Thank God for my helmet

19 February 2003
Hi all, on my bicycle ride sunday i went down hard. i was riding with my neighbor and i was following. i dont recall the accident but he said my frt tire must have went into a separation in the asphalt. i have been riding that road for years and never thought it would happen to me, i guess because i've logged thousands of miles on bikes/motorcycles withour incident, i might have been overconfident.

i felt like i was waking from a bad dream with people asking me questions i could not answer.... age day month etc. when reality hits me i am in a helicopter on route to shock trauma. i am getting real nervous because i cannot take a full breath in. i am thankful to everyone involved, an elderly lady saw me go down and was there before my riding partner (he didnt notice right away), an off duty paramedic was there in 30 seconds and the chopper in about 5 min. this is what my neighbor told me. luckily i escaped with a fractured clavicle and rib. i was told the broken rib makes it hard to breathe. by thurs i was able to take a full breath in and what a great feeling that is.

i am still in much pain and my right side took the brunt of the blow. i had a cheap specialized helmet that saved me. the outer gold portion was gone in the area of impact. my scalpwas very red and sore where the helmet hit. it must have been a pretty hard wack to have lossed my short term memory, i cannot imagine the damage had i not been wearing it. he estimated we were going about 15-17 mph. i sure do miss driving the nsx already.
Ouch, sorry to hear that, bud. :(

Thank God you were wearing a helmet!
Wish you a speedy and full recovery.

I had my share of fall and bust. I was riding my bike once and the front tire just flew off for no reason. The front fork went down and dug in and I flew over the handle-bar. Fortunately it was on a grassy area and there was no serious harm.
You are indeed very fortunate to have walked away with those minor injuries. The helmet definitely saved your live. Just two weeks ago a colleauge of mine died as the result of a bicycle accident. He fell in his driveway and broke his neck.

When something life threatening happens it makes one realize how precious life is.

Good luck and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Glad to hear you got great help through your incident.
Had a few broken ribs myself - not fun - especially when your "friends" try to make you laugh.
This is what happens -

Hope you heal quickly!
eventful recovery...

hmmm, i'm happy to hear that you're ok. all the bests' on a speedy recovery. throw down a prayer, someone was lookin' after you. . . =)
Yes, Thank <B>God</B> for your helmet. Incredible that you're not in worse shape. Incredibly fortunate.

And even more of a miracle, despite suffering short-term memory loss, you still remember Prime! LOL :D

Hope you make a quick and full recovery.
hlweyl said:
i am still in much pain and my right side took the brunt of the blow. i had a cheap specialized helmet that saved me. the outer gold portion was gone in the area of impact. my scalpwas very red and sore where the helmet hit. it must have been a pretty hard wack to have lossed my short term memory, i cannot imagine the damage had i not been wearing it. he estimated we were going about 15-17 mph. i sure do miss driving the nsx already.

Glad to hear you are okay, I know the feeling.

In 1995 I went off a sixty-foot cliff at 80mph out side of Denver Colorado on my motorcycle. I flew over sixty yards through trees and landed in a creek.

I was paralyzed fron the waist down and spent two years in a wheel chair. After years of hard work and determination, I know walk with only a noticeable limp.

Wearing a full-face helmet saved my life; with out it, I wouldn’t have had a chance. Although my body took a serious beating, the helmet saved what little intelligence I had left to get me back up and running.
Well this sucks! I had a follow up x-ray and nuclear bone scan today and it turns out i have 7 fractured ribs (4 on the back and 3 on the front) and my clavicle is over an inch displaced. It feels exactly like it looks too. Probably need surgery :(
Damn, hlweyl. Sorry to hear about this. Get well soon!
When something life threatening happens it makes one realize how precious life is.
I would add, it makes one realized how fragile our human body is...

hlweyl, get well soon, hey at least you can browse on internet and forget the pain. well kind of ;)
Luckily no surgery needed. Three different doctors all said that the clavicle (collar bone) should heal. They said even if the bones do not create a union, it should still be painless and they would not do anything. Apparently surgery in that area is suprisingly dangerous as there is a nerve bundle and the subclavian artery right there. I took some pictures of the xray and nuclear bone scan if anyone is interested.

My wife has been driving my NSX at least once a week in my absence. I sure do miss it!
xray The arrows both point the the fractured ends of the right clavicle. Should the ends fuse, the bone should be about the size of a ping pong ball.

Here is the nuclear scan. It involves getting an injection of a radioactive isotope, waiting several hours, then imaging. Much more sensitive than an xray. The arrows point to the fractures, they light up like a christmas tree light when there is a break.

In my years of road and mountain biking, I have had more than my share of crashes and injuries. Mountain biking you get hurt. Road riding you get injured. My helmet has saved my head more times than I want to think about. Make sure that your helmet is not damaged. Most of the manufacturers will swap you a new one if you damaged it. They charge an "inspection" fee, but if it was a quality piece, still way cheaper than new. Get well!
You wear a GOLD helmet? :D :D Well, good to hear that it worked! Makes me consider wearing a helmet now....I grew up in countries where no one really weawrs a helmet for bike riding. :eek: