The Evil Genie

Now that's the spirit! The Evil Genie had to think about this one.

Your power to control metal via magnetic waves has been granted. However, you failed to specify the amount of time this would last. The powers quickly fade and you soon return to a normal human being. Well, normal as possible for you at least. :biggrin::tongue:

Thy Evil Genie has spoken!! :biggrin:

I don't mind the shivering, but I wish it didn't burn so much when I peed.

Why does it hurt when I pee?
Why does it hurt when I pee?
I don't want no doctor
To stick no needle in me
Why does it hurt when I pee?
I got it from the toilet seat
I got it from the toilet seat
It jumped right up
'N' grabbed my meat
Got it from the toilet seat
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
Oh God I probably got the Gon-o-ka-ka-khackus!
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
Why does it
Why does it
Why does it
Why does it hurt...
I Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
Evil genie, I would like to see the dollar be reduced to 25% of it's value so everyone is rich and makes over the BHO 250k threshold. :biggrin:
OK, I’ll go into this like a lamb.
Evil Genie: I want a new Steinway model B grand piano in black high-gloss lacquer with matching bench.
How can you be evil to a guy who only wants to bring music into the world?
!dlrow eht etanimod ot si hsiw yM

The Evil Genie has granted your wish of dominating the world in reverse. Which the reverse of dominating is, dominated! So I hope you are into some S&M because I predict a lot of domination in your near future! Although... maybe that is what you were wishing for all along...... :wink::eek::tongue::biggrin::biggrin:

This Evil Genie has spaked!
I wish for a blue Saleen S7 twin turbo:biggrin:

Your Blue Saleen S7 twin turbo wish has been granted! You didn't mention scale so here is your Hot Wheels. Send me your address so the Evil Genie can pop it in the mail. :tongue::biggrin:


The Evil Genie has spaken ze deutsch!!
OK, I’ll go into this like a lamb.
Evil Genie: I want a new Steinway model B grand piano in black high-gloss lacquer with matching bench.
How can you be evil to a guy who only wants to bring music into the world?

Your wish of a Steinway Model B Grand Piano (with matching bench of course) is granted. However, you also go deaf and get crippling arthritis so you can’t hear or play your beautiful piano. I does make a very beautiful door stop or paper weight though! Enjoy! :tongue::biggrin:

They Evil Genie has speeched!
Your Blue Saleen S7 twin turbo wish has been granted! You didn't mention scale so here is your Hot Wheels. Send me your address so the Evil Genie can pop it in the mail. :tongue::biggrin:


The Evil Genie has spaken ze deutsch!!

sweet thanx lol
The Evil Genie has granted your wish of dominating the world in reverse. Which the reverse of dominating is, dominated! So I hope you are into some S&M because I predict a lot of domination in your near future! Although... maybe that is what you were wishing for all along...... :wink::eek::tongue::biggrin::biggrin:

This Evil Genie has spaked!

Sweet! A win/win for me! You never said WHO would be dominating me, so I'll be taking Tera Patrick now, thank you!
I wish Evil Genies' wish granting ability to be passed on to me indefinitely, so that I may grant wishes to others in any manner that *I *choose.

You technically already had your wish, but the Evil Genie is feeling generous and will grant your wish... in due time when the Evil Genie gets tired of granting wishes he'll pass the torch over to you. But becareful what you wish for as it more of a curse than a blessing, constantly having to grant other people's wishes all day long.
Sweet! A win/win for me! You never said WHO would be dominating me, so I'll be taking Tera Patrick now, thank you!

Lol, yes I did. I said the "world" would be dominating you. So while Tera Patrick is included in the "world" so is Ron Jeremy and Mike Tyson. :tongue::biggrin:
I would have taken away the shive pee and the burn but replaced it with shiver pooping. LOL

Whoa, that's good! Have you considered a career in the Evil Genie business? It doesn't pay well and the benefits suck, but it has its moments. :biggrin:
Your wish of a Steinway Model B Grand Piano (with matching bench of course) is granted. However, you also go deaf and get crippling arthritis so you can’t hear or play your beautiful piano. I does make a very beautiful door stop or paper weight though! Enjoy! :tongue::biggrin:

They Evil Genie has speeched!
EG you kinda cheated on that one. I mean if your not affecting the wish part you can just say the earth gets sucked into the sun for every wish. with that said can i get back my magneto powers?
OK, I’ll go into this like a lamb.
Evil Genie: I want a new Steinway model B grand piano in black high-gloss lacquer with matching bench.
How can you be evil to a guy who only wants to bring music into the world?

Just what IS your fascination and obsession with Magneto anyway? LOL! :biggrin:

But yeah, you are right, the Evil Genius Genie (EGG) did kind of cheat on the piano one. So let me re-grant that wish. So what gdae wished for was:

OK, I’ll go into this like a lamb.
Evil Genie: I want a new Steinway model B grand piano in black high-gloss lacquer with matching bench.
How can you be evil to a guy who only wants to bring music into the world?

The problem is that he said he "wanted" that piano, but he didn’t say he wanted it for free. He didn’t even say he wanted to own it. He just said he wanted it. Well the EGG can grant that wish and gdae can “want” that piano all he wants. Wish granted! If he actually wants to own one, I saw a few on sale on eBay for around $70,000. :tongue::biggrin:

The EGG has spoken yet again!
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