Thank you to all the Michelle Offsie Memorial walkers - Photos

28 March 2002
The 11th Annual Michelle Offsie Memorial Breast Cancer Walk was held today and was a tremendous success. A big thank you to all of our members who supported this great cause.

An extra big thank you for everyone's support of my cousin Reggie who just finished off a little over a year of breast cancer treatments incuding chemo and radiation. This was her first walk and actually was the most physically demanding thing she has attempted since her treatments began in early 2011. She was determined to complete the walk and despite the exhaustion and discomfort she was feeling she crossed that finish line with a big smile and greater confidence in herself and her recovery.

And an extra extra big THANK YOU to Alan for making Reggie's day even more memorable for her, even through all the tears.......

As for Reggie, here is what she posted on my facebook wall after bragging about the great group of NSXers she got to walk with:

"AN AMAZING DAY! You made me feel like a Rock Star!"

Here is Reggie's blog:






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A great time was had by all, glad to see my wife in the picture, but where was I:eek::wink:
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Thanks for the photos Bob, thanks for the weather Alan and Roberta thanks for the lunch. Reggie, it was a pleasure for us to meet you and thanks for inspiring us to fight like a girl...

It was a great day, thank you all that showed up for the support.

Tytus and Basia
Once again we had a great day! This is an incredibly emotional time for me and my family every year and having our friends from the club here to share the day always brings us comfort and makes us smile.
The car corral was a big hit this year and everyone shared their seats with lots of children big and little who wanted to sit in a SUPERCAR:cool:
Having Bobs cousin Reggie select the Memorial Walk as her first post treatment event was so special to me. Presenting her with the limited edition artisan HOPE necklace was as emotional for me as it was for her and her friends and family.
This year was a year of HUGS for and from everyone. Unfortunately we lost another friend of the Memorial Walk Team, Anne Miller succumbed within 5 weeks to very aggressive Cancer this past Wednesday. She was part of our registration team and committee for 9 years.
This is why we spend all year planning and fundraising for the Michelle Offsie Memorial Walk not just to remember Michelle but with the HOPE of finding a cure for this horrible disease that affects so many friends and family members.

I want to end my part of this post by saying Thanks to everyone who attended or contributed to this great cause. Unlike most organizations we know that 86 cents of every dollar raised by the City Of Hope goes toward cancer research. This is a significant factor and one of the main reasons we continue to support City Of Hope in their efforts. We may not see a cure for many years to come but we will keep walking and continue our efforts to help find a cure.

One last bit of Amazing News...
We have raised over $1Million Dollars for Cancer Research in 11 Memorial Walks with the early totals from this years event!

You are all part of our family and I can't say how much it means to have you here year after year to support this cause. Unfortunately you never had the chance to meet Michelle, you would have loved her and she definitely would have loved all of you!


We be walkin dude why are you stopping us for a photo?


Karen surrounded by her friends

TheDon speeding along in a hurry to get back to the event and the food :rolleyes:


Dueling Cameras at every NSX event. The quintessential RSO photo
Glad I was able to take time out from work and make the morning trip up from helping my sister at her south Jersey house. Felt this was a very special event I could not miss. Skype'd overseas to Jeanne Sunday evening and the first thing she asked was, how was the walk? And everyone? She was sorry she missed it.

Had a really nice time again this year at the walk. Was great to see everyone. Thank you so much Alan for all the hard work and nice weather you brought. Sorry I couldn't join you at the house afterward as I had to get back to Waretown. Hope you all had fun and I will see you at the River Run.

Highpoint of the morning was seeing Reggie finishing the walk so fast that even Bob missed her passing the finish line!
that last photo says so much:smile:
You are all part of our family and I can't say how much it means to have you here year after year to support this cause. Unfortunately you never had the chance to meet Michelle, you would have loved her and she definitely would have loved all of you!

I'd say that in a way we have met Michelle by knowing both your awesome kids: Karen and Josh. We know the parts that are you, so figure the other parts are Michelle. :smile:

We'd say she was pretty special too!
I'd say that in a way we have met Michelle by knowing both your awesome kids: Karen and Josh. We know the parts that are you, so figure the other parts are Michelle. :smile:

We'd say she was pretty special too!

Well said Poohkie!!!
Where's the 2013 thread? Who's coming, where's the NSXCA link on the City of Hope web page? I went to sign up and contribute, and I can't find us? I'm in with Nancy, who else? I have to donate, but there's no team yet!!!!!
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Yes. did you?

Here it is!

Sign up for the Team and Join us on June 2!

We have a great time together for a super cause as well as get to hang out for the day with your NSX friends. Hey, you'll be taking your NSX out for a drive anyway, why not join us and support this so important cause.

If you've never been, this is the year you should.

If you can't make it in person, we would love to have you support the NSXCA team or choose a team member to support (choose me, choose me, choose me).

The City of Hope is a non-profit that supports amazing Cancer research while having low administrative costs. You can check them out here:
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Here it is!

Sign up for the Team and Join us on June 2!

We have a great time together for a super cause as well as get to hang out for the day with your NSX friends. Hey, you'll be taking your NSX out for a drive anyway, why not join us and support this so important cause.

If you can't make it in person, we would love to have you support the NSXCA team or choose a team member to support (choose me, choose me, choose me).

The City of Hope is a non-profit that supports amazing Cancer research while having low administrative costs. You can check them out here:

If you've never been, this is the year you should.
Alright Carla, Nancy and I are signed up, Alan has once again "guaranteed" great weather. C'mon everyone, this is a great cause, help support a cause that's near and dear to all of us, and in memory of a woman, that while most of us never had the pleasure to meet, after all the years of participating, I feel that I knew her too.
By the way, rumors of Angelina Jolie leading the race this year, have not yet been confirmed. Sign up, show up, and find out if it's true!!!!
Oh, and if you can't come, as Carla said, donate, and choose Nancy. I won't promote myself like Carla does. She's a "shameless" woman, she is!!!!