The Expendables 2

I can't say its a movie I would pull out of my dvd shelf to watch, however if I was flipping through channels and saw it I would probably watch it. I say go see it. It will be worth the $6-$9 to watch it.
I can't say its a movie I would pull out of my dvd shelf to watch, however if I was flipping through channels and saw it I would probably watch it. I say go see it. It will be worth the $6-$9 to watch it.

$6-9??! Where do you live? Try $13... Of course I tried to say my little bro is twelve and get the kids price, and he immediately yelled out "I'm thirteen" right at the counter. Thanks kid. Way to pick a time to be honest.
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Matinee. I paid 7.25 here in cali.

$6-9??! Where do you live? Try $13... Of course I tried to say my little bro is twelve and get the kids price, and he immediately yelled out "I'm thirteen" right at the counter. Thanks kid. Way to pick a time to be honest.
I'll be back Bennet...........
Funny thing, we were watching it and the part where they were pinned down in town and suddenly everyone got wiped out and as they're trying to figure out what just happened I leaned in a told my wife "this has to be the Chuck Norris scene".:wink:
This movie was totally worth seeing. Gf didnt get the chuck joke, but I did. Like the fact it's walker, Texas ranger and he was a lone star in this movie who ran with the pack in the end. It was cheesy, but blood blowing on walls and tons of action heros annnnd Chuck Norris joke. They should have had him round house the villans assistant. That would have been great.
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$6-9??! Where do you live? Try $13... Of course I tried to say my little bro is twelve and get the kids price, and he immediately yelled out "I'm thirteen" right at the counter. Thanks kid. Way to pick a time to be honest.

Haha. I see matinee(sp) I hate crowded theaters. I also live in Nebraska.
"yeah! Yeah, matrix, that's right you did!"

I saw that movie, literally, 10 times in a single weekend when i was 13 years old... wow...

Me too. I was raised on those 80's action movies.

"...Listen, loyalty is very touching. But it is not the most important thing in your life right now! But what IS important is . . . gravity!"

The age old question... :wink:

Chuck Norris - 72
Sylvester Stallone - 66
Arnold Schwarzenegger - 65
Bruce Willis - 57
Dolph Lundgren - 54
Jean Claude Van Damme - 51
Jet Li - 49
Randy Couture - 49
Jason Statham - 44
Terry Crews - 44
Liam Hemsworth - 22
Chuck Norris says he 72, don't question him. He probably only 60 but I don't wana speak up to get round house kicked.