is not everyone's first (or primary) language, myself included. We should continue fostering a friendly environment where everyone feels welcome to provide their input, regardless of their English proficiency.

Of course, it's a different matter when people are intentionally lazy in their posts***, and do things like type in all UPPERCAPS, use unconventional abbreviations (ur for you're, for example), or deliberately avoid using punctuation in their sentences. I don't bother replying to those posts in most cases.

***unless done expressly for the purpose of humor ;)
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The only other board I have gone on is the Acura TL board when I was looking to get one. I have to admit that the people over there are very kind and helpful as well.
I would have no problem posting more on that board when/if I do get a TL.
Prime Members are more mature, but I have to admit that it was even more so when I 1st registered back in '01. It makes sense since used examples are really affordable nowadays.

RyRy210 said:
I have to admit that it was even more so when I 1st registered back in '01. It makes sense since used examples are really affordable nowadays.

I think I know what you are trying to say, but the price one pays for his or her NSX may not really indicate his or her level of maturity. I've seen pictures of a few new NSXs smashed to sh!t b/c the owner decided to show off.
I recently tried returning to a message board I used to post on now that its back under old admins/mgmt and granted nothing else has really changed, I just can't stand it there anymore.

Prime has really spoiled me.

I never realized I could get humor, intelligence, insight, and knowledge all in one place without dealing with the typical "LOL u f@g dood" crap and internet drama that I see on every other message board.

Naturally it's hard to browse any other board now.

This board should serve as a model to all other inspiring and up and coming boards. :D

Thumbs up to the members and staff at Prime!
Re: interesting

mickeylex said:
I think I know what you are trying to say, but the price one pays for his or her NSX may not really indicate his or her level of maturity. I've seen pictures of a few new NSXs smashed to sh!t b/c the owner decided to show off.

I agree. Measuring maturity isn't an exact science.

I'm not trying to say that there is a positive correlation between the money you pay for a car and maturity (which you seem to suggest). I do believe that age is somewhat correlated to maturity. It does varies from person to person though. I was more mature than my peers when I was 18, but still very very immature considering what I know now.

Back to the topic, since the NSX is now more affordable, drivers in their teens can afford a used example. There has been some on Prime that have been rude and childish. You can pretty much see the same thing on the streets in So Cal. This was not as much of an issue 3 years ago when I registered, but IMHO most of it is due to depreciation.

Most of the time I do find that the younger Prime members are more mature than others in their same age group, but generally less mature than the NSX members/owners they replaced.

Bottom line is: Prime is great because of Lud. He filters out all the bad stuff, and keep immature members in check.
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Re: Re: interesting

RyRy210 said:
I'm not trying to say that there is a positive correlation between the money you pay for a car and maturity (which you seem to suggest). I do believe that age is somewhat correlated to maturity.
Age correlates with disposable income and so does owning an NSX. Hence NSX ownership in general does correlate with age to a certain point. That said, we are talking vast generalities here and I feel strongly that a person should not be judged until they've had the time to demonstrate their level of maturity.
Bottom line is: Prime is great because of Lud. He filters out all the bad stuff, and keep immature members in check.
Hear hear! Cheers to Lud, Wiz, and ANYTIME for their good work! (Hope I didn't miss any other moderators/helpers! If I have, someone please identify them as they deserve to be acknowledged).
this has to be one of most mature forums out there...

everyone is helpful on all questions..

everyone is sympathetic when mishaps occur

everyone congradulates when great things happens to fellow forum members..

there are no selfish people on this forum..

I come on here from all hours of the day just to read the comments posted to learn things that I would not have normally read up on...
I can only afford one now that it has become cheaper, i'm not that young either!

Kudo's to all that make prime an enjoyable place. I have to agree that i spend less and less time on other boards because of the immaturity present. Also the lack of open-mindedness (mostly anyways:p). Coming from me, that's saying something!:D