Kinda sad, but not surprised. SVT vehicles, while special, were still just beefed up versions of other dime a dozen models. This theory may work for Porsche with all the diff versions of the 911, but thats a Porsche. A focus or Mustang by any other badge, is still a Focus or a Mustang, because of the popularity of the regular models and how common you see them around, the desire to have the beefed up SVT versions eventually erodes. Why pay extra money for something you can buy cheap and fix up yourself? Just think if Honda had a 4 cylinder NSX, a 6 cylinder, and an 8 cylinder for sale all at once, the coolness factor of even a powerful v8 would eventually erode because the 4 cyl looks just like it, is cheaper, etc etc etc. The NSX wouldnt be as valuable or as exclusive, specially if the differences are a few body kits and and exhaust, the motor might be faster, but you cant see a motor when its parked or at a stoplight. Hope Fords cut backs are enough, I give them kudos just because they are Ford. :smile: