The Dark Knight

Dark Knight Joker = Silent of the Lamb on steroid. It's Joker who stole the show. To bad Heath left us early. Great movie. Watched it on the first day.
Definitely an awesome movie, and a phenomenal performance by Heath Ledger. Heath's Joker cannot be compared to Jack's, totally different movies. The original Batman movie will always be my favorite, but this new one is GREAT! Much better than Batman Begins. If only it had an R rating, it would be that much better, I like a little blood and gore, cussing, and maybe a little female nudity. :biggrin:

The Joker's introduction to the audience was :eek: (the pencil trick :wink: )

And as for Rachel Dawes, as long as it wasn't Katey "brainwashed" Holmes, I'm happy.
I did enjoy the pencil disappearing trick.:rolleyes:

Yeah someone mentioned that was the first scene with the Joker, it wasnt, the bank robbery was. I know because the second he pulled off the mask the majority of the people in the theatre stood up and applauded as if Heath Ledger had just cured cancer or something.

Thats when i knew that very few people were watching the movie objectively.

I guess if its #1 on imdb then it must be the best movie ever huh?:rolleyes:
BTW, if you want to know what the other best films of all time are then i guess you need look no further than the other 9 movies on the top of some imdb list.:tongue:
Finally got to see the movie last night, good show, and the above posts just about sum it up. No big spoilers here, but a couple of points:
As soon as they brought out the Lambo, I said, “Damn” because I knew they’d wreck it. Why do they always think we want to see them wreck a Ferrari or Lambo or AM? The only thing that saved the R8 in Iron Man was the fact that Audi funded that film – but you KNOW that the producers were begging Audi to let them wreck it.
If you’re the type to stick around through the credits waiting for a final scene, don’t bother.
How does Heath Ledger compare to good ol Jack??? IMO, Heath has to pull out a miracle to top the original Joker.

BLOWS jack so far out of the water its not even funny. Seriously. 2nd best character acting I have EVER seen in any movie and I am a movie buff.
I saw it over the weekend...really enjoyed it and have to admit that Ledger was as good as he was hyped to be.
loved, LOVED, the movie. It's hard for me to find many faults with it. The entire cast was VERY solid. Ledger's performance was phenomenal. He stole the show, and created a lasting character. The direction and cinematography was spot on, and the score was very well done. I do not see how the next movie will top this.

If I had a complaint, it's that the ending, while tying up all the loose ends, did not flow quite as smoothly as the rest. And I was hoping for a more epic final battle between The Joker and Batman.

Still, I give this a 9.5/10. VERY few movies rank above it for me, and those that do are more powerful dramas (i.e. Schindler's List). But still, I walked out wanting to turn around and go right back in.

So, um, is this available on Blu-Ray yet? :wink:
Can't come soon enough for me. I'm just glad the first six minutes are on the Batman Begins Blu-ray disc.

I have not bought a Blu-Ray disc yet, and now there are 2 movies I want on it (Dark Knight and Wall-E).

This was such an epic film. I keep encouraging everyone I know to go see it.
I got funny looks when I busted out laughing at the pencil trick, sorry saw that one coming a mile away.
Heath did an incredible job, he was as convincing as Anthony Hopkins in his roles and that's a little scary. I read that he secluded himself in a motel room for a month before filming to get into character.
I got funny looks when I busted out laughing at the pencil trick

I too busted out laughing. Our audience definitely had a strong reaction to that scene, some laughing, some exclaiming "aaaoooooowwwwwwwww!"

I have not bought a Blu-Ray disc yet, and now there are 2 movies I want on it (Dark Knight and Wall-E).

As big a Pixar fan as I am, I was surprised I didn't much care for Wall-E. I loved Ratatouille (and it looks unbelievably good on Blu-ray)

The Dark Knight prologue on Blu-ray is in HD and not even letter boxed (probably because the footage was shot in IMAX).

For those of you who have seen Dark Knight in IMAX, does the aspect ratio of the film change during the six sequences filmed in IMAX format? If so, I might make the effort to see it at an IMAX theater.
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Iron Man is a fun movie, Dark Knight is a lot more serious and tense. I loved both. Saw Iron Man twice. Will probably see Dark Knight a second time too.

I didn't expect to like Iron Man, so I was pleasantly surprised. My expectations were through the roof before seeing Dark Knight, so I was relieved that Dark Knight was not a letdown.
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I'm not sure if Ironman is "better" than Dark Knight, but I certainly enjoyed it more than the Dark Knight.

well put randy. i thought ironman was gonna be cheesy but i very surprised how good it was. Maybe it was because tony stark has such a cool as crib!!! I wanted to see a few more gadgets in the dark knight. Both will purchased on blu-ray when they become available. Isn't christin bale in the next terminator as well?

One question for barman guru's. Is the story of 2 face true, is that how his face was messed up in the comic books?
well put randy. i thought ironman was gonna be cheesy but i very surprised how good it was. Maybe it was because tony stark has such a cool as crib!!! I wanted to see a few more gadgets in the dark knight. Both will purchased on blu-ray when they become available. Isn't christin bale in the next terminator as well?

One question for barman guru's. Is the story of 2 face true, is that how his face was messed up in the comic books?

Bale is going to play John Connor in the new Terminator movie and it looks allot better than the last one was.

You guys seemed to have liked the Dark Knight allot more than i did. I just couldn't get past how uninspired the movie was. I mean Bale plays a two packs a day Batman, Morgan Freeman is a Q from James Bond knock off, Ledger's Joker was nothing more than a walking contradiction and then you have Harvey "two-face" Dent who Batman was about to retire and turn the city over to in one scene and then is a heartless (more like pointless) villain in the next scene. Then you have Bruce Wayne (the richest man in Gotham) and Harvey Dent (the most powerful) fighting over Maggie Gyllenhaal? I mean are you kidding me here?:rolleyes:

Also, there is the scene with the boat that was just insultingly stupid and by the time the final showdown came it felt like the last Batman movie .... your left trying to remember who the villain is again and why are they doing this in the first place? Well i remembered there was a Joker but i swear i saw a Scarecrow again and Two-face and the mob and some Hong Kong business man and augh .... who cares anyway.:confused:

I suspect the next Batman movie will continue the trend that this one is following and further distance this franchise from fun kids movies to convoluted dramas featuring multiple villains with no back story and no direction.
I was part of the problem this time by kicking in my $16 but i won't be fooled again. At least the other Batman movies you could take your kids to and let them enjoy them. I don't know what they are tying to do with these movies anymore but i guess i am one of the few who "doesn't get it" or simply "isn't buying into it".:biggrin:

As far as comic book movies go, Spiderman entertains the kids and Sin City entertains the adults and this movie came up short of doing either imo.
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Finally watched the Dark Knight. Perhaps the movie should had been called "Joker" instead of "Dark Knight". Batman was more like a supporting character in this movie.

I actually liked the Batman Begins better, maybe it was due to the unrealistically high expectation. Overall still great movie.

Joker is one sophisticated badass villain. He is almost as brilliant as L from Death Note.
Did anyone hear about Bale's domestic abuse incident...?
saw it again.

it was awesome. again.

plus I (stupidly) got a HUGE drink, so I was not too upset with the 2 bathroom trips that followed since I've seen it once already.

Plus I'll be seeing it in Imax soon. I cannot remember the last time I saw a movie 3 times in the theater.
Did anyone hear about Bale's domestic abuse incident...?
Which one ? the one involving a sister & mother, or the one involving a flat-gray Murcie that gets t-boned ??

Both Batman Begins and TDK were shot in my neighborhoods in downtown Chicago. I was in town for 2 weeks in August when they had a lot of TDK locations throughout the financial district. Fun times.