
7 March 2005
*Sunshine* State ~
Howdee crew*

Just wanted to thank all of you who knew about my grandfather and the battle the last three months with the cancer.

I spent the last few months jetting from MI to Fl to Va, and now, back to MI... He passed peacefully and I have returned to Michigan. It was a long process, but an incredibly enlightening one. The cancer began in the lung and metastasized into the spine, and then unto the brain. I think the grieving process is in mid term for myself right now, but am just asking for your prayers for my surviving grandmom... You know it really was a love story written out in years, and I am a better person for experiencing it.... Although he was in pain, he held on unto their 61st Wedding Anniversary. Their love was amazing. He and her exchanged vows one week before.

Again, I just wanted to thank you all for your kind words of encouragement, and most especially your prayers...

Thansx* again :)


Very sorry to hear of your loss. He sounds like he was a wonderful person who will be greatly missed.
I lost my grandfather a few years back and only once he was gone did I truly realize what he meant to me and what he had to offer. I began understanding that as I grew older and wiser. A true wealth of knowledge.
Anyway, you're in my prayers.
Sorry for your loss Dawnie. Hearing you talk about him he sounded like a great person and role model. I'm sure he is looking down on you and smiling.
I truly am sorry for your loss. I too lost my grandfather in 94' (I was 19) and didn't fully understand his meaning in my life until he was gone. I applaud your grandfather for his bravery in facing the pain he endured, so that everyone would be able to say their goodbye's. 3 years ago I lost my (1 year older) brother and (1 year younger)sister due to randaom acts of violence, about 5 months apart. I would have given aything in the world (and still will) to say goodbye to just one of them. My condolences, and my prayers... :frown:
I'm so sorry for loss.

God bless you and your family with peace, comfort, and the best of memories.
Good morning Dawn.

Please accept my sincere wishes of peace for you and your family. Cancer is a terrible, terrible disease and I'm heartbroken that yet another member of this community has had to endure the effects of it.

I'm glad to hear that your grandfather was able to pass peacefully and was able to hang on long enough to make such an important milestone.

I pray for internal peace for your grandmother and that you and your entire family can soon forget some of the tough, recent times, and instead glady recall all the good times you must have had.

Hey Mermi,

Sorry about your Grandfather that was a great story about them. My condolences to you and your family. Keep your head up and come visit us in L.A. sometime.

Really sorry to hear this Mermi. He must have been a great man because he was related to you.
Praying for you during your time of grief. :frown:
I'm truly sorry to hear about your loss Mermi....May god bless your family and my prayers are with you guys!!!
I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandfather to cancer when I was twelve and I still think about him. They really do add to our lives. Always remember everything he added to your life all his wisdom and caring. When you do that his spirit is always with you. I will remember to pray for your Grandmother as well.
Hi Dawn, Sorry to hear about your Grandpop. My prayers are with you and your family.Be there for your Grandmom. My dad is 88 and I cherish every moment spent with him. As you know my wife died of kidney cancer at age 43, terrible ,terrible disease as you well know. God Bless Mike
Hi Dawn - Sorry to hear about your loss. Our deepest condolences are with you and your family.

Steve and Renee
Re: passing...

Quite sorry to hear of your loss... just remember all the great memories! My sincerest condolences.

You know, I have to boast at the comraderie and love on this site. I always knew it. But thank you so kindly for your loyalty. Honestly, every response is a comfort to me and my family. Thank you so kindly.. :)

You can always call if you need have the number. Stay strong!