The BIG 50K question!

20 April 2000
Minot ND / Las Vegas NV
What would you guys do with 50K burning a hole in your pocket??? This is 50K that is "excess" so all your other finances are in order.

Buy a new car? Buy a used car? Buy mods for your current car? Buy a really expensive car and use the 50K for a down payment? What???
Of course, this question depends on a bunch of things like (a) how much money do you already have invested, and (b) how old are you, just to name two. Since you are in your twenties and you already own an NSX, I'll tell you what I now wish I had done had this amount landed in my lap when I was in my twenties, assuming that I already was making a reasonably comfortable living but wasn't already incredibly wealthy. I would invest it - invest the whole thing. Just put it away in a good investment and let it grow over the years. If you feel you must "treat yourself" to something, spend $5K on something you'd enjoy - mods, vacation, whatever - but still invest the remaining 90 percent of it.

Incidentally, I hear that most financial advisors, when asked what they would advise someone who won the lottery, respond that the person could spend 5-10 percent of it on things they always wanted but should invest 90-95 percent of it.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 11 March 2001).]

Well I am in my twenties with an NSX "without" 50K to burn. But I agree. If I did, I would actually us some of it to lower the payments on my NSX and put a down payment to get a nice townhouse in Sunrise right next door to James Cruz (former NSX owner) so he can drive the NSX every now and again for memories; and of course invest the rest. Well, maybe, or I will use it to go to school to get into computers as I should.
Take a trip to Germany, rent an M5, and take a couple laps around the country on the autobahnen

$50k is not gonna buy you a ticket into the playboy mansion Andrie. Trust me, been there, done that----not

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