The best war film ever made?

TTony said:
Friendly Fire

Oh. Thanks.

On that theme:
“Look! We're not worried about the German army, we've got enough troubles of our own. To the right General Patton, to the left the British Army, to the rear our own goddamn artillery, and besides all that it's raining. And the only good thing to say about the weather: it keeps our air corps from blowing us all to Hell because its too lousy to fly, versteh?”

[shouting in the radio] Look, Mulligan! I don't think I'm getting through to you! You're dropping your damn barrage on our position! The reason you can't hear me is because you're firing your mortars at your end, and they're dropping here, on our end! …...No, the Krauts are not here! We're here! Mulligan, your bombs are coming down on our head!...... I don't know where the Krauts are! Just lift your goddamn barrage! Over!

“Sixty feet of bridge I can get almost anywhere.”
“That's another thing - don't fool around with the women. Their husbands carry guns.”

Saving Private Ryan (love the sniper guy!), and Backhawk Down, also the war scenes and basic training in Forrest Gump are pretty good.
Haven't seen The Longest Day in many years, but remember it as being good also.
Also like Enemy at the Gates (WWII Stalingrad sniper shoot-out)
300..... Bwuahahahaha!
It also glorifies a catastrophic rout that allowed the Russians to get all the way through Poland and into Germany. Routs are nothing to be proud off. We have paid for that mistake for the last 50 years. If the US had not allowed itself to be routed there, we would have been into Germany months earlier while the Russians were still fighting to get out of the Ukraine and into Poland.

Oh, sorry we did not fight a technically perfect war. Damn us.
I agree completely, but go even further, WWII was caused directly by the crushing terms forced on Germany after WWI. I believe that had we not forced Germany’s face so hard down in the dirt, Hitler would not have had a chance; he would have probably ended up in jail sometime around 1937.

Yes, the terms were demoralizing, but no one lifted a finger to stop Germany from illegally rearming itself when it was obvious that they were doing so. That also would have prevented WWII (at least on the European front). Sometimes, being demoralized is the price a country pays for defeat in battle.
Japan was also demoralized after WWII, but they did not turn into an evil totalitatian regime bent on world domination.
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"hamburger hill" see this link
is very realistic..

i saw Hamburger Hill for the first time about two weeks ago. Very realistic film complete with so much swearing it would give the Language Nazi a heartattack. :tongue: I loved some of the humour too - esp the bit about the guy dying of "natural causes" with half his head blown off, and the medic cooly replying "sounds like a natural cause to me". :D