The Fastest car in the world video!

prova4re said:
The new fastest car in the world is a Koeingsegg.
It has better doors than the lambo.

I must be missing something here

The Koeingsegg has yet to prove that it is the fastest production car in the world. And in the video it could hardly beat the Zonda which is leagues behind the Maclaren F1. And even if it did out past the F1, it will never be the exotic the F1 is. Is there any other car that has the driver right smack in the middle? Or have gold as a heat reflector in the engine bay.

Yeah the Koeingsegg is another outrages fast car out there. Then again, so is the up coming Buggati. But that’s not what makes a great car. The exquisite Design is what makes a great car like the F1 and Zonda.

The only thing worth appraisal in the Koeingsegg is the doors !! . but speed, it seams everyone can do that these days

No hard feelings, but for each his own