The Forgotten - Movie

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
I just watched it tonight. Wow, I thought it was awesome. I wanted to see it in the theaters, but the reviews were not very good so I skipped it. I am sad that I did because it was great.

Anyone else see it? What did you think?
NetViper said:
I just watched it tonight. Wow, I thought it was awesome. I wanted to see it in the theaters, but the reviews were not very good so I skipped it. I am sad that I did because it was great.

Anyone else see it? What did you think?

I though it was good and full of suspense. What I didn't like was the extraterrestrial aspect of the move. It could have been one of the greats if they had kept it is as a CIA/FBI conspiracy.

I just saw it yesterday, and I thought it was okay, but not great. Reminded me a lot of "The X-Files", except with a soccermom Scully and a drunk ex-hocky pro Mulder. :D

I thought they overplayed Julianne Moore's obsession with her kid (I know that was the whole point of the movie, but still), to the point that discovering the existence of the aliens didn't even seem to phase her. I mean, if it were me, I'd be totally freaked out, and askin' all kinds of questions -- not just wondering where my kid is.

I thought the special effects were great though. Especially when the abductees got sucked into the sky. Scared the crap outta me!
i saw that months ago. I can't believe you guys in the USA are only just seeing it. :p (lol, i always wanted to say that :D)

Oh wait,... what was the film about... i've forgo... :rolleyes: never mind. :D


I saw it at the cinema. when the detective lady caught up with the red-head chick at the abandoned house... everything seemed normal. Then when she was sucked into the sky, the sound was SOOOOO LOUD that *everybody* in the cinema jumped -- literally!!! There were a few swear words from around the cinema and a lot of laughing & chatting for the next minute. I wish I had it on tape: the film was worth seeing just for that bit!

Otherwise I'd say it is a "just-above-average" film. The first 15mins or so were SOOOOOOOO BORING, and the whole X-Files thing made it predictable by the end. I wish movies were a little more intelligent and followed less formula these days.

LOL at kelvin's comments...
NeoNSX said:
... everything seemed normal. Then when she was sucked into the sky, the sound was SOOOOO LOUD that *everybody* in the cinema jumped -- literally!!! There were a few swear words from around the cinema and a lot of laughing & chatting for the next minute. I wish I had it on tape: the film was worth seeing just for that bit!...

The car crash really came out of no where also. The sound effects were very loud and I was one of those people laughing at the elements of surprise. Come to think of it, I need to downgrade my rating from good to okay. :frown:

BTW, it was released here a few months ago on the big screen, but just recently on DVD.
I rented it last night also. The characters and the dialogue were too predictable, and frankly I didn't really feel a connection with any of the characters in the movie. Then again, the last movie I saw before "The Forgotten" was Million Dollar Baby (which IMHO should earn top movie honors this year) so it certainly pales by comparison.
I saw the movie 2 nights ago. I thought it was just okay, actually slightly below okay. I liked "The Village" much better, as the acting was far superior, even though I anticipated the twist better in that movie.

Julianne Moore was overacting, and I felt no bond to her character, more like annoyance. I was more intrigued with the extraterrestrial aspect, but was highly disappointed that the movie didn't go more into depth in that aspect.

Without satisifying the viewer's curiosity about the alien aspect, I think the movie is a cop-out and the plot really is sub-par.
Lots of critics here. Oh well, everyone has their own opinion. I enjoyed it and I liked the aliens stuff. I will have to check out the village.
I saw the DVD last night and saw both endings...I liked the extended, alternate ending much better than the theatrical ending. The theatrical ending didnt make too much sense to me from an experimental standpoint.
<B>NemesisX</B> : Alternative ending? Can you explain what happens? I thought the ending at the theatre sucked... typical hollywood safe and "tie up the knots" sort of ending.

<B>DocL</B> : I'd "forgotten" (no pun intended) the car crash. I was actually looking at the background scenery so it wasn't a surprise for me.

How about the bit when they just drive over that weirdo guy and he gets up. That was very funny (in a sick-twisted kind of way)
Hi Neo, in the alternate ending the alien didn't go crazy and sh*t trying to whoop Julianne's ass. He gets her to forget her kid, but then she remembers being pregnant and all the memories comes flooding back, so he says "now it's over" or something like that, and lets her reunite with her kid and takes off.

Oh yeah, in the extended version Julianne Moore's character cheats on her hubby and starts to make out with the hockey dude, but then wiggles out and says "I can't do this" and leaves the dude hanging dry. Typical women. :biggrin:

J/K ladies! ;)